Sports Betting Forum

Should there be a sports betting forum on the site?

  • Yes

    Votes: 16 50.0%
  • No

    Votes: 16 50.0%

  • Total voters


It’s been suggested that we should create a new forum dedicated to sports betting, moving across any existing threads that make reference to sports trading systems and the like.

There appears to be a few parallels between trading and sports betting but some have argued it’s better to keep the focus soley on trading. What do you think?

Should there be a sports betting forum on the site?
Thanks to those who have voted so far. Anyone else care to share their view?
Sharky said:
Anyone else care to share their view?
By voting, you mean, or by "heckling"? (says he, getting ready to do both ...) 🙂

It would be interesting and I don't deny that I'd look at it, but I think maybe it might be a mistake for T2W, because maybe 👍our efforts would be better directed to attracting some more serious and successful traders who can share their views with us. Obviously one can only speak for oneself, but I'd be a bit sorry to see a sports forum here. I think that it might further reduce the chances of the opportunity to share out some expert trading insights and education.

I really don't want to sound in any way churlish or critical, because I'm very pleased and happy with T2W, but I think that "dr_d_michaelson", for instance, is quite right in his recent posts on the boards: some expert traders from whom the likes of me could learn a lot really _do_ refrain from posting here, even if they might sometimes "lurk", because of the reception they always attract from the whingers and doom-mongers. Sorry if I _appear_ to have changed the subject ... I probably haven't explained myself very articulately, but I think these two things really are potentially connected.

Meanwhile, many thanks to yourself and your staff for all the excellent work here!
It is a difficult one and there is a fine balance between expanding the content of the Forum and losing sight of the original objective. I have voted for it on the basis that it should be beneficial to those who have a real interest in sports betting, the downside is that T2W might get flooded by the 'never do well brigade' and they may in turn force out the more serious members.
The fact that so few people have replied means that there's no demand for it, Sharky! 🙂
Thanks for your comments guys, as Roberto says the small response may well be indicative of a lack of demand for it, plus the poll comes out against it - so there seems to reason to take this idea any further.
My view is that most on these boards seem to be (like me) more or less full time traders. That is, we have decided to (try) make our living from trading.
Therefore, this community is (or should be) by definition disciplined in their approach to making money.
A specific forum on sports trading will lead to a huge diversity of subjects and opinions and therefore I do not feel that it has value. However, I think that any methodical approach to making money be it stocks, indices, forex or sports has merit. There are several threads on specific areas of what is normally considered non trading. IMHO these threads are interesting and have significant merit in that all of us can learn of alternative ways to secure an income.
I think there is a need! I love betting at and really looking for some people who are into the sports as well. I am not that seasoned yet, but I am looking forward in finding people like who wants to become much better (and richer of course)