Spiriton Media Group

Dear mugsgame:
You might have all the patience in the world but how do you explain to us why we have not received our share certificates up to now which has been over a year and a half since it started trading on the market? You never mentioned anything about that in your brief. How do you feel now that the stock is close to worthless when it was over 3 Euros and you should have been able to sell if you wanted?

You mention ALV Group. I haven't heard a thing from them in over 2 years! I'm basing my frustration on information coming from the company itself and through Mr. Miller who it appears is just passing information from the company to the UK investors…. hardly an ethical way to have an Investors Relations Dept run. As an official officer in IR for the company, his opinion should not even come into the picture! And the fact that he is a shareholder certainly provides prejudice in his own opinion. If you have read his letters, it is perfectly clear that he is promoting the purchase of more shares to the investors! Even to the fact that he is directing them to certain Broker Dealers in the UK who will handle the trades. Even with the shallow disclaimer, it is clear that he is offering advice. Miller:" Nevertheless, my opinion is that the risk of loss is now vanishingly small while the potential for huge reward is very great."

To BUY more shares and that the current price is irrelevant. That was when the price was at .20 cents! So, now that the price is at .02 cents, should I feel the price is still irrelevant?? If Mr. Miller is to make such outlandish statements shouldn't he be held accountable?? This is not meant to be an attack on Mr. Miller, but on the very essence of the whole matter. If more people are following his advice and losing more money, shouldn't someone speak up? All comments are welcomed.

Well Said!
From Paul Miller himself:

Read some of his promotional comments and explain to me how he can work as the IR officer and stock promoter at the same time??

A bit bias, don't you think?

The disclaimer is just an foolish reminder.

From: Paul Miller [mailto😛[email protected]]
Sent: 24 June 2010 17:14
To: Paul Miller Gmail (Private)
Subject: Obtaining SOM shares on the Frankfurt Open Market

Note: This email has been sent as blind copies to a distribution list of 120 + UK Shareholders of Spirit on Media Group PLC.

Cc: All Spirit on Media Directors
David Hirst
Paul Morton

Dear Investors All
How to obtain SOM shares on the Frankfurt Open Market

In the Update (Mid June 2010), I stated that there is nothing to stop any of our investors with the ready cash from placing their own buy orders to purchase SOM shares. I also said that I would try to find a suitable broker who can and will handle this. I am pleased to announce that such a broker has now been found.

The stockbroker: HB Markets
The broker is HB Markets. This is a very large firm of stockbrokers who used to be known as “Hoodless Brennan”. However, the proof of the pudding is in the eating and so one of our investors, Tim Harrod, has checked out the whole procedure by opening an account with HB Markets, placing an order with them and receiving the shares into his account. You can see this proof in the attached document “Contract note”. (I have deleted some personal details for his privacy and security.)

Brokerage commissions
In addition to the cost of the shares there are also other charges. You will see from the contract note that Mr Harrod purchased 6,000 ordinary shares of Spirit on Media Group plc at €0.10 each. In this case, the cost for this trade was a £12 compliance charge + stamp duty + a commission charge of £20. The total charge was therefore £32.

For this broker, commission charges are in two stages: The first £0 to £10,000 = 1.65%: On the next £10,001 and above = 1%. There is a minimum Commission of £20 Per Trade. Compared to other brokers, this charge is reasonable for small quantities but expensive if it applies to larger quantities.

Therefore I would be inclined to use HB Markets only for the purpose of buying these small quantities of SOM shares and to use another broker for large share quantities. For any amount over £10,000 and HB will charge you 1%. Other brokers charge progressively less for larger orders down to 0.25%.

Advantages of buying SOM shares
The CEO Udo Schaar, in a communication with Mr Harrod, stated: QUOTE: ...thank you very much with the pro-active move to pick up stock at the bottom in case the initial owners of CT are going to sell the rest of their holdings, which I actually hope they do so that we can finally shake away this plague. I am still amazed they do not realize the actual value of the stock is well above 80 Euro Cents. UNQUOTE.

This is certainly an unparalleled opportunity for those with ready cash to obtain more SOM shares a ridiculously low price. These low prices will last only while the CIT’s continue to dump their shares.

In my opinion, this is a Win/Win situation. The advantages of Mopping up the CIT shares so cheaply are:

1. It is directly beneficial to the purchaser in that the price will increase in the next few months to probably ten times its current price or more.
2. It is beneficial to all investors as it will allow the price to climb due to the selling pressure from the CIT’s gradually dwindling to zero.
3. It is beneficial to SOM as raising the price to proper value levels aids in the presentations to institutional investors.

Claiming your bonus shares
Because this is beneficial to all parties, SOM wants to encourage this. SOM is therefore offering, for a limited time, to award a bonus of 10% stock to the purchasers of SOM stock. For example if you bought 1000 shares you would get 100 extra. This offer is open until 31st July but claimable up to the 31st August provided there is proof of purchase.

To make your claim, please forward a copy of the contract note to me as an email attachment. In order that the proper bonuses are recorded and awarded, I have been asked and have agreed to keep a register for this purpose.

Security Name
You will see that on the contract note, the security name is given as Caribbean ISL. This is because HB Markets have not yet updated their system – probably because the ticker symbol is not yet changed. However, the name is only a descriptive label and is therefore unimportant. Shares are actually bought and sold on their International Securities Identification Number (ISIN) not on the name. The ISIN for SOM is: GB00B3D15P06 which you can see shown both on the Frankfurt Exchange and on the attached contract note.

Opening an account
If you wish to catch this opportunity while it lasts, go to the HB Markets website which is: https://trading.hoodlessbrennan.com/V11/Application/TermsAndConditionsAdvisory.aspx

This will take you to the HB Markets “Terms & Conditions” page. Scroll to bottom of page and click “Accept” and it will then present the account opening forms to you. This takes just a few minutes to complete. HB’s compliance dept will then take up to two days to clear the application through their compliance department (anti money laundering regulations). After that, you will be able to place your order and fund your account online through a debit card.

You will be opening an “Advisory Broking” account. The other types of account are “Discretionary” where the broker acts for you without your input and “Execution only” which means no advice. In this case, execution only has to be done online through another broker TD Waterhouse which is not appropriate to our needs. Thus, in this case the advisory broking account is the one needed.

To actually purchase shares you will need to identify SOM through its ISIN number which again is: GB00B3D15P06

How to make the buy order using the right terminology:
If you place an order to buy shares at say €0.06 but the price is actually €0.10, your order will not be filled. You will miss out. It is best to place an order for say 5000 shares with a LIMIT of say €0.35. This means that if there are 1000 shares going at €0.10 you will get those and if there are another 10,000 shares going at €0.12 you will get 4000 of those. In other words you mop up the cheapest first. If you tell the broker “GOOD TILL CANCELLED”, your order will remain on the books until you cancel it.

So you might say “Buy 5,000 shares of SOM limit €0.35: Good till Cancelled”.

I hope this is helpful.

Kind Regards,

Paul Miller.

UK Investor Relations Representative
Spirit on Media Group plc
Tel: +44 (0) 2392 470294
Email: [email protected]

I have complete confidence in the Spirit On Media operation. This is based on a detailed and ongoing analysis that satisfies me to the extent that I have invested heavily in the operation. Because of this, I freely give my service as the UK Investor Relations Representative in part to pass on opinion and information received and in part to assist the company with its Investor Relations. This is an official appointment but entirely voluntary and unpaid. Because all investments carry a degree of risk I offer no guarantee either express or implied in any communication verbal or written of any outcome whatever. Nevertheless, my opinion is that the risk of loss is now vanishingly small while the potential for huge reward is very great.

Dear All
After reading this forum and being an SOMG investor myself, I can understand everyone's stance whether it be scam, legit or frustrated investor.

However as an investor, and while I too am very frustrated with all the broken promises, it does look that the company is trying to sort the IR mess out. As to Anley asking about the Auditors well this information has been passed on to those who have asked for it and it does prove correct. If individual investors want to know e-mail IR.

As for Paul Miller, in all the e-mails I have received he has never once offered investment advice, his asked mentioned that in his view it would be a good investment but stipulated that he could not offer exact investment advice. Also his disclaimer on all e-mails says it is purely in his own view no more, so as for his FSA membership it is irrelevant at this time. Secondly, whether it was a real address or not he did state this all his original e-mails with a contact number before being made the SOMG IR for the UK, surely there must be an investor nearby who could corroborate this information?

As for the restriction, this as far as I was aware was only imposed once the purchase of CIT was carried out to ensure a smooth floatation of the SOMG shares???

Whether SOMG is or isn't a scam only time will tell, however all the indications I have found over the last year have been good and the information flow has improved 110% from the when ALV Group, who were admittedly run by a group of well know scammers, and press releases relating to SMOG are increasing; so all we have to do is be patient and wait for our share certificates.

PS the shares have gone up from 0.02 to 0.05 as of the 9th July.
As Michael rightly points out the shares are 2cents bid. Now, I don't know of any 'good' company who's shares were once at 3 Euros but now stand at 2 cents (again, as M points out they're not 5 cents they're 2 cents bid and that's a big difference).

I'm sorry about your losses everyone and I'm trying to help here. I cannot get your money back but I can say this - write the shares off the money has either been lost on the shares or stolen by scammers.

But pay any more money in regards to your present shares or new shares you might be offered (or new investments from charming cold callers) and that too will disappear.

PS. Always be on the lookout for shilling scammers supporting this company on their first post.
Hi All

I can't answer any of your questions because I honestly don't know!!! I am just an investor who is fed up with people bad mouthing SOMG because they don't have a share certificate!!! What would you do if you had it??? Sell at 0.02cents???? Your time and effort would cost more than your return???

I do support the company because I have no reason not too at present!!! They are shown on internet searches to be buying more companies to add to the group, and while the company website isn't great at least it is a point of reference. Oh and before anyone says this could all be a front, I know that!!! But why would a scammer waste his/her time!! Once the site is created fine leave it.

As for Paul's investment advice, not being funny fellow SOMG investors, but all the major activity on the shares has really been since 30th June de-restriction date, and as we have already been told (who knows if its true) that these residual shares are those held by the original CIT investors who didn't want to sell when SOMG bought the company!! Having said this if you did take Paul's advice you would have to be a bit of a Muppet seeing as you don't even have your original share cert. (no offence oldoneleg).

As for buying the shares for €50 + admin fees you could have 2500 shares. So if the shares do go to the €3 mark suggested by SOMG directors when all the funding and legal paperwork is finalised you could be sitting on a tidy profit, or just thrown €50+ down the drain. If I had €50+ to waste I'd buy €30 in shares and then spend the rest on alcohol to drown my sorrows early and hope for the best.

SOMG is listed with companies house UK btw.

As for getting our shares, perhaps someone can help? MichaelC12 you state to ask your bank or broker to have the shares delivered to a nominated account.... what information do you give your broker to prove to them that the shares are indeed yours?

As for me being a shilling scammer, trust me I wouldn't bother adding fuel to this fire as it's already a very hot topic!!!

I like everyone else just want my share cert!!! No I'm not going to be investing anymore money in SOMG, well not until I can physically trade my own shares..... so I'm back to square one like all the other investors.... waiting for my share cert.

Basically if you are a true investor and want information just ask for it!! If your not happy, then do as Anley and others have said report Paul and SOMG to the FSA and BAFIN.
If you do let us know, as I'm sure all fellow SOMG investors will do the same so hopefully if we have been scammed something at least can be done about it!!!

Just so you know this only my 3rd investment, my first was in a company called Upgrade International because a good friend said they were going BIG!!! They didn't and he lost over £40k, my second was in ASOS when they floated way back when and I did make a few bob there, not as much as I would have done had I kept hold of them by hey!! And now SOMG which owes me a considerable amount of money which I do hope to see again..... even if it is only in a dream!!!!

Keep your fingers crossed and head up, no point looking for the penny's on the ground!!!
I have read this thread with interest.

Have any of the investors reported this scam to the FSA?

Even if you have now lost hope of getting your money back please report it as you may have a slim chance of compensation and also it might help prevent other people getting ripped off by the same group of scammers.
Hi All

As for buying the shares for €50 + admin fees you could have 2500 shares. So if the shares do go to the €3 mark suggested by SOMG directors when all the funding and legal paperwork is finalised you could be sitting on a tidy profit.

Sorry but a share that is currently bid at 0.2cents has virtually NO chance of rising 15,000%.

OK, I give you that it's possible but so is winning £10million for a £1 bet on the lottery. But thinking about that you'd all have a far better chance of making money via the lottery even though the odds are about 12,000,000/1.

Folks, the shares are at 2cents bid for a reason.

PS. Here's an idea which I haven't seen discussed. Has anyone actually read the company's latest AUDITED resport and accounts? I bet not, but I can guess what they'd show and it won't be pretty hence the shares are at 0.2 bid for a very good reason.

Just trying to be helpful and stop people wasting more money on this pile of monkey crap.
Looking at the company's website doesn't anyone think it's strange they don't list an address nor telephone number.

Personally I don't know of any other publicly quoted company that doesn't list this crucial bit of information.

Surely that's another clue about the real state of the company and what it's all about.

Also, looking through the website it tells people nothing, of course plenty of crappy corporate meaningless speak but that's all. Another big clue to what a piece of worthless crap this company actually is.

Investors - they're taking you for mugs - don't play their games anymore unless they start to provide you with cold hard facts. Number 1 should be the latest AUDITED set of report and accounts. However, ask for these and I'll bet the excuses will start...........But why not remind them that this information is in the public domain so (for a shareholder) it's unlawful for them NOT to provide it.
Hi All

Just to answer a couple of Anley's questions;

The audited accounts have not been signed off as yet, thats SOMGs official stance. These should, and i stress the should, be available after 16th July. This we will wait and see.

The SOMG web site does list a contact address and number in Germany as well as the UK address, which is as far as i know just a holding address from the CIT buy out. the address can be found under the legal tab.

Anley, just a question for you as you know far more about this game than i do; should the share holders automatically receive a copy of the audited accounts or do we have to request them?
If a shareholding is in your own name these should be automatically sent to you, but that's for a UK company.

if the shareholding is in a nominee name then you have to ask for them.

As for this year's accounts being late, who would have thought that. But here's a prediction you can stake your mortage on 0-the 16th of July will come (in 2 days) and it will then go and there will be no accounts available. But what there will be is plenty of excuses.

Sorry to be so cynical but I've seen this sort of behavoir so many times and it's textbook.

PS. If this year's accounts are late why not ask for last year's and see what they say about the financial state of the company.
Well you know whats coming next, sooner or later you're going to get a call from a 'broker' who says he can get rid of those Sprirton shares and swap them for shares in XYZ Ltd. All you have to do is to pay them a fee for this exchange, once you do that you will have your new certificates in XYZ Ltd. Of course what will really happen is that they will steal your fee and disappear.

This will go on until you finally realise that you were a mug to get involved in this from the start, until then you'll continue to give money to these thieves.
Listen to PB - he knows exactly how the game is played.

And when the 'man' calls guess what he'll be -

1. Well spoken and charming
2. He'll be 'on your side', and
3. Will seem to really know his stuff having a good answer to every question asked

However, that will all be an act because this is wht he really is - a lying dirty lowlife thief who is trying to steal your cash.

Please don't forget this as the scammers will either already have your number or they'll get it from the share register.
From a few day's a men called "andrew curtis" calls me. He wants to bye my shares of spirit on media :clap: He works for smith an dolton in Hong Kong 😎

I still have the SOM Shares on my bankgingaccount, what should i do? to sell them, i dont think that they will rise up!

Sorry about my english!
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From a few day's a men called "andrew curtis" calls me. He wants to bye my shares of spirit on media :clap: He works for smith an dolton in Hong Kong 😎

I still have the SOM Shares on my bankgingaccount, what should i do? to sell them, i dont think that they will rise up!

Sorry about my english!

Dear makki83,

Don`t sell just contact Paul Miller Investor Relations Spirit on Media and he will sort things out for you. Hopefully you will have a pleasant surprise.

Keep us posted on the outcome.

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From a few day's a men called "andrew curtis" calls me. He wants to bye my shares of spirit on media :clap: He works for smith an dolton in Hong Kong 😎

I still have the SOM Shares on my bankgingaccount, what should i do? to sell them, i dont think that they will rise up!

Sorry about my english!


He doesn't want to buy your shares, he wants to steal your money. He is NOT a broker, he's a scammer and a thief.

This is how it will work -

1. You get called out of the blue by a charming man offering to buy your worthless shares

2. He tries to entice you buy offering you a large profit. For example, say the shares are worth 4 cents, he'll say he has a buyer ready to pay 1 Euro

3. Now you get excited. But here's the scam - in order for his investor to buy the shares from you, you'll first have to pay a sum of money to 'release' the shares or perhaps to pay into some secure escorw account

4. Pay that money and it will be stolen because it's never been about buying your shares, always about stealing your money

Stay away from these types of people because they'll be calling you again and again trying to tempt you with big money but all the time they'll hit you with an advance payment. Hence this fraud is called an advance payment fraud.

Hope this helps/
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He doesn't want to buy your shares, he wants to steal your money. He is NOT a broker, he's a scammer and a thief.

This is how it will work -

1. You get called out of the blue by a charming man offering to buy your worthless shares

2. He tries to entice you buy offering you a large profit. For example, say the shares are worth 4 cents, he'll say he has a buyer ready to pay 1 Euro

3. Now you get excited. But here's the scam - in order for his investor to buy the shares from you, you'll first have to pay a sum of money to 'release' the shares or perhaps to pay into some secure escorw account

4. Pay that money and it will be stolen because it's never been about buying your shares, always about stealing your money

Stay away from these types of people because they'll be calling you again and again trying to tempt you with big money but all the time they'll hit you with an advance payment. Hence this fraud is called an advance payment fraud.

Hope this helps/

That exactly what will happen to you, read the boiler room scams thread and you'll see a hundred similar cases. You are on their mugs list and they will keep hitting you for more money
Dear makki83,

Don`t sell just contact Paul Miller Investor Relations Spirit on Media and he will sort things out for you. Hopefully you will have a pleasant surprise.

Keep us posted on the outcome.


thanks for the posts

I dont know paul miller, who is that? are u serious? what should i tell him?


thanks for the posts

I dont know paul miller, who is that? are u serious? what should i tell him?



Dear Marc,

I spoke to Paul Miller about an hour ago. Dimitri Ceccarelli is compiling the European share registry for SOM.

If you go on to the Spirit On Media Group Plc website you will see Paul Millers phone number.

Tell him how you bought the shares and be prepared to email copies of all the payment details you received from your bank.

If all the paperwork is in order you will then receive a signed statement from the directors stating the number of shares you are entitaled to. This has to be done before the shares can be issued.
I am sure your case will be a priority because a successful conclusion might despell the negative comments from this discussion board.

Did Paul give you a set of the latest accounts? Today is the 16th of July.
From: Paul Miller [mailto😛[email protected]]
Sent: 14 June 2010 11:20
To: Paul Miller Gmail (Private)
Subject: SOM Update (Mid June 2010)

Note: This email has been sent as blind copies to a distribution list of 120 + UK Shareholders of Spirit on Media Group PLC.

Bcc: All Spirit on Media Directors
David Hirst
Paul Morton

Dear Investors All

SOM Update (Mid June 2010)
Company accounts.
A number of our investors have asked when the Company’s audited accounts will be made public. Communications with Companies House has resulted in an extended deadline of 1st July. The Company’s accountants are Mazars, who are a big international firm of accountants and auditors. They have the figures and they have been in touch with Companies House and they should submit the audited accounts before 1st July, which is the extended deadline with Companies House.

However, it should be said that in just the same way that tax returns must be submitted no later than January for the year ended the previous April, so the audited accounts for SOM have to be submitted no later than 4th March for the year ended the previous September. The accounts being submitted are therefore for the period September 2008 to September 2009. This will not contain much useful information. The accounts for this year, which will be much more revealing, will be submitted before 4th March 2011.
Company earnings, value and share price
Of course, last year’s audited accounts, being so early in the Company’s history, will not give the satisfactory valuation answers that some of you seek. So, to give you an idea of the Company’s present standing, I list some basic unaudited figures as follows:

• Current monthly revenue from Equi8 alone annualised is $5 million per year.
• Current monthly revenue from SOM Group plc as a whole (not including Das Vierte) annualised is €7 million per year.
• Current monthly revenue from Das Vierte TV annualised is €30 Million per year
• Total annualised net income from all sources is about €10 million.

Given 120 million SOM shares, the above figures give earnings per share of just over €0.08. Given also a Price to Earning ratio (P/E Ratio) for the media industry of 10 (substantially more for the gambling industry) that would give a “Book Price” or estimated value of €0.08 x 10 = €0.80 per share right now.

• Current active users of Equi8 are 10,000 to 12,000 per month
• There has been an average increase of 1000 active users per month over the last 12 months.
• Average monthly bet per active user is €450 which at 14% commission on all bets gives an annualised revenue of about €7.5 million
• This has been achieved with virtually no marketing at all.
Reasonable forecasting
With a fully funded marketing campaign, an active user base of 200,000 worldwide by the end of 2012 is conjecture but would seem to be a very conservative figure. Nevertheless such numbers would produce an annual gross turnover of more than €1 billion. This in my opinion is a reasonable and conservative forecast. What do you think? After all, 200,000 people among billions worldwide is really only miniscule. On these figures 14% revenue from the €1 billion, after deduction of expenses and with a P/E ratio of 10 give a share price in excess of €20.
Institutional investors
There are a number of institutions and wealthy individuals in the Horseracing and Sports fraternities who are very much interested in investing in SOM. Numerous meetings are being arranged for the last 2 weeks of June 2010 in an effort to raise the c Eu5 Million Mezzanine Funding required to expand the equi8 business. In addition the investments from the Australian listed company and major casino operator are still very much on track for July 2010. All these business partnerships will benefit equi8 from a strategic alliance perspective as well as the investment funding.

We should understand that due diligence processes are not just matters of picking up the phone and asking someone’s opinion. It is a much more involved and professional operation than that. It is a matter of employing investigative lawyers or similar to look into every aspect and produce a comprehensive report. For example SOM’s due diligence into Das Vierte prior to its purchase culminated in a 78 page legal report and took over 2 months to complete.

It is worth noting at this point that we have no control whatever over how long these processes will take. We cannot know when we will receive the first investment. It could be weeks or it could be months. However, incentives are in place for the investments to be made before the 31st July and also it should be remembered that there is wealth out there urgently looking for a home. Consider these two points:
1. In the present financial climate, first the banking crisis now the Euro crisis, where can big money go in relative safety to earn big money? With bank rates at all time lows around 0.5% and company dividends reduced, where can the spare money be invested to best advantage?
2. SOM is no longer just a good idea worthy of investment or an emerging company that is likely to make it. It has already emerged. It is already earning profits and it has its infrastructure in place and is ready to expand. All investment is, of course, a risk but investing in SOM at this stage is as close to risk free as it is possible to get but also with potential for huge reward being almost certain. This is why there is such interest among other potential investors. This is why previously mentioned jockey is on the phone nearly every day. These people are not fools.

Thus we can say with confidence that SOM really is close to substantial Mezzanine Funding and probably sooner rather than later.
Current share price
Although it has been said over and over again that the current share price is truly meaningless and does not reflect the value of SOM, many of our investors just cannot get away from the idea that their fortunes are closely allied to the price they see on the stock market. I even receive pages of trades and quotes on an almost daily basis. So, it seems, I must give more explanation for the very low (but currently irrelevant) share price.

The original shareholders of Caribbean Island Traders (CIT) were issued with 2.2 million SOM shares. We do not know exactly how many they still hold but estimate about 1 million. During the period from the release of the trading restriction on these shares up to now they have gradually sold some of these shares. In addition we have also had to contend with outside parties shorting the stock, the illegal sale of restricted stock and some improper Market Making activities. All of this has had an adverse effect upon the share price. Recently and because of the expiry of selling restrictions, the CIT’s have been simply dumping the stock. They place sell orders with their broker which is then entered on the Market Makers books. The Market Maker sees the sell orders but no buy orders and so reduces the price to attract buyers.

We believe there may be about 500,000 shares currently in circulation. Because there are so few and because the price is so low, the cost of buying or selling the shares is very small. For example 100,000 shares traded at €0.05 is just €5000. At this stage with so few shares for trading, a relatively small value order can have a dramatic effect on the price. Although there can be any number of orders on the Market Makers books, there cannot be a trade which is one sided. Every time a trade goes through there is both a seller and a buyer. So, when you see 250,000 shares traded not only did the CIT dump them but someone bought them at the current very low price.

Someone shrewd clearly knows the value of the stock and is buying. If that were not true, there would be no trades. Just consider it, the CIT’s are dumping now but someone is buying. What will happen when we get the first institutional investment and begin the marketing campaign? Obviously, the share price will naturally rise to its true value very quickly because no one will then want to sell and there will be real demand for SOM shares in the marketplace. There will be buy orders, a lack of sell orders and the Market Maker will have to increase the price accordingly.
Your turn
There is nothing to stop any of our investors with the ready cash from placing their own buy orders through a broker. You just need a stockbroker who can deal with the Frankfurt Open Market. Buying at €0.20 and within weeks the price is at €0.80 means that there is a value increase of 4 times. Even if it took 2 years 400% would be an excellent return. However, we are expecting a share price of perhaps €5 next year (who can say but it is not an unreasonable expectation) then the return would be 25 times or 2,500%.

I cannot give anyone financial advice because I am not licensed so I am not advising you but what I can say is what I personally would do if I had the available cash. I would certainly see this as an opportunity and take it. Buy orders “at market” will inevitably drive up the price so I would also be careful to place a buy order with a limit on the price to avoid having to pay a higher price than expected. Purchases of SOM stock from the market in small lots at prices up to Eu 0.35 represent excellent value for money and would also greatly assist the Company with its fund raising activities as potential investors will notice the rise in stock price. Your efforts will therefore have a very positive knock on effect.

If you decide to take this opportunity it will certainly help the share price by taking out the CIT stock dumpers and therefore relieving the selling pressure. SOM would mop up these shares if it had the finance to do so but the Company needs its cash for business operations. Therefore SOM have said that any investor wishing to do this will also receive a bonus of 10% stock. For example if you bought 1000 shares you would get 100 extra. This is provided there is proof of purchase and the offer is only open until 30th June but claimable up to the 31st July.

I will try to find out a suitable broker who can and will handle this. I am informed Saxo Bank may be suitable. In any event, I will let you know as soon as I find out. If any of you have a broker that you know will handle this, please inform me so that I may inform everyone else.
Share distribution
I really thought I had made it clear in the last update that although all trading restrictions WILL expire on 30th June, investors will not receive their shares or be able to trade on 1st July because it is not administratively possible. Let me try to explain again:

The facts are:

1. SOM intends to hand over all shares to a nominated stockbroker just as soon as that can be arranged. The broker we had in mind is a bit slow and so others are being consulted too. Once contracts are in place, the actual handover of shares will also take administrative time.
2. The shares will continue to reflect a false value until the Mezzanine Funding has been obtained for equi8, the Das Vierte acquisition completed and SOM have commenced their marketing campaign. So even if you did have your shares earlier you could not currently sell them for a reasonable price.
3. Currently, there are so few buyers that virtually no sell orders would be filled. This will remain the case until the marketing campaign is in full swing.
4. The current real value of the shares based on earnings per share x P/E ratio is around €0.80.
5. The marketing campaign cannot begin until Mezzanine Funding has been obtained in the region of €5 to €10 million. Following that, a buyback will be commenced to relieve those investors who are desperate to sell.
6. A buyback is planned through the Nominated Broker to relieve selling pressure and allow the share price to rise.
7. Mezzanine Funding seems to be very close now. There is a great deal of interest and due diligence processes ongoing.

Once again, I cannot give a time when these things will happen. It depends on when we receive the Mezzanine Funding and when the nominated stockbroker is ready to sign contracts. We have no control over these things other than to offer incentives. So, when these events will happen, your guess is as good as mine. I do, however, think sooner rather than later.

As soon as we get our first major investment, I will let you know.

As soon as we have struck a deal with a nominated broker I will let you know.

Kind Regards,

Paul Miller.

UK Investor Relations Representative
Spirit on Media Group plc
Tel: +44 (0) 2392 470294
Email: [email protected]

I have complete confidence in the Spirit On Media operation. This is based on a detailed and ongoing analysis that satisfies me to the extent that I have invested heavily in the operation. Because of this, I freely give my service as the UK Investor Relations Representative in part to pass on opinion and information received and in part to assist the company with its Investor Relations. This is an official appointment but entirely voluntary and unpaid. Because all investments carry a degree of risk I offer no guarantee either express or implied in any communication verbal or written of any outcome whatever. Nevertheless, my opinion is that the risk of loss is now vanishingly small while the potential for huge reward is very great.


Did Paul give you a set of the latest accounts? Today is the 16th of July.
Dear Anley:

I think you got it wrong....it should have been July 1st according to Paul Miller. After you and PBoyle read his letter to shareholders from June 14th, maybe you both will be out there buying shares in Spiriton Media! What do you say?


Did Paul give you a set of the latest accounts? Today is the 16th of July.