Converting Esignal EFS files to Sierra


I've greatly simplified my trading to one normal indicator and one that I've developed using Java in Esignal (an .efs file). This means that I now don't need to pay the outrageous prices that esignal charges for montly data (cme futures and Dax futures) which are around $150 U.S.

Since I use IB it looks like Sierra would be a nice, inexpensive option, but in searching the forums here (and Sierra's website) I can't find any information on what I would need to do to convert my Esignal program to something that Sierra can use.

Any help would be appreciated.
Noshoes said:
I've greatly simplified my trading to one normal indicator and one that I've developed using Java in Esignal (an .efs file). This means that I now don't need to pay the outrageous prices that esignal charges for montly data (cme futures and Dax futures) which are around $150 U.S.

Since I use IB it looks like Sierra would be a nice, inexpensive option, but in searching the forums here (and Sierra's website) I can't find any information on what I would need to do to convert my Esignal program to something that Sierra can use.

Any help would be appreciated.

There are 2 ways to build your own indicators in Sierrachart - write a C++ routine or write a suitable function in Excel. The best place to go for advice on this is the Sierra User forum - there are undoubtedly other members who have had the same requirement and the authors of Sierra are active participants as well.. At the end of the day it will come down to 2 issues - (1) are you prepared to learn your way into one of these languages (assuming you are not already conversant in them), or (2) are you prepared to share the details of your indicator so that someone can convert it for you?

Anyway, here is the link to the board. It is free to enrol.

Hope this helps
Thanks a bunch.
I initially tried to get to the forums on their website but it looked like I had to be a "user" to enter them (I could be wrong, it was late at night and I was pretty punchy)

I used to code in "C" so an extra couple of ++'s shouldn't be a problem.
Thanks again.

Noshoes said:
Thanks a bunch.
I initially tried to get to the forums on their website but it looked like I had to be a "user" to enter them (I could be wrong, it was late at night and I was pretty punchy)

I used to code in "C" so an extra couple of ++'s shouldn't be a problem.
Thanks again.


I am pretty sure that you don't have to be a user to become a member of the SC board. I know that I have seen other people ask questions where it is obvious that they are not actuals users.

Best of luck

swandro said:
I am pretty sure that you don't have to be a user to become a member of the SC board. I know that I have seen other people ask questions where it is obvious that they are not actuals users.

Best of luck


You don't need to be a registered user to join the Sierrachart user board to ask questions, you can just register a username. I've produced my own studies for Sierrachart and if you know C then the ++ bit won't bother you.

Kiwi, a user here, has done sterling amounts of really good stuff developing for Sierrachart. He's stepped back a bit now but still contributes. He really pushed the boundaries of what's possible with Sierrachart.

