Spiriton Media Group

From what I've heard PB some or at least one of the people looking to have words with Comical Ali are not going through the 'usual routes', ie he/she/they are not speaking with the legal profession............

They will probably get their money back.

As PB says, it is strange that they are not hiding their identities. Maybe they are going more crazier than they already are, believing that they can steal peoples money and get away with it.

Or maybe they are getting desperate. There was a post that was directed at PB about what good is it posting on here. It is doing a lot of good! The scammers amount of take is reduced a great amount by postings onT2W and other scam alert columns that warn potential victims . It takes initial money and time to set up a scam. They need a certain number of victims to make their profits.
No responses? after 12 hours, talk is cheap , take step or be end the blog.

Hi LegalInterest

Instead of posting obscure text telling us to look it up '"ICAC" Hong Kong' give us the flaming URL link and we will.

I've just Google’ed it and there is a load of crap come up??? So just post the link and we will follow. If it’s any good we might even take you up on your offer.



You know they're not legit, hasnt that finally been proven? So the Directors are going to create a new company and then give you shares in it for free? I'll tell you what will happen, they will tell you they are giving you x number of shares in the new company but you have to buy some more shares to get in on the deal. Then you're back to square one, waiting for your certificates, waiting for them to buy a TV channel, a shopping channel and more money down the drain.


Look I'm ever the optimist, so you never know!

BUT BEFORE I GET A MILLION AND ONE POSTINGS; please let me state for the record;

1) I am not going to give them any more money.
2) I do not think that I will ever see my money again.
3) When I next invest, I will ask you guys for help and assistance.

So to all other investors, chin up keep reading and let’s see if we can at least put these scam artists behind bars and have any assets seized and re distributed to us investors???


It was as easy to predict as the sun rising tomorrow in the east.

The big money investment, the one that's always coming, of course never came.

So will everyone now, and I mean everyone, please realise that this company is either one big scam or it's run by complete morons. Whichever one it is the shares are and will always be 100% worthless.

Learn from your mistakes everyone -

1. Don't get involved in things you don't understand
2. Don't get involved in crappy penny stocks
3. Don't trust 'market professionals' (at least a street mugger has the decency to snarl and wave a knife in your face as he steals your cash)

But if you choose to ignore my advice then people are going to take advantage of you. Your money will become their money which is the game they're playing but you don't know how to play..........

Don't take it personally, just being cruel to be kind and trying to help some people keep their hard earned.

Hi Anley

Fair point and duly noted, by me and I hope many many more people on this thread and web site.

As they say 'Harsh, but fair'


Hi Anley

Fair point and duly noted, by me and I hope many many more people on this thread and web site.

As they say 'Harsh, but fair'



SOM were definitely wound up on the 11th January. Obtaining a record of that fact is proving to be difficult but there is no doubt that they are gone.

Has anyone considered trying to claim as a creditor through the official receiver? I dont know how that would work as I suppose an investor is not the same as a creditor, might be worth looking into though, or might be just another wild goose chase.

Surely nobody is going to fall for the story about transferring your 'investment' to a new company?
Well boys, the only thing I feel can be done is to see if we can at least get a tax loss on it. Not sure unless we have the certs and can prove we tried to sell it. I still find it odd that the shares have been trading heavily the past couple weeks. Someone must be buying or the directors shorted their own stock.
Surely nobody is going to fall for the story about transferring your 'investment' to a new company?


No not really, but then strange things do happen?? Look I'm not kidding myself in any way, but if they tell me my investment has been transfered and don't ask me for any money, all I have to lose is my sanity!! And hey that went some time ago!! :clap: 🙂 😀 :cheesy: 😆

On the winding up notice, I haven't heard back from VCL's solicitors as yet???


Hi All

Just a quick one, I've just remembered something, if CH had brought the winding up order then all ownership and assets would have belonged to the Crown? And then any one could have come along and bought the company should they so wish!! So this looks more and more like the master stroke being played as pointed out by PB and the £300K net worth they mention on the company's accounts????


Try asking who had signatory rights over money at Grimus Holdings?, was it subject to Singapore Corporate procedures , if not was it an offense under companies ordinance?

Wakey wakey
Try asking who had signatory rights over money at Grimus Holdings?, was it subject to Singapore Corporate procedures , if not was it an offense under companies ordinance?

Wakey wakey

Nobody is going to pay any attention to your posts unless you post proper information instead of a load of obscure mumbo jumbo about hong long. try posting facts with links to back up what you're saying. Otherwise you are just wasting your time.
Try asking who had signatory rights over money at Grimus Holdings?, was it subject to Singapore Corporate procedures , if not was it an offense under companies ordinance?

Wakey wakey

Hi Legalinterest

As per PBOYLES post, WTF are you on about??? Who are Grimus Holdings for crying out loud?

Look post some concret facts and we might be able to 'Wakey Wakey' as you put it??

Hi Legalinterest

As per PBOYLES post, WTF are you on about??? Who are Grimus Holdings for crying out loud?

Look post some concret facts and we might be able to 'Wakey Wakey' as you put it??

Grimus is the company who held our money in Singapore it was never invested in shares
, David Hirst is the sole signatory as CFO, he has had sole ability to use our money without putting it into share ownership, thats fact for you , so stop being combative and check it out, I tell you the truth. So ask for a audited breakdown, the letter of share holding wasnt worth anything ,its a fake. Now if you dont believe me then ask him or even ask the ICAC in HK to check with the MAS in Singapore. Sorry for the bad news, I had to be guarded from a legal perspective now its open.
Grimus is the company who held our money in Singapore it was never invested in shares
, David Hirst is the sole signatory as CFO, he has had sole ability to use our money without putting it into share ownership, thats fact for you , so stop being combative and check it out, I tell you the truth. So ask for a audited breakdown, the letter of share holding wasnt worth anything ,its a fake. Now if you dont believe me then ask him or even ask the ICAC in HK to check with the MAS in Singapore. Sorry for the bad news, I had to be guarded from a legal perspective now its open.

Hi Legalinterest

Just to clarify, did you, and others, pay your money direct to Grimus? if so you will have an arguement.
Most of the people I know paid their money directly to SOM or ALV Group HK. So what can you tell us about them?


Didn't know they were taking direct share purchases , we were told "only" that our money would be invested but ended up in Grimus, maybe we who put over GBP1m in are the unlucky ones and there I end my point, if I/we are the unlucky ones only, which I doubt. Sorry to have unduly worried those who haven't been so unlucky as us.
Didn't know they were taking direct share purchases , we were told "only" that our money would be invested but ended up in Grimus, maybe we who put over GBP1m in are the unlucky ones and there I end my point, if I/we are the unlucky ones only, which I doubt. Sorry to have unduly worried those who haven't been so unlucky as us.

No you are not the only unlucky ones. Everybody that 'invested' in Spiriton has lost their money, it was a pump and dump scam from day 1. Even if it wasnt a scam your investment is now worthless as the company has been wound up.
Point being we also paid direct to SOM or ALV but ended up in Grimus , should have made that more clear, now maybe my rather vague "wakey wakey" is more clear , apologies again for vague remote notes before. Perhaps we are the only ones whom have discovered this anomaly as yet, unknown.
Yes it has been wound up BUT Grimus , which holds our cash is a segregated company in Singapore and not subject to the winding up order.
Which means any residue cash in Grimus is ours , however subject to the signatorial rights of a singular CFO , "HIRST".
That the end game of any search in this game of a Dump scam, for our money , so the Monetary Authority of Singapore(MAS) may wish to know and find our money, who's in for this with me?.
I thought they were in Hong Kong? Can you explain how you know this, it seems rather far fetched and all the talk about an anti corruption organisation in HK has muddied the waters. Are you sure youre not being set up again, has anyone asked you for an advance fee to recover money for you?
Hi All

This is said without prejudice to any party;

I have just spoken with Irwin Mitchell Solicitors LLP who brought the winding up order on behalf of VCL. The fact of the matter is that SOM were late in supplying information to the solicitors which may have delayed the winding up order. The reasons given for the delay is that Udo Schaar's mother has just died and he has been ill? I could be very cynical here, but I'll leave you to your own thoughts.

There is some good news, the legally binding contract for investment has indeed been signed, however our White Knights are finding obtaining the required investment their end not so easy a comment made was 'received adverse information regarding the parties concerned' which summed up, by me, means "they are as Dodgy as F*&k".
As for David Hirst and Paul Morton; neither of these as a registered Director of SOM, which we knew from CH. However they have been the instrumental movers in gaining the said investment from the White Knight. Both of these are businessmen in their own right? How they became so tied up with SOM is something we may never know, but as we know they are investors the same as us and had this all come off they would have taken up their directorships with SOM.
So moving onto LEGALINTERESTS comments, the money in Grimus, Strange, but apt name for the company, could all be legit cash. What we would need to prove, or the authorities is that it came from SOM, ALV or A N Other? Is this possible????

Some further good news is that there will be a creditors meeting at some point in the near future. We should be informed of this as shareholders and if we are not I will push my end to find out when it is. The reason this is good news is that we are creditors of SOM and so once the Liquidators have sued for the money, and all debts and preferred creditors paid out, we should then be allocated a slice of the left over pot. As in the recent Portsmouth deal 20p in £1 could be on offer??? That would at least be nice.

As I understood it Irwin Mitchell are starting an investigation into SOM and their financial dealings. Exactly what this means and how it will affect us I do not know, but as soon as I have any more news I will let you know.


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