E mini tryout1

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Ok i know my other journal went bust with the no rules south african micro lot account cause i traveled about too much and then ended up not trading the thing anymore. Anyway i have done a one month demo on the e mini and it didnt go well so i decided that i will keep a journal this month so that i will be more deciplined.
I am now settled in the philippines for a few months so i will make an serious efford to learn the e mini.
I am not going into detail of how i plan to do what at this stage but will do so in time on a day to day basis as problems arise. This is not a journal to show how good i am or one that is asking for help or any of that crap. It is for me personaly to look at my days past and too identify what i have been doing and to help me keep my thoughts clear.

A sidenote: I was schooled in a public school in Africa and some whould concider me semi illitered so please for those guys who always hammer on grammer and spelling know this. I can still not recite the alphabet in my native or any other language. I have come to deal with it in my own way and i invite you to do the same.
O i will start today and my aim at this point is to take about 400 dollars a day. Will post a chart end of day with what i did and so on.

Tip of the day, do not buy Pinoy Tacino "Just fry it in oil and it tastes like real ham"
ok, i have some problems saving a chart in the right format so will have to figure it out during the day. Anyhow i think i will call it a day. I have 275 bubble ben bucks so short of target but things got out of control with my trades as i will show as soon as i can put the charts up. So unless something happens later that is notewothy i will call it a day and just try to figure out how to save the freaken chart in the right format.

Peace out bitches
I use hypersnap. It's a program that takes pictures of what you see on the screen. That way you can post anything you see.
I use hypersnap. It's a program that takes pictures of what you see on the screen. That way you can post anything you see.

Cool thanks, i just descovered the snipping tool here on vista so we are good to go.
So lets see. I had 3 orders going one at 118600, second at 625 and a third at 650. Unfortunetly only 650 got filled and we were off. i was going to add if there was a pull back but alas there was none. Had my order to sell at the green line but it did't get filled. after that spike up which was because of the news i saw the dollar gaining so i bailed on my one contract.

Trade two was two contracts after i thought we will continue the trend but i scratched them a moment later when i saw the dollar not giving up. (the little circle on the chart)

Next thing i hear is a sound of two contracts trading and that was because i didnt cancel my stop loss. i was busy with something else and it caught me of guard. Luckly it kept moving in that direction. i closed one imidiatly for .50 points and the next one for 1 point.

So i was off my game and not really into it. Was a good first trade there just wish i had atleast the 2 contracts cause then the target whould have been made. But all things concidered i am happy with the five points and will leave it at that. I don't think i should do more trading today and tomorow i will put 2 contracts on at each level to make sure what happened today does not get relived.

Cheerio and good trading all.


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Damn this computer game bull****e, i got me a oblivion too help me take control of the overtrading and boredom trades but it has taken over and i have been playing this stupid game the whole day and didnt even check on the markets. So the selution is a problem in its own right. Thats just how it works with everything.
Anyhow i will be checking too see if there is some trades too be done here, see the market has moved overnight and i should have made some plays instead of playing that damn game but buckel up and lets see what can be done.
Good luck to everyone trading the es tonight/day
Last night i wrote a whole long thing about the trades and what happened with some good tips and tricks and what not to do and why. It got wiped out.

So i will just say this, reckless unfocused trading = -600 dollars.

Plan a trade and trade the plan.
Good day, well is am closing this journal and starting a new one next week on the euro dollar. I seem too be stuck on the 250 dollar a day mark on the sp but the main problem is the hours. I think i should try more for asia and europe hours. My main trading is on the south african markets which is the same hours as the ftse so i think its best to get something that fits in with that.
Anyhow i am just so bored with the same markets and want too try my hand ad something new and maybe the forex market can bring some new interest in trading for me. I did have a stab at the euro today and it if i look at the charts it looks like a nice trending market to trade so i will start a demo next week, run it for 3 and if it looks good i will go in live.
I will spend some time too decide which system will work beter to trade it and if there are any sugestions or tips for them forex market please don't leave me in the dark.
Thanks and cheers.
Sorry this journal sucked but i will make it up in the next one i am sure.