Spiriton Media Group


You probably need to find out who the official receiver is and pursue it with them. Did you find out who that was yet? The court should have appointed them on the 11th.
Re: Spiriton Media Group - Winding up order

To all concerned. Please see below and originally raised 26 Nov 2010. I spoke to the insolvency people - this was referred to London - and spoke with [email protected] - direct phone 0207-637-6692. SOM definitely liquidated.

Feel free to contact Jarif or send him any info you can - guess he is going to get more than he might have thought - I informed him that I'm a scam victim. Use the reference nos. below. Don't pay any more attention to the rubbish that is still coming out from you know who.......

Leeds District Registry No 1903 of 2010


(Company Number 06689327) and in the Matter of the Insolvency Act 1986

A Petition to wind up the above-named Company of 17 Hanover Square, London W1S 1HU, presented on 14 September 2010 by VCL Film & Medien AG, whose address is Wolfratshauser Str.84,813 Munich, Germany, claiming to be a Creditor of the Company, will be heard at Leeds District Registry, The Courthouse, 1 Oxford Row, Leeds LS1 3BG, on 7 December 2010, at 1030 hours (or as soon thereafter as the Petition can be heard).

The Petitioner?s Solicitors are Irwin Mitchell LLP, 2 Wellington Place, Leeds LS1 4BZ?(Ref LL.PZF.5026786-1.)
As I understood it Irwin Mitchell are starting an investigation into SOM and their financial dealings. Exactly what this means and how it will affect us I do not know, but as soon as I have any more news I will let you know.

They should start looking into the role that Comical Ali AKA Paul Millar played in all of this.

Things don't look good for him do they, as he's now probably got legit people on his case and from what I've heard some illegit people as well...............
If the so called mez funding happens , then great.
The facts are that its a badly run business.
We do have a chance to make offer for the company(as shareholders) to the
Receivers , we can take the business then to the markets for some value.
Its called a "management buyout" its real and can be done.
I have the brains people who can help us do it and save our soulks(money)
Any thoughts. Its not too difficult and we have causal reason to apply to executers for said buyout.
Re: Spiriton Media Group - Scam

No, it isn't a badly run business, it's a scam. Who is Irwin Mitchell and can we make direct contact with him......

If the so called mez funding happens , then great.
The facts are that its a badly run business.
We do have a chance to make offer for the company(as shareholders) to the
Receivers , we can take the business then to the markets for some value.
Its called a "management buyout" its real and can be done.
I have the brains people who can help us do it and save our soulks(money)
Any thoughts. Its not too difficult and we have causal reason to apply to executers for said buyout.
SOM isn't a business, they have nothing and all their claims of buying TV stations and betting channels were fake. It is worth **** all as the share price indicates. On top of that how do you know they don't have other debts that you would end up being responsible for?
Re: Spiriton Media Group - Scam

No, it isn't a badly run business, it's a scam. Who is Irwin Mitchell and can we make direct contact with him......

Hi Fleece&co

Irwin Mitchell are the solicitors that brought the winding up order on behalf of VCL Film and Medien AG. I spoke with them yesterday. I don't think the guy will be too please if I posted his e-mail address here, but people are welcome to find the number and call like I did using the reference from the PDF that PBOYLES posted for us.

He has promised to keep me in the loop about when the Creditors meeting will be as well.


Hi All

We have a new update from Udo Schaar..... all is not lost, our White Knight is coming to rescue us from the burning castle of Windag (or where ever the office is) and take us to the promised land where we will all be rich beyond our wildest dreams!!!!
Jesus, even fairy tales seem more realistic than this saga????

People I do seriously hope that SOM and their cronies can come on this website in 6-8months time and say 'Ner Ner, Ner, Ner Ner we told you so' and if that day comes I will eat humble pie, no in fact I'll eat a plate of tripe (never tried the stuff, but everyone says it’s disgusting).

I have e-mailed Paul Miller and SOM telling them what I think and been told amoung other things; “Mugs, I’m afraid it is difficult to deal with a person who keeps looking for problems and cries foul at every setback not to mention accusations of lying. We do come forward and tell you the truth so far as we know it at the time with every update but if you steadfastly refuse to believe it then that is a problem that you have. That characteristic must make you feel very unhappy and in that I feel sorry for you. Fortunately, among the 180 UK investors there are only about three or four of you who behave in this way.”
That maybe because I’m one of the few who can probably say my money's gone and I’m never going to see it again. Others I feel are not so lucky.


Er...accusations of lying? Like saying you'd bought Das Vierte when you hadn't? Like saying your equi8 platform had loads of subscribers when the web traffic report for it shows hardly anyone ever looks at it? Let's not even think about the deadlines that came and went for accounts. No definitely no lying there, how could you say such a thing Mugs?
Er...accusations of lying? Like saying you'd bought Das Vierte when you hadn't? Like saying your equi8 platform had loads of subscribers when the web traffic report for it shows hardly anyone ever looks at it? Let's not even think about the deadlines that came and went for accounts. No definitely no lying there, how could you say such a thing Mugs?

If i was your mother I'd take you across my knee and smack your Ass for being so insolent young man!!! 😆
Regarding Paul Miller's note to Mugs about keeping us informed and telling the truth.......VCL petitioned to wind up SOM on the 14th September !!...........I wasn't kept informed of that or that they are now (despite what is coming out from SOM) in liquidation. If there are 180k UK investors they've scammed some amount of money.....

"Petition to wind up the above-named Company of 17 Hanover Square, London W1S 1HU, presented on 14 September 2010 by VCL Film & Medien AG, whose address is Wolfratshauser Str.84,813 Munich, Germany, claiming to be a Creditor of the Company, will be heard at Leeds District Registry, The Courthouse, 1 Oxford Row, Leeds LS1 3BG, on 7 December 2010, at 1030 hours (or as soon thereafter as the Petition can be heard). "
That's right, it was heard in December and adjourned again to 11 January so they have known for months.
I have e-mailed Paul Miller and SOM telling them what I think and been told amoung other things;

“Mugs, I’m afraid it is difficult to deal with a person who keeps looking for problems and cries foul at every setback not to mention accusations of lying. We do come forward and tell you the truth so far as we know it at the time with every update but if you steadfastly refuse to believe it then that is a problem that you have. That characteristic must make you feel very unhappy and in that I feel sorry for you. Fortunately, among the 180 UK investors there are only about three or four of you who behave in this way.”

Good old Comical Ali, you can always rely on him to make this thread even more surreal.

Don't panic everyone, things will get better, the big money is coming, repeat IS COMING and then we're probably going to try to outbid Murdoch for Sky, and anyone who thinks negative is sad and I'm not, repeat NOT going to talk with them again as I don't need negativity in my life.

Ali/Paul, carry on like that and you might get more than negativity coming your way 🙂
I bet the other 176 investors are really chilled right now and loving their Spiriton shares (even the 175 who haven't got their toilet paper yet, SORRY, I mean share certificates).

You know, the same sort of warm feeling that Apple investors are experiencing who bought 5 years ago 🙂
I bet the other 176 investors are really chilled right now and loving their Spiriton shares (even the 175 who haven't got their toilet paper yet, SORRY, I mean share certificates).

You know, the same sort of warm feeling that Apple investors are experiencing who bought 5 years ago 🙂

Well at least Equi8 (the jewel in the SOM crown) has some value. $94.90 according to a recent estimate.

Comical Ali AKA Paul Millar

Make us all believers, just publish the (fabled) accounts 🙂

Now, we all know the fabled conundrum which came first the chicken or the egg, well how about this for a new twist -

With Spiriton which comes first the (fabled) accounts or the mystery megabucks investor/White Knight 🙂

I think I've got more chance of laying an egg than either of the above.
Hello everyone!
Please stop! You all are breaking my ribs from laughter on your recent posts. I'm considering getting my monies worth by making a Broadway show based on all the characters in this saga. LOL! They say humor is a cure for empty pockets. I want to thank you PB, Anley, mugs and even Mr. Miller (aka Ali) for making me not a sore loser. Anley, you hard nose, tell it like it is-kinda guy should do stand-up comedy! Have you ever thought about it? I think even Mr. Miller is getting a bit of a chuckle...at least temporary. The ironic thing in this matter is that the shares are trading up over 200% and over 8 million shares have traded today! What's that all about?? Must be the white knight putting in his trades just so he can see Anley lay an egg. If so, Anley tell me when you're ready and I'll place bets on you so I can get back my lost money! Haha...keep the humor coming. I believe once the ether wears off, the other 176 investors will be needing it! Bravo!!

Sorry, Hollywood would reject it as the plot is too far fetch!!!😎

The BBC might make a documentary one day though!!! 👍


How the devil are you??? I see you're logged on!!! (2/2/11 09:28) Care to comment????
