Spiriton Media Group

Originally Posted by makki83  
From a few day's a men called "andrew curtis" calls me. He wants to bye my shares of spirit on media  He works for smith an dolton in Hong Kong 

I still have the SOM Shares on my bankgingaccount, what should i do? to sell them, i dont think that they will rise up!

Sorry about my english!

Hi Makki83

To answer your question, it really is up to you if you want to sell and taking on board everything people have said here the options could be endless but i think the following need to be answered by yourself first;
1) Are you being asked for money upfront to process the deal?
If Yes; don't sell!!
If No; see No. 2
2) Is the price being offered per share a good one for yourself?
If Yes; It's your choice to sell, but I would contact Investor Relations first to see what they think. Although I am pretty sure they will tell you not too, it is your choice, so you need to do what you think is right.
If No; don't sell!! Hold on and see what happen's.

I cannot offer you any firm advice in selling your shares, but if the only charge you will have is YOUR brokers fee's and the price is right, it would seem a no brainer to sell. However if you don't need the money right away, hold on for a few months and see what happens. I'm sure this 'Andrew Curtis' won't mind waiting a few months??


You're being setup to have your money stolen from you.

Your shares are worthless so why does anyone want to buy them? In order to steal from you that's why.

The person who wants to buy them will first get you to pay them some money. Pay that and it WILL be stolen from you.

Please do the sensible thing and ignore people that want to buy these shares, they are ALL conmen.
Makki, whatever you do, don't send any more more in to sell the shares. Tell them to take their commissions from the proceeds and you'll see them back off. Anley is right. You will lose your money. Also, I was just checking the stock quote on Yahoo finance and it shows bid zero- ask .03. I repeat! bid 0-ask .03. So that means no traders want to take in shares at any price. Big Fat ZERO. I guess the price is meaningless according to their Investors relations. What do all you investors think now? If they were doing so well, then where are the financials? And how can they say they are doing so well and great expectations when there is nothing to prove it? Now they want us to fill in all the documents again to lay claim to our shares and now the value is zero. Now what do we do?
Hi All

We all seem to be in the same boat here, waiting for the SOM to hit land and find gold. Only problem is all we can see at the moment is the ocean. All we can do is fill in the forms with the information requested, yes again, and take it from there. We are all very frustrated some more so than others, Makki83 seems to be in the best position in that he has he's shares to trade albeit at Zero cents.

Paul Miller made reference to the various blogs in his last e-mail update stating he wasn't going to give them affirmation of what is being speculated. He also stated that the accounts would be available for 30th July, 9 days time. We've waited this long, 9 days isn't going to make much difference. If this date passes then all SOM Investors must send an e-mail demanding a company AGM, which is well over due, to thrash out the IR and Share issuing problems. If the AGM is agreed then I think we should also push for this to be an information gathering day where POSTBANK are present to have our shares deposited into our nominee accounts?

As for Makki83 having someone interested in his shares, well if it's not going to cost him anything and he can break even/make a profit I say go for it. BUT as per everyone's comments Makki83 do not pay this guy/company anything in advance as SOMSHARES rightly says let them make their money from the commission.


Hi All

We all seem to be in the same boat here, waiting for the SOM to hit land and find gold. Only problem is all we can see at the moment is the ocean. All we can do is fill in the forms with the information requested, yes again, and take it from there. We are all very frustrated some more so than others, Makki83 seems to be in the best position in that he has he's shares to trade albeit at Zero cents.

Paul Miller made reference to the various blogs in his last e-mail update stating he wasn't going to give them affirmation of what is being speculated. He also stated that the accounts would be available for 30th July, 9 days time. We've waited this long, 9 days isn't going to make much difference. If this date passes then all SOM Investors must send an e-mail demanding a company AGM, which is well over due, to thrash out the IR and Share issuing problems. If the AGM is agreed then I think we should also push for this to be an information gathering day where POSTBANK are present to have our shares deposited into our nominee accounts?

As for Makki83 having someone interested in his shares, well if it's not going to cost him anything and he can break even/make a profit I say go for it. BUT as per everyone's comments Makki83 do not pay this guy/company anything in advance as SOMSHARES rightly says let them make their money from the commission.


Dear Mugsgame, My limit order with HB Markets of 3 pence has not been filled today..Nor has an order for 5 pence been filled. This might, and I say might be the end of the dumping of Caribbean Island Traders.Best of luck, oldoneleg

Why don't you enter a market order that was suggested by their IR person. That would certain help the cause and "mop" up the selling from those darn buggers from CIT. Come on, be a good sport.....

P.S. You'd have to show me your trade tic to prove it cause if they got a quote of .03 on the stock showing, they would have to fill your order or move up the price. You say you also put in at .05. They would have to sell to you at the ask price of .03 first5 then move the price up. The market would not function properly if traders would not honor their quotes. It's .03 on the ask and no one bought at that price. Maybe your broker dropped the ticket on the floor?
If you want a guaranteed bet then always bet on the Sun rising in the east.

If you want another guaranteed bet, bet on the accounts not being released on 30th July.

This company are spinning investors with pure crap. The shares are zero bid for a reason.
Hi All

I don't profess to understand all this Limit Order stuff, nor why a broker has not honoured the ticket, but if people don't want to sell then it stands to reason people can't buy? Which in this market pushes the price up?, well it can't go down any further! LOL!

As for the accounts, we can only wait and see what happens! As I said before we've waited for 2-4 years for this to come to fruition so another 7 days is not going to be a problem.
'Who now's this time next year Rodney, we might be Millionaires!!!!' or making a major tax write-off!! LOL!!!

Chin up peeps, as Anley said the sun will keep rising! And I'd like to add we'll have to keep paying our taxes!!!

Well Mugs,

I guess your right on that one. Tax loss on this one. Does anyone know how to claim a loss if we don't have certificates. How do you go about taking a loss?

We can't sell because of no certs so how do you declare a loss? Anybody know?

Hi All

I don't profess to understand all this Limit Order stuff, nor why a broker has not honoured the ticket, but if people don't want to sell then it stands to reason people can't buy? Which in this market pushes the price up?, well it can't go down any further! LOL!

As for the accounts, we can only wait and see what happens! As I said before we've waited for 2-4 years for this to come to fruition so another 7 days is not going to be a problem.
'Who now's this time next year Rodney, we might be Millionaires!!!!' or making a major tax write-off!! LOL!!!

Chin up peeps, as Anley said the sun will keep rising! And I'd like to add we'll have to keep paying our taxes!!!

Here's a juicy deal for anyone wanting to buy this piece of crap.

Send me 50% of your bargain size, you keep the other 50%.

Doing it that way means you'll only lose half your cash instead of all of it. Yes, you might laugh but sadly it's true.

PS. Love the bit about the mysterious seller lurking in the Caribbean, no doubt they're billed as a hedge fund just to give the story some juice - guys whoever's telling you this crap is taking you for a fool, believe me please (and you won't lose anymore money)
Here's a juicy deal for anyone wanting to buy this piece of crap.

Send me 50% of your bargain size, you keep the other 50%.

Doing it that way means you'll only lose half your cash instead of all of it. Yes, you might laugh but sadly it's true.

PS. Love the bit about the mysterious seller lurking in the Caribbean, no doubt they're billed as a hedge fund just to give the story some juice - guys whoever's telling you this crap is taking you for a fool, believe me please (and you won't lose anymore money)

Sorry Anley, but you have completely confused me?? was this meant for another blog?
It's very simple - if anyone buys anymore shares in the company they WILL lose 100% of their money.

So a better deal, for those that want to buy, is to send me 50% of the money and they keep the other 50%, ie DON'T buy the shares.

Doing it that way the person will only lose 50% of their money and not the full 100%, which is a far better deal.

As for the 'Caribbean shareholders' they are a complete smokescreen to give 'managment' some excuse to tell the poor shareholders that call up wanting to know what's going on. It's a sexy excuse so to speak but like I said it's complete ********.

Summary - All I'm trying to do is to stop people losing more money on this pile of monkey crap so I hope some people will listen.
Dear All,
Received the latest update, very informative and gave me confidence to put in another order with HB Markets.
The order was filled, 16,000 for 2 1/2 cents about £400.
My original investment 2 years ago cost 17 cents per share.
In the last 6 weeks I have bought at 11, 10, 4, and 2 1/2 and will keep buying.
Dear All,
Received the latest update, very informative and gave me confidence to put in another order with HB Markets.
The order was filled, 16,000 for 2 1/2 cents about £400.
My original investment 2 years ago cost 17 cents per share.
In the last 6 weeks I have bought at 11, 10, 4, and 2 1/2 and will keep buying.

Good luck with that, last I heard it was 0 cents bid.
Dear All,
Received the latest update, very informative and gave me confidence to put in another order with HB Markets.
The order was filled, 16,000 for 2 1/2 cents about £400.
My original investment 2 years ago cost 17 cents per share.
In the last 6 weeks I have bought at 11, 10, 4, and 2 1/2 and will keep buying.

All you have to do now is buy at 2, then 1 and you'll hold a full flush of completly worthless shares.

Surely you must have worked out there's something wrong with a company whose share price loses 88% over a year. But still you buy and have faith 🙂
Hi All

Can someone answer a few of questions for me please?

1) SOM is a trading company and the group is shown to be making strategic market purchases to move the company forward!! If this was a scam would you expect that type of business to be taking place?
2) The IR updates are now becoming much more regular and the information is very heartening!! So why would scammers want to waste their time over worthless shares? As oldoneleg pointed out, his just bought 16,000 shares for £400!!! Sorry but from reading all about scammers they're not going to waste their time for a pitiful amount like that?
3) Does anyone know of a company that has done this type of thing before? I.E. Had major IR problems which has delayed the issuing of the share certificates to the investors? Bearing in mind the fraud inflicted on SOM by the known scammers behind the ALV group!
and 4) Know a company that has had such a low share price and bounced back?

In my view SOM have made mistakes and are now correcting those mistakes and moving the company forward!!! We just have to watch this space.

1. How do you know they are doing this? From the press releases they issue themselves? Do you have any proof that this is the case?

2. Again all you have is their word for it. Why wouldn't a scammer take £400 off someone, it's free money and it helps convince others to do the same.
In my view SOM have made mistakes

You think so with a shareprice that's dropped 88% over the last year 🙂

We're not saying that the company is a scam, just that it's shareholders have probably been stuffed up by scammers selling phoney shares. AND they will continue to be badgered by the scammers as one fella on this thread found out recently.

But what is clear is the company is a complete mess and probably broke, hence the 88% price drop in the last year and probably 99% drop from its all time high.

Common sense, and NOT 'hope' is the correct way to approach investments and common sense says the company is a piece of monkey crap. Share prices don't lie for that long............
Here's a question to ask that fella connected with the company that keeps telling people 'hold on, we're working on something big'.

Ask him how many shares the directors have bought over the last year. But also ask him where this information can be found as it's in the public domain.

My bet is this - he'll say 'managment have been buying large, but sorry we cannot supply proof of this due to some lame excuse'.

Which roughly translates as this 'I'm lying and continuing to string the poor punters along'.