
Hi Rosso,

Now done, moved to the website feedback forum (as I couldn't think of a better forum to move it to).

That was cr*p.
I tried a couple of good old Anglo Saxon words in Charles English 😉
Got sierra version 44 and my ftse charts are lagging IBs TWS by several seconds in some cases.Is anyone getting similar with up to date version? I use Mytrack
Do you see the delay in the prices in the MyTrack/MyBroker application itself? I used to see a small delay with MyTrack compared to others, but it wasn't Sierra, it was the MyTrack feed itself (never several seconds though, maybe about 1 second with the occassional longer glitch).

Your right. I've recently subscribed to Sierra & Mytrack, and found Mytrack is slow and doesn't always capture all the move. I'll move away from Mytrack for that reason.
It's the feed from Mytrack.I've only just come back to ftse so I forgot how bad it was.The US futures are ok

Are you talking about the MyTrack symbol for the FTSE UKZ.X? This is the free one which TrackData calculate themselves from the constituent prices, and I noticed this can be slow/wrong sometimes, but I guess you'd have to expect that. If it was the kosher UKX LSE symbol that you have to pay the exchange fees for (£8 pm I think?) - I'd be complaining.

jonnyy40 said:
ftse future.The dax is (used) to be bad as well.

I'm currently daytrading the DAX Futures with IB and eSignal, but I'm considering to drop eSignal and switch to Sierra because there have been delay problems between IB and eSignal.

Could you tell me more about the problems you are having with the Dax Futures on Sierra ?

JonnyT said:
You will have no problem with Seirra and an IB Data feed.


Thanks for your quick reply. Am I all set with IB, Sierra & SCMagic or do I need something else? (I need historical data as well for analysis)

A lot of people seem to be using Mytrack, but I haven't been able to figure out why I would need it.

Thanks again.
I think MyCrap - sorry, MyTrack - is a waste of time. If you've got IB and SC Magic, you'll be fine.
I keep up a delayed MT sub. Firstly because I use it to fill in missing data if I have system problems and my Sierra/IB feed data has a gap. I know I could now do this with SCMagic, but this is how I've always done it!

Secondly, it allows me to collect data for research purposes from exchanges I don't currently follow without needing to pay IB exchange fees. Again I could do some of this with SCMagic, but not everything.

Thirdly, it's a backup. Probably not much use as that since IB is so much more reliable than MT.

Overall I suspect that if I was starting out from scratch knowing what I do, I'd make do with IB/SCMagic and save a bit of cash.
Thanks for your feedback.
I recently switched from eSignal to Sierra (because the Eurex data feed on eSignal is unreliable) and I'm currently replicating the visual environment I had before within Sierra.
Everything is working OK so far, but I just don't understand how to run Sierra with a multiple monitor setup. The explanation on their support page is just not clear in my view.

Could somebody give me a hint?

Thanks again.
Glenn said:
Just stretch the Sierra window across the screens !

That's what I did, but I don't want to have one big window stretching across 2 screens, I want to have multiple windows of different sizes that I can drag from one screen to the other (like in eSignal, Quotetracker and many others...)
"but I don't want to have one big window stretching across 2 screens"
Load more than one version of Sierra.
