Alexander Hunt - and CISI / Fast Track exams

I've just got a job as a PA for the director of Learn-Express - but it seemed really dodgy in the office, with a lot of people making calls to book interviews for people from Alexander Hunt recruitment and I thought I'd better check it out - and then I found this post.

Needless to say, I'm quitting! But I'd like to report the company, but don't really know how to. The address is 70 Clifton Street, London, EC2A 4HB and the email is [email protected]

Gotta stop these people!!

They came to light here a few weeks back, they were operating under the name Sky Hamilton. Then we discovered they were one and the same as Learn Express, same Director, staff (Terry Troakes) etc. Learn Express were caught out using fake testimonials, basically they made up some names and copied photos from other websites including charities. I just checked and they are still using them so maybe you can start by reporting them to the Advertising Standards Agency (don't expect any fireworks from them though), perhaps also Trading Standards or the press.
Cant believe they were running the same gig on dental training

Director Summary

Mr Chris Princewill has 10 company director or secretary appointments.

Short name - Chris Princewill
Month/Year of Birth: 06/1981
(For security reasons we only show Month/Year)


27 Holywell Row

Try our custom google search for: Mr Chris Princewill
Custom Search

Company Summary

Company Name Company Status
SKY HAMILTON LTD Active (Director Resigned)
SKY HAMILTON LTD Active (Director Resigned)
SKY HAMILTON LEARNING LTD Dissolved (Director Resigned)
SKY HAMILTON TRAINING LTD Dissolved (Director Resigned)
IN-DENTAL TRAINING ACADEMY LTD Dissolved (Director Resigned)
SKY HAMILTON GROUP LTD Dissolved (Director Resigned)
No way! The reason I was brought on board was to help him start up a new company in January - but obviously I won't be doing now that I know what they're all about.

I'm getting so tired of all these scams out there, I definitely don't want to be a part of it!! Seriously, is there anything we can do to stop them?
No way! The reason I was brought on board was to help him start up a new company in January - but obviously I won't be doing now that I know what they're all about.

I'm getting so tired of all these scams out there, I definitely don't want to be a part of it!! Seriously, is there anything we can do to stop them?

Trading Standards maybe, but if someone in the press took an interest it would probably do more good.

Did you happen to hear anything about carbon credit trading? Apparently that's what they're getting into next. Its the sort of thing where they cold call people like pensioners and try to get money off them for an 'investment'.
Haven't heard anything about that here, not sure what he's getting into next - but the people working the phones here have to get at least 30 new interviews booked each day, I don't know how they get away with it!

Carbon credit trading will probably suck quite a lot of people in, especially since it's quite low at the moment isn't it? There's a new website coming for Learn-Express in January, and I was asked to look at how they could get accredited by CISI.

Are you still interested in the books? Im selling the CISI Financial Regulations plus questions and help booklet and CISI Securities plus questions booklet.

The 4 books for £200.

If interested contact me to [email protected] or 07930992840
Does Anyone know if Alexander Hunt or Sky Hamilton are legitimate recruitment agencies or con merchants getting you to take courses (CISI, unit 1 and 2) and then the job offer disappears. Has anyone ever got a job from them?

I went to an interview, with regards to Investment Consultant. They knew that I do not hold CISI certificate. Nevertheless, they invited me and during the friendly interview all questions were around getting professional qualifications. Eventually the interviewer has recommended to go for CISI course with Fast Track CISI Certificate in Securities | Learn Express - Fast track your career
The training fee is 995GBP. Anyone knows what will happens after? Will the Alexander Hunt still have a job offer, or they will simply disappear?


Hello everybody,

I'm new on this forum, but I want to give my contribute about Alexander hunt alias many names.
I just moved to London and I held an interview with Alex Hunt to get a job in the financial market. Everything seemed to me really strange and fake, since going to their offices in 72 Clifton rd, I couldn't see any sign outside, once inside there was not any logo or something looking official on documents, no business cards. Even the web site look static and you can't get informations. They don't really like to give you their full name. I had just an informal interview where they promised me a job 100% on the condition to pass the financial exams. I was so lucky that the school was right upstairs on the same building 😆 At the end of the interview I pointed up that I was skeptical and that I wanted more info about the company that should hire me... of course nothing. I was already sure that was all a bull****, but being a foreigner I had some doubt since in any country staff work a little different. Thanks to this forum and you guys I had the confirmation I needed. I wrote this also to advise other foreigners looking for job in London that might be easy victims of this fraud.
Stay away from that place.

Hey all.
I went for a job interview at Alexander Hunt which was initially advertised on for a position of Mortgage Sales Advisor working for Lloyds Tsb Bank.
On the Gumtree website they said ''no experience needed, only an outgoing friendly personality, eagerness...'' . There was no mention of it being advertised through an ''agency''. The number I called to make the initial appointment for the interview was 02075615295. A girl answered the phone and said my interview would be at 10.30 am on the Thursday (19th of January 2012), she sounded professional and well spoken as they all do.
The location on the interview was 72 Clifton Street, London, EC2A 4HB. I had difficulty finding the place as there is no sign whatsoever of any official company or office in the building. As I got in there was no signs or logos of the company and there was only three people operating computers on bare desks. The office looked very poorly decorated, empty and they were the only ''company'' in what was a huge building complex (the walls to the entrance are made of glass and you can see there is no other company operating on site).
One of the girls at the desk took me to a small room and told me to wait for the interviewer. The interviewer introduced himself as ''Frank'' ( about 5''8', blond, blue eyes, British with an Essex accent, wearing a pink stripped shirt and tie). He asked some very basic questions and after 10 min. of talk, he said he had a position for me but that I needed a small qualification (CF1-CF6 or CeMap), the job description he gave me was totally general and didn't even mention the employer or Lloyds bank, which was the initial job offer on gumtree. The salary potential on the description was too good to be true (20k to 24K basic plus going up to 42K). Frank was extremely good at creating an environment where you would agree with him and eventually have the mind set of wanting to be ''successful'' and ''grasping an opportunity that shouldn't be wasted'' (as said by Frank himself). Being a very good salesman not until right at the end, he tried to convince me to buy the course in order to get the position. He initially said the course was £995 but said he could get £300 off of it when I said I couldn't afford 995, or that I could give him a ''deposit'' and pay the rest at the end of the month. Being an ex-salesman I had noticed all of his techniques of persuasion and emotional trickery and the on-the-spot pressure to buy the course in order to get the job (he mentioned 3 million people being unemployed and this was a gold opportunity). Knowing it was a dodgy and untrue job offer, I said I would research the course and would get back to him. Once I said that he tried not to look disappointed and told me that I was supposed to call him back by 3pm with my decision (whether I wanted to buy the course or not). I never called him back but he called me 5 times after 3 pm. sounding very desperate and even left me a voice mail saying that I should call him back. The numbers used to call me were 07841417861 and 02074561014. I received a call on a withheld number which hung up on me and half an hour later I received yet another text from ''Frank''. I sent him a message and said he should no longer contact me or I would report him to the police for harassment. BEWARE , THIS IS A BIG SCAM, DO NOT ALLOW YOURSELF TO GET EMOTIONALLY CAUGHT IN THIS TRAP - HOWEVER DESPERATE FOR A JOB YOU ARE. DO NOT PAY ANY MONEY WHATSOEVER.

Hey all.
I went for a job interview at Alexander Hunt which was initially advertised on for a position of Mortgage Sales Advisor working for Lloyds Tsb Bank.
On the Gumtree website they said ''no experience needed, only an outgoing friendly personality, eagerness...'' . There was no mention of it being advertised through an ''agency''. The number I called to make the initial appointment for the interview was 02075615295. A girl answered the phone and said my interview would be at 10.30 am on the Thursday (19th of January 2012), she sounded professional and well spoken as they all do.
The location on the interview was 72 Clifton Street, London, EC2A 4HB. I had difficulty finding the place as there is no sign whatsoever of any official company or office in the building. As I got in there was no signs or logos of the company and there was only three people operating computers on bare desks. The office looked very poorly decorated, empty and they were the only ''company'' in what was a huge building complex (the walls to the entrance are made of glass and you can see there is no other company operating on site).
One of the girls at the desk took me to a small room and told me to wait for the interviewer. The interviewer introduced himself as ''Frank'' ( about 5''8', blond, blue eyes, British with an Essex accent, wearing a pink stripped shirt and tie). He asked some very basic questions and after 10 min. of talk, he said he had a position for me but that I needed a small qualification (CF1-CF6 or CeMap), the job description he gave me was totally general and didn't even mention the employer or Lloyds bank, which was the initial job offer on gumtree. The salary potential on the description was too good to be true (20k to 24K basic plus going up to 42K). Frank was extremely good at creating an environment where you would agree with him and eventually have the mind set of wanting to be ''successful'' and ''grasping an opportunity that shouldn't be wasted'' (as said by Frank himself). Being a very good salesman not until right at the end, he tried to convince me to buy the course in order to get the position. He initially said the course was £995 but said he could get £300 off of it when I said I couldn't afford 995, or that I could give him a ''deposit'' and pay the rest at the end of the month. Being an ex-salesman I had noticed all of his techniques of persuasion and emotional trickery and the on-the-spot pressure to buy the course in order to get the job (he mentioned 3 million people being unemployed and this was a gold opportunity). Knowing it was a dodgy and untrue job offer, I said I would research the course and would get back to him. Once I said that he tried not to look disappointed and told me that I was supposed to call him back by 3pm with my decision (whether I wanted to buy the course or not). I never called him back but he called me 5 times after 3 pm. sounding very desperate and even left me a voice mail saying that I should call him back. The numbers used to call me were 07841417861 and 02074561014. I received a call on a withheld number which hung up on me and half an hour later I received yet another text from ''Frank''. I sent him a message and said he should no longer contact me or I would report him to the police for harassment. BEWARE , THIS IS A BIG SCAM, DO NOT ALLOW YOURSELF TO GET EMOTIONALLY CAUGHT IN THIS TRAP - HOWEVER DESPERATE FOR A JOB YOU ARE. DO NOT PAY ANY MONEY WHATSOEVER.

Did this Frank chap look a bit hungover?
Hi, I got caught in same situation. I went for an interview to Alex Hunt and same thing happened. The interview was just about why I don't have any financial services qualification and at the end they got me to sign up for a course with learn express for CII Cemap (for mortgage adviser position ). Also when I called the learn express to cancel the course, they said " speak to the person who got me enrolled as they must have put me for a position" and that person name was written on the receipt of deposit under the heading of adviser. Anyway, Guys please reply to my add with your contact details as I will be taking some kind of action against them and need to known who else got into this. Watch out from these guys.

By the way Whoopi-Pie, I enrolled on same and exactly same thing happened. Please provide me you details as I will be taking this matter forward. Thank you guys for being so much helpful.

Thank you
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I went for an interview with sky hamaliton a few years ago at 70 Clifton st I dissed them out back then as having worked for a bank when they tried flogging the courses to me I said I'm after a job not to part with my cash the guy was very embarrassed ( this job was advertised on gun tree) anyway so last week I seen a job advertised for metro bank on gum tree, I applied for it then got a call from Alex hunt asking to to come for an interview great I was excited took a half day of work to find then place, arrived at the place and "oh my god i was thinking this is weird I'm sure I've passed this place before ... dammit this was the address I came to all them years back fr sky Hamilton, u quickly googled the website for Alex Hun and arhhh! it seems like another schame rang the buzzer a guy answers blue eyes seemed like an essex guy who had a rough night, took me in the office and I said straight out "look I think I've been here before he went red I said are you trying to flog me a course No, no no we have a job at metro bank available I knew he was lying to me but said thier the interview lasted 2 mins yep 2 mins!! he said your amazing I'm going to forward your cv to metro bank right now... then I left and was like damnit I just wasted half my day on this crap and headiest straight back to my work. It's kinda funny when it happened just be careful people please x
I went for an interview with sky hamaliton a few years ago at 70 Clifton st I dissed them out back then as having worked for a bank when they tried flogging the courses to me I said I'm after a job not to part with my cash the guy was very embarrassed ( this job was advertised on gun tree) anyway so last week I seen a job advertised for metro bank on gum tree, I applied for it then got a call from Alex hunt asking to to come for an interview great I was excited took a half day of work to find then place, arrived at the place and "oh my god i was thinking this is weird I'm sure I've passed this place before ... dammit this was the address I came to all them years back fr sky Hamilton, u quickly googled the website for Alex Hun and arhhh! it seems like another schame rang the buzzer a guy answers blue eyes seemed like an essex guy who had a rough night, took me in the office and I said straight out "look I think I've been here before he went red I said are you trying to flog me a course No, no no we have a job at metro bank available I knew he was lying to me but said thier the interview lasted 2 mins yep 2 mins!! he said your amazing I'm going to forward your cv to metro bank right now... then I left and was like damnit I just wasted half my day on this crap and headiest straight back to my work. It's kinda funny when it happened just be careful people please x

According to the description it sounds like you met Terry Troakes.
who ever he was he seemed like a nice enough guy just a shame for the kind of company he is working for to mislead people like that I was stupid to not even google the place first haha just in arrival it was crazy I was like hmmm this is strange I'm sure I been here before lol ... if the job sound to good to be true then it deff is
Hey everyone..

I have had the same experience with this company not too long ago, it was to good to be true, but after having being hypnotized I gave in n became weak, I have paid them £295 for the CF1 and CF6 course and only having seen this forum now, I am defbitlg having doubts, is there anyway I can recover my money ?? Someone please advise me on what I can do to get my money back..!

I am thinking of going back into their stupid office and telling them to show me the details of the employer I was ment to start working for after I complete the course, I also want to mention that they have no proof that they are genuine..! Will this help or is it useless ??
Hey everyone..

I have had the same experience with this company not too long ago, it was to good to be true, but after having being hypnotized I gave in n became weak, I have paid them £295 for the CF1 and CF6 course and only having seen this forum now, I am defbitlg having doubts, is there anyway I can recover my money ?? Someone please advise me on what I can do to get my money back..!

I am thinking of going back into their stupid office and telling them to show me the details of the employer I was ment to start working for after I complete the course, I also want to mention that they have no proof that they are genuine..! Will this help or is it useless ??

Did you pay by credit card? If so you might be able to claim it back. If you look back at the Sky Hamilton you'll see that Learn Express, their training company, was exposed as having faked their testimonials. They have a number of other recruitment websites ready to go when this one takes too much heat. Why not just report them to trading standards?
you need to report them ASAP, they need to get a proper job rather than scamming coz i bet alot of students from other countries think this is a real thing... these company's are out of order ...was it Alex hunt you went to?
by the way cf1-6 are the old exams the correct ones are the ones from the Cii they have a new sulibius
Hi all,
I am selling the 3 modules CISI FSA latest edition 2012 from 7CITY LEARNING :

- Financial Regulation
- Securities
- Derivatives

Material are totally new. (no marks)

Each module includes :
- Exam Overview & Study Planner
- Work Book
- Chapter Questions & Mock Exams
- Checkpoint book

Price per module is 60GBP.
Price for the 3 modules is 160GBP.

Please call me if interested on 075 771 32273 or email me at [email protected]
BEWARE of RSU Services Ltd / Recruitment Start Up Ltd - SCAM


I just wanted to share a recent experience I had with this company that calls themselves RSU Services Ltd or Recruitment Start Up Limited. Joe Davis is director of this 'company' based in Croydon, London and he claims to be able to help you start your own recruitment company.

Just a few days ago I attended one of their free workshops held by Joe Davis where afterwards, he tries to sell you his services - there are different packages: £6,000 for the cheapest package and then £12,000 and £25,000. He offers an 'irresistable' offer where if you purchase the cheapest package for £6,000 you get a free upgrade to the next package (worth £5,000), but ONLY IF you make full payment via BACS transfer by the following day. This is a typical tactic, so that you don't have enough time to think properly about it and go for it then and there so that you don't lose out on the 'offer'. They do not offer a refund policy, so if something goes wrong down the line, you have paid all this money in advance and you cannot get it back.

After extensive research on this company and on Joe Davis, I discovered that all the testimonials listed on his website are false. After researching contact details for the 7 people who provided their testimonials about the company, I could not get in touch with ANY OF THEM. Some contact details were fake, some details show apparent 'companies' that were formed by these individuals that have now gone bust. I could not find ANY evidence of anyone who has used this company to help them start their own businesses, despite Joe's claim that he has helped to start up more than 400 companies in 7 years. Companies House is a very valuable resource to research this and other companies. Joe claims that the website is not up do date and that the testimonials are old - DO NOT BELIEVE THIS. I wouldn't be surprised if he changes the testimonials on the website and I'm sure he will try harder to make them seem believable. He also has more than one website for the same company, which is very odd. Always make sure you research extensively and contact the people who have left testimonials or references to verify that a company does what it says before you have any dealings with them - there are a lot of scammers out there and they are EXPERTS at deceiving you.

I also discovered on this forum that Joe Davis owns approximately 95 web domains - some of these have been used to create websites for companies dealing in scams. One such recruitment 'company' was called Alexander Hunt - they made their candidates take a 'course' for approx. £600 before they could be offered specific jobs (in the Accounts industry, I believe). The candidates (mainly foreign) paid the money, took the course and then never heard from the company again. Many people fell victim to this scam, as you can read on this forum.

Their prices also seem to have shot up in just one year. From a post made in 2012 on another forum by someone who expressed their concerns about this company, their prices were £1800, £6000 and £12000 - in just one year the prices have gone up to £6000, £12000 and £25000. It seems very unlikely and strange that prices would shoot up so much in only one year.

I have already reported this company to the relevant authorities and I would just like to say - BEWARE. He comes across as extremely professional, well-presented, well-mannered, friendly, charming, well-educated and extremely well-spoken - nothing you would expect your typical conman to be like. He is extremely convincing and on the surface you would believe what he has to say, but dig deeper into the company and into him and you will discover that not all is quite as it seems.
