
I've always been against putting people on pedestals I have seen people fall off their man-made pedestals and it hurts.

It doesn't only hurt the pedestal faller, it hurts the people who are looking up to them and those who are looking on from a distance.

It's a precarious predicament for any person to attempt to permanently perch on a pedestal.

Those who stand on a precarious pedestal, stand alone
mr marcus, Albert, skim, andycan, laptop1, trader333 and possibly grey1 and the odd ones here and there I've missed.

This is merely an observation I thought about earlier regarding these people and new_traders assertion that a real edge is understanding, not a niche........

The posts I have read showed Skim used to post about trendlines, S/R and patterns and I believe Grey1 uses indicators. Bulldozer and Socrates last posts on this site all relate to their trading success being based on '...expiring worthless' and this only leaves mrmarcus, andycan, laptop and trader333 falling into the category of those successful enough to continue so as they 'understand' - their edge.

That list gets smaller and smaller...