This post is for all the people back on t2w
I do have a fake account on there that ive had 2weeks now, but not activated it, so i cant post on there myself, as i just madeu a random email address when registering! lol
If you still want to think that im uisng a demo account your welcome too..
But then wouldnt the question coem about how im managing to consistently keep on living with no income??
Or am i now just lviing of fresh air, and dont ever sleep so dont need a house! HAHA
Ive posted numerous sceenshots of my account though to show its real not demo.
In relation to why i would claim housing benefit to shore up my income, id do it because why shouldn't i???
All the idiot bankers and tradres who have lost MILLIONS AND MILLIONS, instead of being able to make EVEN a few hundred quid per month, are all still getting paid thousands n thousands of quid in their reduncancy payouts if they got fired, aand the government is even giving money from people who pay tax to those ccompanies to keep on employing those idiots and paying them those 5 t 6figure salaries to reward them for losing money consisntly!! LOL
+ Unlike the rest of you who are all well off and rich, you belwup your enetre trading account, oh well got thousands quid savings, house already paid for, or have other joint income....
Me, if i lost my capital i would endup homeless and living on the streets again!
If i make money but only make a few % profit per month i will endup losing all my caital gradually and living on the streets within weeks.
I need to earn £1,059 ULTIMATE MINIMUM per month each month not to be happy, but to just not endup starving and homeless!! LOL
I wonder how the big bank trades would be able to do if they were gna endup homeless unless they made 10% profit each month!
If they were under the pressure n situation i am no bank would be bankprut, they would all be making billions!! Lol
So thats why i was trying to get housing benefits to shoreup my income, so that even if i fail to earn 15% profit per month,
i would still not have to go and live on the streets and starve to death!
🙁 🙁
And as for why i put photos of my 6-pack body up on dating websites..
Well as much as you, a bunch of middle aged unsocialable upper class straight men may not enjoy viewing them,
the young lady / teenage girls (over 15s) of today do like that sorta stuff..
😀 😛 [/B]