I have just thrown up 2x and now feel so so dizzy and sick!!
i took teh loss down at 36.58, off about £2,500!!!!
as the market just wansnt moving up at all, and so i didnt wnat to take the risk.
I looked now and its suddenly spiked back up to the mid 38s!!!
I cant take all this stress and **** and constant bad luck anymore!!!!!!
im getting out an unsecure loan of £19,000, gna put it all n my trading account, and then just gna not ever ever take any losses!!!
That seems like a lot for an unsecured loan when you dont have a job? (I worked as a credit analyst for a bit - can you tell? )
Im not gna be paying back the loan.
But on my form im can say the amounts that i do earn as my average monthly income.
(just wont include these last 2weeks ****)
Im too fedup with always having to wakeup scared everyday about what if i cant afford to live tomorrow, and so then cashing in all my trades to early.
But i will put £6k more in the bank to give me full years rent in there.
And have 10k in capital so will have 14k.