sports arbitrage trading



anyone in here seriously engaged in sports arbitrage trading? I just joined the forum, so still making my way around.

I'm in to sports arb trading and would like to share with similars.

That one is quite biased. I'm into sports arb trading fro about 18 months now professionally. Though there were others here to share with - on different services, bookmakers, etc.

Arbing is not such a bad idea, especially after a few really good services came on the market the past few months.


Mayfly said:
Hi sportstrader,

I'm not into it personally, but i'm told that this is quite a good site to start with:



Well, I guess it’s a point of view – but if you know about some better ones, perhaps you’d like to share them with us? 😎


Based on my research and trial of basically ANY arb service available, I came to the following shortlist:

1. - a market maker in the past, now a bit too useless with the new players online - incorrect data and not that much in the light of others.
2. surebetpro - good but have a MLM side to it which makes me stay away and a bit suspicious
3. - the service I use for over 6 months now - great data, in most of the cases the first to deliver it, variety of bookies and sports and a range of packs available. Quite flexible indeed with perfect cust support.

There could be smth I'm missing that's why I wanted to get such a discussion starter in here.

depends on how you measure success. I'm pretty happy with the results i'm making. zerorisk - i know that review site praising it but i think data there is a bit too old-dated. things have changed on the market alot this past year or so and the guy never updated his opinion
right now i'm making about 20% monthly (after some experience of course) doing 20-30 good arbs daily with about using 20 bookies or so.
right now i'm making about 20% monthly (after some experience of course) doing 20-30 good arbs daily with about using 20 bookies or so.

I looked into doing this once but rejected it precisely because you win small and you need to do a lot of "trades" every day to make a meaningful amount of money. And that assumes you can get the arb on before the odds change which can be difficult can't it ?

You must be spending a lot of time each day to do that level of business and you must need to be superbly organised.

There must also be a lot of work in moving money around from bookie to bookie and transferring it back to bank. Not sure I would be happy leaving it on deposit with bookies.

But if you are making good money, then good luck to you.
ferrari1 said:
Well I just mean how much money are you making! What sort of capital have you started with and how many arbs do you do a day?

oddsandbets provided nearly 1500 arbs yesterday ALONE! Surely you can trade that many!

I was into Sports Arbitrage for about 5 months but to be honest I found that Arb trading takes up far too much time for the returns you receive.

Most of the pay sites promise around 500-1000 arbs per day but they neglect to tell you that 95% of these arbs are all relating to the same event! I tried out for a month at £149 and after spending a considerable amount of time going to all the betting websites (sometimes 20-25 different bookmakers), to place all of the bets, to deposit money, to withdraw money, I made £320 (£170 profit). I might as well have got a second job for how long it took and for the amount of money I made!

I also tried free sites to cut down on the expenses, such as and but these takes up even more time searching for arbs.
You will also require a large amount of capital to get started (+£3000, to make it worth while) as it takes usually 3-6 days for payouts to reach your bank account, and you will want to trade arbs during those 3-6 days so you need extra capital.

If your aim is to generate more income so that you have more free time, then in my experience, sports arbitrage trading does not do this. If you dont mind exchanging your free time for extra income then sports arbitrage might suit you.

If you really want to generate more income and more free time, then you need to get yourself on to an investment seminar and start getting educated. Get educated about investing in the stock market, property and other vehicles. I went to Darren Winters' stock market investing course in February and it has changed my life and the way I think about working for money. I am still paper trading at the moment but I plan to start investing small in the UK stock market for real in June. Its not a get rich quick scheme but I believe it is going to get me to where I want to be in the few years. Also if you're interested another influencial book I've read was Rich Dad Poor Dad, you can check it out at

Kind Regards and happy trading

nobel_1101 said:
I went to Darren Winters' stock market investing course in February and it has changed my life ...
Oh dear ... the conversation's just taken a _very_ ugly turn. 😢
You only have to read what is written about this person on T2W to figure out what kind of a person he is.

Just do a search on Darren Winters and read all you can and while you're at it you might as well throw in Vince Stanzione too. If you are wanting to buy snake oil, these two should be able to sort you out .
Salty Gibbon said:
You only have to read what is written about this person on T2W to figure out what kind of a person he is.

Just do a search on Darren Winters and read all you can and while you're at it you might as well throw in Vince Stanzione too. If you are wanting to buy snake oil, these two should be able to sort you out .

LOL. Being new to this message board I didn't realise there was so much dislike of Darren Winters! One thing though that I do find amusing is that these people attack the credibility of the man but don't attack the credibility of his teachings. Have any of these people actually been on the 2 day course??
I didn't realise there was so much dislike of Darren Winters!

One point that should be made is that there is dislike of almost anyone and everyone on T2W.

Darren Winters and Vince Stanzione just happen to be near the top of a lot of people's (s)hit-list.
Yes, I bought some VS stuff many moons ago and I was led to believe the whole thing was a piece of the proverbial urine.

Here I am 2 years later and I am nowhere near millionaire status.

Sonofabreadbasket !!