Doubling the bankroll every 3 months with Sports Betting?


I have been trading stocks for 4 years. Well technically buying and holding. Since i started my portfolio grew 50%. All long term stocks and I haven't sold a single stock that I bought yet. In a span 1 month, Corona Virus ate all my gain from 4 years and some more. I was doing some research since then and landed on an interesting article stock market vs sports betting and line there caught my attention: "The biggest advantage for sports bettors is that their performance is recession proof since it solely depends on their ability to handicap the game and find edge. That means the capital will be unaffected from stock market crash and can still bring in steady income during poor economic periods. "

I am curious if any of you here who does stock trading, also do sports betting. If so, i would love hear your experience. The money management article at bettingresource explains a compounding strategy where you trade no more than 3% of the bankroll on a game and by doing this the bankroll can be doubled on average every 3 months. Upon further research elsewhere I read that most sports trading or betting places have limits on how much you can trade/bet per game and these limits are lowered if you happen to be successful. Does this mean that if you are successful in sports betting, your potential to invest large amounts has a low ceiling?
That's when friends come in useful to spread the bets if the company is nervous.
I have been trading stocks for 4 years. Well technically buying and holding. Since i started my portfolio grew 50%. All long term stocks and I haven't sold a single stock that I bought yet. In a span 1 month, Corona Virus ate all my gain from 4 years and some more. I was doing some research since then and landed on an interesting article stock market vs sports betting and line there caught my attention: "The biggest advantage for sports bettors is that their performance is recession proof since it solely depends on their ability to handicap the game and find edge. That means the capital will be unaffected from stock market crash and can still bring in steady income during poor economic periods. "

I am curious if any of you here who does stock trading, also do sports betting. If so, i would love hear your experience. The money management article at bettingresource explains a compounding strategy where you trade no more than 3% of the bankroll on a game and by doing this the bankroll can be doubled on average every 3 months. Upon further research elsewhere I read that most sports trading or betting places have limits on how much you can trade/bet per game and these limits are lowered if you happen to be successful. Does this mean that if you are successful in sports betting, your potential to invest large amounts has a low ceiling?

Hi Ryan,
A little late to this forum, but I've been trading on currencies for many years now (probably 6 years) and in the last 2 years I've started sports betting... Obviously the tax free advantage is very nice... The transition between FX trading and sports betting has actually been pretty simple. The data is basically the same (you search for statistical information that can give you an idea of what "could happen" then you look at what is actually happening in the football match, tennis match etc and make a choice)...

But overall the profits are better in sports betting than in FX... I'm still using 1% of my balance when betting and using the "in-play" option to exit the bet if nothing happens or it starts to go against me... So in that regard, it's similar to stop losses (obviously, you have to manually exit the bet, rather than an auto exit option)...

But happy with the results.
I have been trading stocks for 4 years. Well technically buying and holding. Since i started my portfolio grew 50%. All long term stocks and I haven't sold a single stock that I bought yet. In a span 1 month, Corona Virus ate all my gain from 4 years and some more. I was doing some research since then and landed on an interesting article stock market vs sports betting and line there caught my attention: "The biggest advantage for sports bettors is that their performance is recession proof since it solely depends on their ability to handicap the game and find edge. That means the capital will be unaffected from stock market crash and can still bring in steady income during poor economic periods. "

I am curious if any of you here who does stock trading, also do sports betting. If so, i would love hear your experience. The money management article at bettingresource explains a compounding strategy where you trade no more than 3% of the bankroll on a game and by doing this the bankroll can be doubled on average every 3 months. Upon further research elsewhere I read that most sports trading or betting places have limits on how much you can trade/bet per game and these limits are lowered if you happen to be successful. Does this mean that if you are successful in sports betting, your potential to invest large amounts has a low ceiling?
Thank you. I am yet learning to do the sports betting.
I am not sure that you can do that with sports betting. I mean it depends, but from what I know this is impossible. Betting is more of a luck game, you can't be sure there that you will always win. I would rather recommend you to try online casinos, or poker. This is more of a safer and real ways to win money, if you know how to play obviously. If you are interested I can leave you the link of the platform where I play the way this is my personal opinion, and maybe I can be wrong about betting.
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