Should WallStreet1928 be given 1 last chance to post live calls this week?

Should WallStreet1928 be allowed to post live calls this week?

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looking at his blog, nearly all the content is someone elses market view from around the interwebs, strip that out, is there much left of his own work?

sure that may be the case,want I dont want is there to be left any doubt as to his abilities. So if he makes calls that are totally clear and achieves anything like what he says he can then we all need to get his help. On the other hand if he fails,starts the stuff he did before, then t2win will surely be called into question as to why he is allowed to continue on the site.Bad publicity is better than none and at the moment he gains by this sort of thing and it has to stop. He probably has had every chance,but one more week wont hurt.

He charges £50 a month, there are others on this and others sites who charge a lot more and what do they really offer.
Look at the Jacko scam, people sent money, sometimes 20k or more, to a bank account in Hong Kong that didn't even have Jackos name on it. Did any of them care it was illegal? No because they thought they knew better. Then when he disappeared they were all moaning about the authorities doing nothing about it.

Im not aware fo the full facts about Jacko,but cant believe that someone would send 20k when in reality he had proved sfa
So you are seeking to over rule the mods in some sort of occupy T2W movment not many on this site have been given the huge leeway that was given to WS but he continued to abuse this

if you wish to see his analysis go to his web page its simple enough.

never ceases to amaze me how intelligent people who have been riped off always come up with an excuse for the defense of the perpatrator the berni madoff there were people saying he made some good calls but too many wanted a piece of the action and he was tempted to produce fake trades??

What WS was suggesting in his posts yesterday was and is simply illegal you can not do this without FSA authorisation nor can you solicit for the same ahead of FSA approval

oh lighten up killjoy. u don't know how to use the ignore button?
Im not aware fo the full facts about Jacko,but cant believe that someone would send 20k when in reality he had proved sfa

Because people buy in to dreams, so all you have to do is nudge them in that direction.

When a man with experience meets a man with money pretty soon the man with experience will have the money and the man with money will have had the experience !
Because people buy in to dreams, so all you have to do is nudge them in that direction.

come on CV this is all bad for business. Let him post live calls for the week, if he slips up and gets evasive/makes a nuisance you can ban him. some of the racist and other personal abuse he has endured has not been cricket imo. he shouldn't have posted the pm but everyone makes mistakes. it will be great traffic for T2W and maybe we can actually find out if he can trade. :cheesy:

its a clear majority in favour so far.
Because people buy in to dreams, so all you have to do is nudge them in that direction.

come on CV this is all bad for business. Let him post live calls for the week, if he slips up and gets evasive/makes a nuisance you can ban him. some of the racist and other personal abuse he has endured has not been cricket imo. he shouldn't have posted the pm but everyone makes mistakes. it will be great traffic for T2W and maybe we can actually find out if he can trade. :cheesy:

its a clear majority in favour so far.

It has little or nothing to do with the PM.

L_M nailed it, which is why he was such a good mod.
sure that may be the case,want I dont want is there to be left any doubt as to his abilities. So if he makes calls that are totally clear and achieves anything like what he says he can then we all need to get his help. On the other hand if he fails,starts the stuff he did before, then t2win will surely be called into question as to why he is allowed to continue on the site.Bad publicity is better than none and at the moment he gains by this sort of thing and it has to stop. He probably has had every chance,but one more week wont hurt.

He charges £50 a month, there are others on this and others sites who charge a lot more and what do they really offer.

for sure, good points made, but do we really think bad publicity is good for him in this case? i'm not so sure. one hour live on the boards would be probably too much, you could pm a lot of hooks out in that hour.

bottom line is he has his very own blog, the vendorised contents of which doesn't need broadcasting here also, those that know where it is can watch him there, simples.

anything else breaks site guidelines as it's just pure advertising for his services. and it would appear he also has plenty of acolytes willing to pursue his cause. which is disturbing to say the least now there is a fund in the offing. mods have a duty to protect members, i believe they are doing a good job of doing just that, well done chaps! :clap:
its a clear majority in favour so far.

what? your cause has a lead of 1 😆

go to his blog and join his fund, pboyles and anley can console you when it goes pear shaped. you may wish to start a thread on that, should be fun 🙄

In under twelve hours, on a Sunday, this person has generated 4 pages, That is how I assess his popularity, even by his critics.

I don't like his attitude but I have to give him credit, he's a page turner. How many threads has the name "Wallstreet" generated" He is potential box office material. Hollywood will be after him, next!
I'm beginning to think this site needs a 'character in play' at any one time. You know - the Spanish89s, the Wasps, the HowardCohodas.

Perhaps it's a yin-yang thing or perhaps it's like the cold war - you need an enemy to control the masses (well hundreds).
I'm undecided on this. Anything that creates more lulz has to be worth doing.

However, if the people speak, and T2W act, people might start to get the ridiculous idea that T2W is some sort of democracy.

Its a hard call, but I'd rather see more lulz
Personally, I couldn't give a fig as to whether WS is a good, bad or indifferent trader since what interests me is discussion about trading not traders.

There are still a few on the boards who discuss their trading strategies and methods and who go on to show that those strategies are successful for them. They don't flog their success, though, and my general experience after 8 years on T2W is that the harder people push in their claims of trading success, the more they have to sell.

Personally, I couldn't give a fig as to whether WS is a good, bad or indifferent trader since what interests me is discussion about trading not traders.

There are still a few on the boards who discuss their trading strategies and methods and who go on to show that those strategies are successful for them. They don't flog their success, though, and my general experience after 8 years on T2W is that the harder people push in their claims of trading success, the more they have to sell.


careful you will get a sore a55 sitting on that fence of yours 😆
Because people buy in to creams, so all you have to do is nudge them in that direction.

When a man with experience meets a woman with pretty looks the man soon will experience loss of his money and the woman with money will have had the experience !

Haha - true words if ever. You are a poet and a philosopher CV... 👍
pah. come on mods shouldn't be allowed to vote they are supposed to be impartial. take the 2 mods off and the yes' are still in the lead.😆

well you were the one chiding me for sitting on the fence 😆