Special Treatment for Special People


Legendary member
I feel it's time some nice vendor badges were handed out to certain members on T2W

Would anyone concur ?

Seems to be a lot of round about ramping of a certain www. at the moment.
I suppose that technically under the rules a vendor tag should be applied. Then again the abuse has been so blatant, and for so long that it hardly needs to be pointed out. Your not the first to bring this up, but for whatever reason the mods are comfortable with the current situation.
"Special Treatment for Special People ".... I haven't had any ..where do I submit my complaint 😉
Of course, one does need to be clear as to what is meant by "special", e.g., "special needs". Perhaps those with these special needs, such as those afflicted with the dreaded NPD, should be confined to their own private groups and not be allowed to post anywhere else.

It should be noted, however, that the great sigh of relief heaved by the multitudes might generate hurricane-force winds and cause catastrophic damage.
Mind you, earlier this month, its getting icy was being mentioned a bit too much by first time posters.
tbh, if it wasn't for this site, on the basis of a) the design <cough> of the site and b) Pitscum's disruptions, I'd give it two months tops.