Sports Betting Arbitrage??

The easiest trade out there is time arbitrage.
Most televised sporting events have a delay of a few seconds.
You send your mate to the event. Get him to text / tell you the score live.
Immediate pure, wonderful trading.

But you wont be the only one....... so you'll be in a tech race. Server placement, mms speed, etc etc.

Back in the day we used to go to Cheltenham races and do this. Take a laptop and connect it via mobile phone. You could lay horses at odds on prices on the final straight that obviously weren't gonna win. Happy days, but stopped working after the bookies got satellite uplinks.
I am a sports arbitrage trader but know little about the financial markets - I would be curious to know if anyone actually successfully arbs financial or forex markets, or even if it's possible to do by a trader with a home set up.

I use to arb using the Saxo feeds and MT4 brokers. I wrote the APP in C++ and MQl4 using a DLL and it made a lot of profits. However, after some months Hotforex closed down my accounts. I had to move on ...
sports arbitrage trading

Yes, I got some excellent results for a short time between 2 SB co's- then the loop hole was firmly shut!

hi regarding the discussion on sports arbitrage if i could just offer a few thoughts etc .

1 i was a trader for more than 4 years and yes you can make money arbing but it is not easy, probably like everything , if it was easy money it would be kept quiet.
2. i have made 2704 arb trades.
3. i decided 5 years ago i wanted my own software , it has now finally been finished ( and more than 50k too )
4. because of the cost i now want to sell some programs , just $49.00 a month , only 2 arbs would pay the sub??
5. without software it is not possible to say how long arbs last for before the bookie changes the odds, during the development of , ( no www), there i got the name of my site in, i was very surprised to see how long some arbs did last for , in the lead up to the new season for say the EPL ( maybe 5/7 days out from the start of the season) some arbs were lasting for more than 24 hours.
6 . in my site i give the exact time ( and date ) the arb was found ( in GMT)
7. yes bookies will find you because of the "funny " amounts you have to wager in an arb returning say 2%, certainly some will limit you , there are 7 bookies out there who are recognized as being real bookies and do not care if you are an arber or not, after all any wager made with a bookie by an arber is exactly the same as one made by an ordinary old punter, it will win or lose.
8. of course there will be times when a bookie will make a genuine mistake with his odds, i want nothing to do with any arb where a bookie makes a mistake and i have a maximum filter in my arbs tables of 11% return , ( the bookie will just void the wager when he wakes up that he has made a mistake anyway)
8. regarding any arb service taking you directly to the bookies site in the arb , . competition . match and odds i have them where possible , this feature is not possible in all instances , some bookies require you to log in to your account before you can get to the odds.( 5dimes and cris are 2 that come quickly to mind) 9. regarding the funny amounts you have to wager and the fact that in say a 2%^ return arb and you cannot do much about it , in my back / back arbs ( i also have back/lay arbs and mixed asian handicaps / cross market arbs ) i have an option called , " biased bets " , the wager amounts required for each wager is also given .
in a biased bet ( could also be called a "saver bet " ) what you do is to put the maximum amount on say the favourite while leaving just enough of your total stake ( $ 1000,00 is our default ) to wager on the underdog to cover your 2 stakes
so you either you win with your favourite bet or you get all of your money back
the returns are much higher with biased bets and you CAN fiddle with your wager amounts, of course you can bias bet on the underdog for bigger return OR you can make biased bets on the fav and the underdog for a guaranteed win .
why do you not hear more about biased bets ? , because the odds have to be in an arbitrage situation for the maths to work , so you have to have a supply of B/B arbs
10. another quick plug if it is allowed , i have a 12 day free trial , and that is full access to all of the arbs .

thanks donar
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