Something is screwy


Senior member
The USD/CAD is normally inversely correlating with EUR/USD. But today it's not working. Both fall at the same time since 12:00 GMT. So anyone knows what's going on ? I don't have a news source. Is some bad news expected for CAD ?
Oh, is that all ? For a moment I thought it was serious like the USD was scraped in favour of the Chinese yuan. All this forex dis-correlation and volatility is just an excuse for a storm in a tea cup.
no it was actually a joke. I dont know why do you think that EUR is correlated to CAD in first place.

and no it is not a tea cup. it is actual pain for many of us. bloody nigerian scammers could manage to promote even into IB managers. bloody diversity
I said they inversely correlate in relation to USD. But today it was all forked up.

So you would blame the Chinese for all that's wrong with goods, and blame the nigerians for all that goes wrong with money ? All this rogue trader business is just BS. The bank lost their client's money, so they pile that crap on a noob who couldn't defend himself. Same old story, different name.
The bank lost their client's money, so they pile that crap on a noob who couldn't defend himself. Same old story, different name.
he is not a noob he had director rank. please dont talk about something you have no clue.

stick to inverse correlation of eur and cad and ingore my comments. i am just really angry today.
OK.. I give up mate... you win.

vice president is cool and director is for cleaners euro correlated (inversely though) with cad americans never been on the moon and money is evil.... have it your way

If you like, I can let you win, you know ? If it makes you happy, I will agree with what they say in the newspapers that the nigerian director took 2 billion, stuffed them in his mattress without the bank or his colleagues ever knowing. It is so easy in fact if someone wanted a few billions, they can just walk in the bank with a briefcase, load up, and off he goes. 🙂
I don't read newpapers either, since all the stories about invasions and how great they were got a bit tedious and repetitive to the point they looked like copy-and-paste jobs. But I assume that's what they would say. In other words all your money were lost by the nigerian/ghanian and the bank had nothing to do with it. The bank's security guard wasn't at fault either since this nigerian director dug a tunnel out the back and took all the money out that way for illegal trading.
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Alot seems to be made of a) his name, b) his nationality, c) his race, and d) that he "liked" Al Jazeera on his facebook account.

I think it is very disappointing.

Disappointing in the sense that no-one has made the observation that he probably had a BSD before he tried to be one.

who mentioned his race before you did ? 😉

and yes nationality plays a lot. it just people brainwashed by labours with all people are brothers / equality / multiculturalism / tolerance tune suppress this in themselves.

now as multiculturalism is officially gone I would like to exercise my rights of free mind. so shut up and be tolerant 😉 i am your brother. I only forgot your bank account number. could you please PM me it again. thank you

P.S. note nationality <not equal> race.. race differentiation is a racism and is illegal.
who mentioned his race before you did ? 😉

and yes nationality plays a lot. it just people brainwashed by labours with all people are brothers / equality / multiculturalism / tolerance tune suppress this in themselves.

now as multiculturalism is officially gone I would like to exercise my rights of free mind. so shut up and be tolerant 😉 i am your brother. I only forgot your bank account number. could you please PM me it again. thank you

P.S. note nationality <not equal> race.. race differentiation is a racism and is illegal.

it's OK, your aunt has inherited $36,516,278.00 dollars, but because of the restrictive tax legislation I gave her my bank details and I am going to hold it in escrow for her.
the correlation might come back soon

don't blame politicians

correlations come and go with forex I've noticed