Sniper Forex System

that was yesterday... 😉

and yeah one should've at least tighten the stops or just lock the profits... then a new sell short came in today and its alomost at 300+ pips profit

yesterday for you 🙂 in 25 min I have already friday 😉

but before this news we have open a long trade and this was in minus ~20 pips, so for me I close this , coz at interest news, and other big news, if you trade no broker will respect your sl , coz noone will buy your trade at your limit price the sl, and the broker not pay for you, lol

and this news spike was ~120 pips, I follow then the advice "to fight another day" same Gary say in his guide

my broker does 😉 i have guaranteed S/l ...

anyway that trade you're talking about was 24 hours ago... i was referring to the most recent one around 12 hours ago ... its up almost 300 pips
Just closed GBPJPY short for 269 pts working off the 30M chart. I still see this as an experiment, but I've been trading GBJP since 21 August, at first off 1HR chart, but shortly after the 30M. I can't claim to have taken all trades (obviously not those between 22.00 and 6.00). I shouldn't put too much into the results at this early stage but it works out at 24-25 pts a day/16 pts per trade; 47% wins, 53% losses. If anyone else here has any results, please let us know.

336 pts up with this GBPUSD short at the moment – we could do with a few more of these!

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Hey All,
EURUSD up 50 at the present time. May be a long one like yesterday.
Hi Kent

I am short on euro. entry @ 1.4644. Sniper gave short signal on 24.09.06 at 16gmt.
I think euro will continue to fall big time just like cable fell. euro may retrace to 50% fibo level of the long move that started on 8 sept @ 8gmt, according to sniper which is 1.4522 also a pivot level
Hi Kent

I am short on euro. entry @ 1.4644. Sniper gave short signal on 24.09.06 at 16gmt.
I think euro will continue to fall big time just like cable fell. euro may retrace to 50% fibo level of the long move that started on 8 sept @ 8gmt, according to sniper which is 1.4522 also a pivot level

I agree with that analysis completely. I am short euro as well as guppy, both when the bottom fell out. What a freakin ride.
Hi Kent

I am short on euro. entry @ 1.4644. Sniper gave short signal on 24.09.06 at 16gmt.
I think euro will continue to fall big time just like cable fell. euro may retrace to 50% fibo level of the long move that started on 8 sept @ 8gmt, according to sniper which is 1.4522 also a pivot level

Here is my latest attempt to count EURUSD. Seems to be pretty close, but as always, only time will resolve the count correctly.
The magenta horizontal lines define the top and bottom of wave 4, which the correction should terminate in, in the lower portion of wave 4. Common EW guidelines. As the chart indicates, we should have somewhere in the neighborhood of 900-1000 pips of correction to go. Could be a few more, but probably not less than about 900.
Would certainly be nice to capture all of those! 😆


  • eurusd ew 4h 092409.gif
    eurusd ew 4h 092409.gif
    22.7 KB · Views: 214

Here is my latest attempt to count EURUSD. Seems to be pretty close, but as always, only time will resolve the count correctly.
The magenta horizontal lines define the top and bottom of wave 4, which the correction should terminate in, in the lower portion of wave 4. Common EW guidelines. As the chart indicates, we should have somewhere in the neighborhood of 900-1000 pips of correction to go. Could be a few more, but probably not less than about 900.
Would certainly be nice to capture all of those! 😆

Hi Kent,
the trend i your friend!
I not see there is some break of the uptrend, special if you trade in H4.
this euro can go to 1.49 after a retrace here and also this cable is down enough , so both can up.
but I not will predict the market , it goes the way we don't know.
only the statistic tell us some trades agains the trend make to reach a winner more stressful.

good luck to your trade, I not in, only scalp a little at some DT and DB or some diver in small TF

Hello F1F,
Good luck in finding an additional system to give you extra confidence. I've looked a whole range of systems. One that I find useful is the thv system on It doesn't give specific buy and sell signals, but it gives a whole range of technical analysis pointers which I find quite useful. The people who are developing thv make it clear that the system gives the info – it's up to each individual what to do with it. You'll need to wade through about 13,300 posts (!!), but I think they're a very genuine, helpful bunch over there:
THV system, final edition @ Forex Factory

Hello greenfield, thanks for this. Do you use THV system? The new version 4 they are working on looks cool. I get this feeling they are concentrating so much on making that system look cool and good. I get the feeling the are not concentrating on one key thing for the system...which is trading. what do you think?
please where can I find the new version 4,THV system?
I found only version 3.

About sniper forex,
I think we have to go short or long only when every color is red or blue,
I mean also sniper stop!! I think if sniper stop is not same color it's better don't
open trade and wait next candle.When I don't follow this rule I got 2 stop loss in few weeks.
What do you think?

thank you
thv4 not public now

please where can I find the new version 4,THV system?
I found only version 3.

About sniper forex,
I think we have to go short or long only when every color is red or blue,
I mean also sniper stop!! I think if sniper stop is not same color it's better don't
open trade and wait next candle.When I don't follow this rule I got 2 stop loss in few weeks.
What do you think?

thank you

hi FDtrader,
the thv4 only used and test by the thv team, but will public soon.

about your rule to go in only if sl is in place, this I can't check , coz we go in at signal not at candle close, but may have to take on eye on that.

Thanks for posting the chart Kent - very interesting.

Well, sniper didn't start the month with GBPUS$ at all well, but considering the way the market was moving, it could have been a lot worse!
There's been a few really good deals recently and that's boosted the average. I've not been trading sniper, just monitoring, but I think that I will start trading next month with small lots.

By my reckoning, we've had 23 completed deals so far in September.
8 Deals with profit
15 losers
Net profit 365 pips
Average of 16 pips profit per trade
Average of 128 pips profit per winning trade
Average of -44 pips per losing trade
If using risk management, risking 3% per trade, your bank would have increased by 5.4%
Best trade +346 pips
Worst trade -78 pips

Of course everybody's results would differ slightly from this as we cannot all enter a trade at exactly the same time.
Currently new long deal showing 25 pips profit (no blue sniper stop as yet)

Thanks for posting the chart Kent - very interesting.

Well, sniper didn't start the month with GBPUS$ at all well, but considering the way the market was moving, it could have been a lot worse!
There's been a few really good deals recently and that's boosted the average. I've not been trading sniper, just monitoring, but I think that I will start trading next month with small lots.

By my reckoning, we've had 23 completed deals so far in September.
8 Deals with profit
15 losers
Net profit 365 pips
Average of 16 pips profit per trade
Average of 128 pips profit per winning trade
Average of -44 pips per losing trade
If using risk management, risking 3% per trade, your bank would have increased by 5.4%
Best trade +346 pips
Worst trade -78 pips

Of course everybody's results would differ slightly from this as we cannot all enter a trade at exactly the same time.
Currently new long deal showing 25 pips profit (no blue sniper stop as yet)

hi Gumrai,

nice info, but the gain of 5.4% for me is a little small, I not want trade this sys if I only have 5.4 % at 346pips per month.

every sys thats bring me in a month ~ 9 -14% is ok

for me I not see significant stops > 100, so I make a easy mm calculation I go every trade by a risk of 3% same you , thats a good basis for stay long in the game🙂

check out you record how many loser are > 100, 90% smaller and so your average at loser will be, you say 44 this month, and over a longer periode ~ 60pips, so there is no reason to calculate the risk for a sl >100

I calculate by sl 100 so I have a fix $/pips if my account 1000$ it is 0.3$/ pips, so I can lose 30$ = 3% , but I win 346 x 0.3$ = 103$ thats ~ 10%

I think you have to check that out, otherwise you cut your winner, coz your lotsize to small, you make ~ 50% smaller gain as I, by same risk!

thats only my 2 cents , but I hope you think about that

please where can I find the new version 4,THV system?
I found only version 3.

About sniper forex,
I think we have to go short or long only when every color is red or blue,
I mean also sniper stop!! I think if sniper stop is not same color it's better don't
open trade and wait next candle.When I don't follow this rule I got 2 stop loss in few weeks.
What do you think?

thank you

The blue sniper stop has just appeared on the long position - problem is that it is already 45 pips in profit.
Sometimes waiting for the sniper stop will work to your advantage - sometimes not.
I don't know about you, but if a deal has already gone up by 45 pips, I'd be reluctant to open now. Maybe hope for a pullback, but if it doesn't come you could maybe miss out on a good deal.
hi Gumrai,

nice info, but the gain of 5.4% for me is a little small, I not want trade this sys if I only have 5.4 % at 346pips per month.

every sys thats bring me in a month ~ 9 -14% is ok

for me I not see significant stops > 100, so I make a easy mm calculation I go every trade by a risk of 3% same you , thats a good basis for stay long in the game🙂

check out you record how many loser are > 100, 90% smaller and so your average at loser will be, you say 44 this month, and over a longer periode ~ 60pips, so there is no reason to calculate the risk for a sl >100

I calculate by sl 100 so I have a fix $/pips if my account 1000$ it is 0.3$/ pips, so I can lose 30$ = 3% , but I win 346 x 0.3$ = 103$ thats ~ 10%

I think you have to check that out, otherwise you cut your winner, coz your lotsize to small, you make ~ 50% smaller gain as I, by same risk!

thats only my 2 cents , but I hope you think about that


I agree with you, I said much the same in an earlier post when risk management was being actively discussed. I don't think that you were a contributor to this thread back then.
The point I made then was that in most trades, the stoploss narrowed over time, so there was really no need to calculate your risk based solely on the stoploss at entry. My feeling was that you could use an average.
Much the same as you, I figured that with a 10,000 bank and 3% risk, you could use an average risk of 3 pounds per pip, or approx 0.5 lot.
Using 0.5 lot instead of adjusting for the stoploss would have doubled the returns to around Bank + 10%
Sniper has not performed so well this month, but still the biggest loss is way less than 100 pips, yet the biggest stoploss was 160 pips.
I can well imagine that this is one of the worst months ever for sniper users, but it's done very well ( we will have to wait for Greenfield to confirm as he is the most experienced Sniper here.)

Re the Sniper stop on the current long - I see now that the Cable has dropped back and the blue sniper stop has gone and we have a red one again.

fine GumRai 😀

I read the whole thread but some only diagonal 😎

but good I know you make $$$$ enough, I hope

fine GumRai 😀

I read the whole thread but some only diagonal 😎

but good I know you make $$$$ enough, I hope


There are over 1800 posts in this thread - who can read them all?
I've made no money as yet with sniper as I've only been monitoring but what I've seen so far does suggest to me that it works.
When I go live with it, we will see.
please where can I find the new version 4,THV system?
I found only version 3.

About sniper forex,
I think we have to go short or long only when every color is red or blue,
I mean also sniper stop!! I think if sniper stop is not same color it's better don't
open trade and wait next candle.When I don't follow this rule I got 2 stop loss in few weeks.
What do you think?

thank you

FD Trader, do you use THV system? could you give a quick intro to that. i.e. whats it all about? They have 10,000+ posts about that and it will take forever to understand them all. So curious what that system is all about. Please let me know.
Hi guys, what pairs is everyone finding profitable? Just set mine up and currently got the EURUSD, GBPUSD, USDGPY and EURGBP charts open.