Sky Hamilton

Sophia Khan has been there today, but she was always heavily associated with the Dental Training Acedemy anyway before. There was masses of mail from Companies House downstairs for the various companies registered in there so I am not surprised...! So the scam continues... let me see what dregs of hell come to be dental receptionists.
The post lady just came up to our floor as she had post that needed to be signed for, for Sky Hamilton. She had looked through the window - something that I haven't done for a while - and there is no furniture in the main office anymore. I know that Sophia Khan was there on Monday and some women were there for some sort of "training" but they seem to be there less and less lately, even with the Dental Training Academy. No doubt the signed for Sky Hamilton letter was something legal to do with their dodgyness.... the saga continues!
The bailiffs have been in and left a nice notice on the door - for Sky Hamilton - for not paying rent. Anyone surprised? Trading Standards lady should also be back today.
Apply for this job
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Are you still looking for employment, looking for a career change or just about to leave university or college?

Do you have a flair for people and great organisational skills?

Then a career as a Office Secretary could be for you!

If you’re longing to launch yourself into an exciting and rewarding career of Secretarial Service, and possess the drive and determination to be the very best, then this opportunity could be just the answer.

As the UK’s leading office secretary training provider, we are now recruiting for 2012 intakes and invite applications from highly motivated individuals with a proven track record of success. We provide you with the fastest route to being a office secretary thanks to guaranteed interviews with top employers and second-to-none career support. We offer some of the UK’s leading secretary and personal assistant training facilities, distraction free learning and the opportunity to work alongside some of the most prestigious firms in the country.

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If successful, you will be offered an exclusive place on our office secretary training scheme where you’ll gain a professional recognised qualification. You will also enjoy professional career development and mentoring from our experienced tutors and Secretarial and Executive PA professionals, so you can enter the industry will all the qualifications and experience required.

Our next intake is nearing capacity and places are limited and strictly application only. No previous experience or qualifications are necessary.

Ad ref 106440337Posted 7 days ago
Posting ads since April 2012
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Legal Secretary Course

Came across this on Gumtree - the address for it is at 72 Clifton street...........
Seems they are calling themselves iSecretary Jobs. I wonder how long it will be before someone appears saying they paid them and didnt get the job.
They are in there right now - Sophia Khan and I believe the elusive Mr. Princewell was also here today as well - with all their silly minions sitting on the stairs in my way when I am trying to come up! I don't get how they got through the bailiff notice - she ripped the signs down. Also the trading standards lady hasn't come back...
Katonym,i am one of the idiots that fell for their scam! Are you the fat lady that was ALWAYS downstairs smoking and stairing at our mcdonalds???
Hi all,
Recently attended a free workshop by Joe Davies of Recruitment Start Up and found he claims to help people start up recruitment agencies which he has being doing for the past five years. He requested to be paid £1,800 for Permanent agency start up, £6000 for Temporary agency start up and £12000 for contracts a full recruitment team. I got really suspicious and decided to do a check firstly to find out if this company is registered with Company House (In fact it is). However, would love to hear individuals opinion on Joe Davies and also his organisation and offers.
According to the website it's Joe Davis. However the company 'Recruitment startup Ltd' has been dissolved by Companies House.

I think the real clue is in the wording of the website, telling you how much you can make for very little effort if you just pay him for training. Stay well clear of this type of scheme.
According to the website it's Joe Davis. However the company 'Recruitment startup Ltd' has been dissolved by Companies House.

I think the real clue is in the wording of the website, telling you how much you can make for very little effort if you just pay him for training. Stay well clear of this type of scheme.

With the information provided and documented, the registration name is RSU Services Ltd and Registration number is 06823547. Also since the alarm bell has being triggered, what other means are available to aid someone set up a recruitment firm? Thanks
Don't rush into it, these guys told you it was easy and very profitable but they were trying to flog you a course. What's it like in reality?
Thanks a lot for your opinion and advice. Great I found this forum

Everyone.. i worked for Sky Hamilton for one week back in 2010 and this forum confirms everything i saw- hence the reason i left immediately. As you can see i have literally only become a member to post on this forum today after seeing all the posts from you guys.

No Jobs at all- or recruitment experience/ knowledge between the whole team.

Sole purpose is to flog courses based on redundant,expired material copied numerous times- by advertising fake jobs. Hopefuls were then invited for an interview to be told they are a perfect fit for the job but are only missing 2 qualifications to secure the role. They were then offered these 2 qualifications via their 'sister company' for a reduced rate that would be the gateway to start a brand new mortgage advisor role - min 30kpa.

They were fed this by playing on current markets, unemployment rates and competition for the role. These 2 'magical' qualifications would allow them to stand out from the rest and be true contendors for this mythical job. They would have interviews running in 15minute time slots- for a better idea of how many 'interviews' were happening daily. Interviewees would be forced to sit in a grotty cafe whilst waiting to be seen and there would sometimes be ques of up to 10 'candidates'.

Team at the time was:
Chris Princewill (Director), Sofia Khan(Chris' Fiance who flogs Dental & medical related material) Terry Troakes, Paul Dacey, and a naiive young female receptionist, excited to tell her friends and family that she has landed a job in the city (basically clueless).

I believe Terry T now works at: Pre-Select judging by his linkedin profile:*2_*2_*2_*2_*2_*2_*2_*2_*2_*2_*2_*2&trk=pbmap

You guys should get together and pay him a visit at his current office.

So glad that you guys found this out and made a true example of scammers at work. 😎
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Troakes disappeared for a long time after the learn-express scam was exposed. He even got rid of his twitter account.

He did mention that he was getting into carbon credits, well known as a scammers favourite instrument. Have you heard anything about that.
I like the way he uses T as his surname on LinkedIn but still puts Sky Hamilton down as a previous job. What a clown.

Another Sky employee Shraddagh Inghe is now listed as working for Mayday Healthcare as a recruiter.
I like the way he uses T as his surname on LinkedIn but still puts Sky Hamilton down as a previous job. What a clown.

Another Sky employee Shraddagh Inghe is now listed as working for Mayday Healthcare as a recruiter.

LOL lets just say Mr. Terry T is evidently not the sharpest tool in the box - i mean Terry Twith Sky Hamilton listed as your preious job- great alias or what!!

After my one week experience i had no contact with any one of them. I could see this happening and didnt want to be any part of it or connected in any way.

I thought it was a one off type of scam but it seems pretty common and widespread.

As i was once told..'if it sounds too good to be true-it probably is'

Pay him a visit at pre select and post his reaction..i would love to hear the outcome. 👍
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