
ok, I wish you these 2,40.

no comment:
I was just curious that you confused TheBramble with your post. Explain to us once more what is your starting position? I expect that you have bought at 1.8 and waiting for 2.40 and did not set stop limit. Is that right?
If you like cheap stock, I would recommend you SYBR, ATAHQ, BCON, SCON for today. (be careful, some need short)
jimmyc1 said:
you'll see...............just sold spab again, 2.35 from 1.80's when fear is selling and sell whe greed is buying, its worked for 30 years for me, go figure.
Hi jimmyc, what i don't understand is with 30 yrs experience playing these stocks why would you post an illiquid stock to a forum with 20,000 members, if only half a dozen people tried to get on board this stock the buying pressure would put it through the roof, hence the suspicion that all is not as it should be. I have been around quite a few, as I call them "stock calling services" in the past, and none of them, at least the reputable ones, will call a trade on an illiquid stock because they know if their members try to buy in they will move it so much that most of them will get screwed. And a man with 30yrs experience would know this.