South Africa 40 mini account journal

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wow going down again and i missed it, atleast my puts are doing very well!
On the chart is trade 3 which was that loss and then trade 4 which worked out well except for me being to jittery to stick around considering the reasons i got in the trade. All in all not too bad. Will maybe take one more in the afternoon but it will have to be a real setup cause i don't want too mess up my 20% gain. Will post statements at end of the day.

Please note that my trade 3 buy and sell arrows should actually be one wawe up. ****ed it up a bid when i put those in.


  • South Africa 40 (ZAR2 Micro Contract (2).png
    South Africa 40 (ZAR2 Micro Contract (2).png
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Ok finished for the day, not too good but hey better than a loss. 5 trades one loss of R120 and the rest sort of up = just over 100 points for the day - R200


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Ok boys and girls here is a tip. Don't overtrade and get rid of any psycological idea of trying to get your equity to even numbers cause it will destroy you in the end. Being R100 of the R5000 rand mark i took another trade after i said i am done for the day, so big mistake and it cost me R120 in the end. Mistake 2 is then being sure i was right entering into another trade within seconds of that loss and luckly for me it worked out this time and i got R116 back which has me still above the psycological importand R4900 mark. But that was very bad trading and it could have easily put me in a loss for the day!!!!

ps these two last trades are not on the statement for today but you will see im R4 short tomorrow. Happy trading all and please give me tips on how to improve my journal as this is my first time attempting such a thing.
Good morning, here we have a chart of wild pre market action and cowboy trading at its best, baged me 100 points and whould have been a whole lot more but i struggled to get filled everytime i tried to enter so didn't get in when i wanted. Non the less good start to the day and will only trade further once the cash markets open.


  • South Africa 40 (ZAR2 Micro Contract (3).png
    South Africa 40 (ZAR2 Micro Contract (3).png
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Trade 3 two contracts short at 23077 stop 100 points away cause of the volatility.

very frustrating, safex futures down just after i entered the damm trade!!!!
Still in the dark, said to start trading again at 25 past, very frustrating in deed. Anyhow saw some of the leading stock on the index going down earlier on and then now slowly grinding up again so probably missed the most profitable exit on this one. Im just hoping it doesn't spike up and take me out when trading resumes.

Very painfull watching what whould have been a good trade turning into a posible bad one, trading only resumes at 11 and i watched the leading stocks go way down to recover above the level at which i entered and there is absolutely nothing that i can do about it.
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Damm frustrating, price just shot up and killed me 260 odd points above my stoploss! Trade 4 short again 2 contracts lets see if i can recover my R750 odd rands.


  • South Africa 40 (ZAR2 Micro Contract (4).png
    South Africa 40 (ZAR2 Micro Contract (4).png
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ok what a horible day, some hard core cowboy style trading. Broke a lot of rules and missed a lot of profits but at least i got me money back after this mornings unbelievable events. Anyhow up just over 100 points after loosing about 500 earlier on. All said an done i believe i am at almost 25% gain in the last 3 days so one can not complain too much. will post statements just now
notice two bigger than R400 losses, first one totally out of my hands but the second one, boy o boy bad trading at its best. Horrible trading and not to be reanimated.


O boy i tried the thai beer before, not good. I had me some rum, terrible hangover. But last night i got into them cocktails and i was feeling good, too good. So got home just before the us close which was about half past two here in thailand and then became aware of what that guy recently in the news was going through on his oil buying spree. Anyhow i wake up this morning with 2 short positions with wide stops and both against me at the moment. The one 120 points and the other 170 so now having a good look at the charts to see the gameplan. Never nice starting the day out in a negative. Last post i said not too be reanimated but boy o boy am i an excelent animator or what. Will let you guys now how it gets on.
PS remember this is a journal of my playing around and doing crazy trading and some of these should not be animated and even though i have been making very good gains every day i do not suggest anybody to take similar trades as the ones i call out live because these are not based on any good reasons but on feelings and perseption only.
Having had a look at them charts i can see why i entered, the first one a bit of madness, i mean 15 min before the us close with stocks moving up but the second one is not to bad. Anyhow it looks like i will profit from them both and had i not entered last night i whould have taken those positions today if i had the chance.
This mornings chart, trades marked in and as you can see some serius rally went on in the after hours and i do expect some retracement and profit on them trades. Up more than 3% from a loss of almost 1% in the cash market is just crazy without having the us or other indexes doing similar things.


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    South Africa 40 (ZAR2 Micro Contract (5).png
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Drunken trader struck gold!!!! Well well i got them profits out of those two, first trade with the bad entry i just took 50 points and the second with the good entry i hung on to take 500 points which by the way moves my account to plus 50% in the four days i have been running it. Amaising when you trade such a small account but none the less we dont expect to see this kind of action every week. Well thats me then finished even before market opens and wish all you guys fun with todays trading and a good long weekend.


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Came to watch the job number and did a little cheaky scalp, out +60 something points so account now at R6281 which puts me in just over 50% in the four days. Have a nice weekend everybody.
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Good morning, looks like a slow day but none the less we got in short at 23283. Tarket 100 points but expect it to be a slow trade.
Acidently got out with plus 75 points so will have to look for new entry.

o happy i got out, market moving slightly up again. I expect an inside day so no wild movements which means no large profits. May just take it easy as there is no point in trying to force a trade where there is no momentum.
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Out with just 6 points cause it don't feel right. May just give it up for today cause it really is just going nowhere. Chart in one min just to get a trade but with such large differences between bid and ask it is almost imposible to trade this market if there is no momentum and direction.


  • South Africa 40 (ZAR2 Micro Contract (6).png
    South Africa 40 (ZAR2 Micro Contract (6).png
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Ok done for the day, here is them statements so lets see if we can get some action tomorrow.
Account has build up nicely and it looks like we can really get too the dubble or nothing long before year end as stated at the start of this journal. With any luck even before the end of this month.


Glad that world cup bull**** is behind us now and have taken some days out. Well account ballance to hit 100% gain by the end of the month me says so we jump in tomorrow again.
Today i went to a sort of monastry and saw some monks living in caves which was a very surreal experience. Had to trek through the jungle and was sweating like a rapist. My girlfriend said we must go back there again to visit the section on top of the cliffs but i am afraid to tackle the 1237 steps that lead there. Just some pointless info for the fun of it.