If you've not registered Sierra yet, you get 7 days of use where it will recognise any instrument and show you the chart for it. After those 7 days, I believe it only shows a limited range of symbols - IBM & MSFT I think. But it's cheap as chips, so a 6-month subs isn't going to break the bank.
Can't help you with the data I'm afraid : I've got some emini S&P/Dow/Nasdaq/QQQQ data but that's it. Otherwise your best bet would be to pay for a months' MyTrack subscription and download a bucketload of historical data from them. I think you'll struggle to get it any other way in ready-to-go-format.
Otherwise, if you can get the data in .csv or .txt format, there are a some free tools that will convert it to .mnd format that Sierra can then use. You don't need a data feed to scroll through the data, but you need some way of populating your data folder.