
The other thing that often works with charts that don't update is to delete the end of the file. Scroll the file so the last point is off the right of the screen, right click, select Edit Minute Data and Delete to end of file.
Is it me..........?? the service lately from sierra sucks, today no chart updates except [in my case CAC & CU.BP] despite-or perhaps because of - my Emailed complaints to them over the past five weeks never receive a reply...what about the "Good Old Americal Knowhow" no good blaming MyTrack either, this is operating................anyone else p****d off with these people??
and what alternatives.........please don't mention Updata though.
dolton said:
and what alternatives.........please don't mention Updata though.
The only other option I would consider is ESignal
There is a free 30 day trial, where if you don't like it - cancel the subscription and you only pay for the exchange fees.
Becareful though, this is what I class as an American free trial - in that if you keep up the subscription then you pay for the free month. Not sure what happens if you take out the free trial, cancel it and then continue the subscription. 😕

ESignal is more expensive than Sierrachart, but I prefer it 🙂

Hope this helps
TWS Start??

Hi all -

I have just installed TWS start on my machine to fire up TWS and Sierra prior to the US open, because I'm not always here bang on time to fire it up. I'm using IB as a feed so I dont get backfill data.

Sierra fires up fine using Task Scheduler (a minute after TWS start kicks off), but of course what it doesnt do is open the chartbook. Hence, firing the charts up is pretty pointless if it doesnt open the chartbook to record the data (isnt it?)

Does anyone know of a way in which I can get Sierra to automatically open a particular chartbook on program start??
Edit/Intraday File Update List

Enter the symbols you want and it will update those files regardless of what chartbook you have open.
What times do people have on Chart Settings for the US markets. Got these silly dots everywhere when I leave it in default.
Just changed ES to 13:30 21:00. Is that about right?

Do you mean the incredibly useful vertical dots marking a new day 🙂, or the horizontal dashes indicating no data? If the latter all you need to do is to untick the box labelled "Include columns with no data" in Chart Settings to get rid of them. If you want to get rid of the former you want Day/Month Breaks under the Chart menu.

The shortcoming with not including columns with no data is that data losses are not obvious. For that reason I have a Data Monitor chartbook which includes the main charts I track set up with empty cols included. I can use that for checking quickly if there have been data dropouts.
OK thanks. I've just noticed changing the times changed the FTSE Fut as well so I've gone to 08:00 opg now!
In quiet times the market can have "dead" quotes so I don't know what to do. I'll have to think about it 😕
IB's TWS is driving me insane.

I download the browser version of TWS whenever I open IB. I didn't opt for the "stand alone" as some members felt it was less manageable. However, I cannot get TWS to "SIT on the screen so that I can monitor it!" Every time I click on another part of the screens to attend to charts etc., TWS minimises itself and dives for cover. I haul it out by its ear and it does this over and over again. I have tried to activate the "click to stay on top" feature but that throws up an objection telling me that the facility that I am looking for is only available on the stand-alone version. Any ideas anyone?

Best wishes,
Can anyone tell me if V42 is worth having? Any more features? Is it more stable? Any problems with upgrading from 39? Has anyone done the upgrade as opposed to starting off with 42?
If I sound paranoid I am! My PC crashed in the middle of a trade today, but thankfully my stop worked!