nickerson334 said:
Oh, ok. I'm here to discuss psychology in relation to trading.
I'll get my coat...............................
yeah I see your point and glenn's .
Maybe again its back to accepting some paths which are pleasing to an individuals beliefs and refusing to even consider to be open ,or worrying about a paths likely course of direction which holds them back from being open to know ,or at least tackle uncertain outcomes?
The ' what should I do if i do not know situation', maybe this is a question of knowing how to manage fight or flight and balancing that with the typically ingrained condition of jonny should be good because if he is then he will get a reward. ? This worrying of unknown paths , the focus on the worrying of the unknown ,perhaps whilst humanistically (sp) is predicatble to some,perhaps to the un-open manifests as emotionally conflict of fight or flight indecision.
People generally need to? or are conditioned to , to rely on habitual known ,typically assumed outcomes in advance of the event, the unknowing or unknown path doesnt feel comfortable to the individual stepping on it (as they have been conditioned to typically function for typical predictable life events) Theres a conflict perhaps, the reasoning of doing what needs to be done going against the ,deeply installed of emotion of not wanting to let ' a 'self down by being right. ?
Im sure some members know what strings to pull,buttons to push in order to create an order of disorder in some attempt to create a lesson in thinking , by not judging that which appears black and white is not all that it seems.
This maybe, is applicable in trading as price is intentionally skewed (at times) from intent of (known,anticipated) 'forseen direction'