Credit where credit is due however, at least SJ Capital has put in for planning permission on the Greenhithe site. If I was an investor the 3 questions that I'd be seeking urgent answers to are -
1. How many plots were originally sold on the land, and if more than 40 (the amount on the planning application) where does that leave my plot as I might be one of 100 plots originally sold?
2. What did I actually buy, was it an unspecific plot on the land, so if 40 plots were sold my share is 1/40th (assuming no more than 40 plots were sold). Or did I buy a specfic plot with map cordinates? If so what happens if my area of the land is deemed to be a road, or landscaping, does that make my investment worthless?
3. What about affordable housing? 40% of any large site now has to be affordable and the plot value of affordable is worth about 30% of a non-affordable. What happens if my plot is not a road or pavement but is affordable, does that make my investment worth a lot less if planning permission is given? And if I didn't know about the strict laws on affordable housing in the UK on new development sites why wasn't this critical piece of information mentioned during the sales process. If it was mentioned though then no problems.
But those questions are only relevant if planning permission is given. If not then not only is my investment worth a fraction of what I paid but SJ Capital will have still banked my large original cheque. To me it looks like a big money crapshoot for the punter, but a sure thing for the seller 🙂
I don't know about anyone else but personally I run a mile from such one sided investments because one side basically shifts 100% of the risk to the other and the one with the risk bears 100% of the losses if they materialise. Still, it's an excellent and very profitable no-risk strategy if you're the orginal seller....
1. How many plots were originally sold on the land, and if more than 40 (the amount on the planning application) where does that leave my plot as I might be one of 100 plots originally sold?
2. What did I actually buy, was it an unspecific plot on the land, so if 40 plots were sold my share is 1/40th (assuming no more than 40 plots were sold). Or did I buy a specfic plot with map cordinates? If so what happens if my area of the land is deemed to be a road, or landscaping, does that make my investment worthless?
3. What about affordable housing? 40% of any large site now has to be affordable and the plot value of affordable is worth about 30% of a non-affordable. What happens if my plot is not a road or pavement but is affordable, does that make my investment worth a lot less if planning permission is given? And if I didn't know about the strict laws on affordable housing in the UK on new development sites why wasn't this critical piece of information mentioned during the sales process. If it was mentioned though then no problems.
But those questions are only relevant if planning permission is given. If not then not only is my investment worth a fraction of what I paid but SJ Capital will have still banked my large original cheque. To me it looks like a big money crapshoot for the punter, but a sure thing for the seller 🙂
I don't know about anyone else but personally I run a mile from such one sided investments because one side basically shifts 100% of the risk to the other and the one with the risk bears 100% of the losses if they materialise. Still, it's an excellent and very profitable no-risk strategy if you're the orginal seller....