Should I take $50k and backpack around the world?

Should I take $50k and backpack around the world?

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For the title

how about " Bumming around the world on $10 a day "

would keep your own expenses down too
If you can take a pretty girl and a musical instrument with you too eg guitar ?

for busking
i'm not bothered enough about anywhere to visit it really. every time i get somewhere i am already thinking about the next place i want to go and inevitably it's disappointing.

plus i can't stand half the people i meet which isn't good when you're in a pickle
i'm not bothered enough about anywhere to visit it really. every time i get somewhere i am already thinking about the next place i want to go and inevitably it's disappointing.

plus i can't stand half the people i meet which isn't good when you're in a pickle

It's not so much that I am itching to go somewhere in particular, but that it would (hopefully) be a worthwhile experience and this is my last chance... plus I am sort of fed up here.
havnig a tough time on the markets? or sick of the UK as a whole? I've completely lost my patience with the UK-still flabbergasted the fcking morons in this country let the liberal democrats and worst of all nick bloody clegg near number 10.

i digress

it won't be better when you get back although you may find a ncie alternative whilst away...
anybody here done anything like this?

October 09 - L.A, Vegas (Got Married), San Francisco, Hawaii(2 islands), Fiji,
New Zealand- North and South Islands, Melbourne, Sydney(New Year), Whitsundays,
Mackay, Penang, Lagkawi, Kuala Lumpur, Singapore and Hong Kong.

Got back home Feb 2010 and got bored so moved back to Hong Kong to live
and love it here.

Ollie just do it as you will regret it if you dont.

You will meet some friends for life mate and you may never go back home. :cool:
Only to visit of course................
Ollie just do it as you will regret it if you dont.

Thats what I'm worried about. It's now or wait 40 years.

see my top of the head plan... wonder if theres a travelling salesman way to do it?


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as an ex international hostel manager i met lots of people doing that. The first two months are the hardest then its like opium. its hard to stop. some never do.

some put a twist on it like visiting all the capitals , 7 wonders, sail seven seas on cargo boats, see the highest mountains whatever. One guy was a disaster tourist. he would seek out wars and disasters and go there. So he went to the balkan wars and hitched around with the military who would hide bottles of spirits in the petrol tanks. Last i saw him he was on his way to Columbia [where tourists get kidnapped]. So backpackers who got caught on iranian border -there are people who do that because of the danger.

in some places travel these days is a lot more risky for westerners. which cuts it down a bit.

in the end i swapped one set of obvious adventures [i had a philosophy of saying yes to anything no matter how barmy just to see what would happen] for another by learning a skill then becoming self employed just to see what 'country' that would 'take me to'. which is a different kind of journey. Now I'd quite like to have a go at art and see where that takes me and what kind of people i meet.

for real travel these days cycle camping is enough adventure for me.

so the journey never stops it just changes.

if you got the cash and the wish its a no brainer?
Hows about electric push bike and solar panels. London to Capetown

get fit too
I'm 50-50 tbh... I'm worried that I'm not going to get the "experience" that people talk about, just a tan and some holiday snaps. It's alot of money too.

You'll get the experiences that you make chances for if you allow them to happen.
Thats all in your own hands.
Travel alone to get the most out of it.
I'm 50-50 tbh... I'm worried that I'm not going to get the "experience" that people talk about, just a tan and some holiday snaps. It's alot of money too.

if there is no passion, no dream then that too is a no brainer? there are many different types of journeys one can make. Not everyone does the tick box country trip and do things like working with tibetan monks or vso or TFL [although you generally need a degree for that these days] etc . Yes some forms of tick boxing travel, if that is all it is, can be quite a shallow and boring experience and can be a waste of both time and money.

imo we are good at that and find happiness in that which we have a passion for. when employing people i used to take the people with passion for whom it was a first choice rather than those who might have the best cv and were just going through the motions.
If you are one of the world's natural couch potatoes and most are, then my advice is don't bother. Don't waste 50k because you think you ought to.
A trip to the shops and back is plenty. One can travel the world these days from one's armchair and the internet. Much safer too. No flies, no sweat, bad food etc.
I expect you'll get over your wonderlust fairly soon.
If you are one of the world's natural couch potatoes and most are, then my advice is don't bother. Don't waste 50k because you think you ought to.
A trip to the shops and back is plenty. One can travel the world these days from one's armchair and the internet. Much safer too. No flies, no sweat, bad food etc.
I expect you'll get over your wonderlust fairly soon.

I'm not sure about the trip to the shops but, but its an interesting the typical travel experience all its cracked up to be .....or is there the possibility that you turn into the clichéd scruffy backpacker talking about where to get the cheapest local

As mentioned in some earlier posts, if it turns into a moving from one location to another, without really experiencing that country, then it could be a tick the box / country type experience, particularly if your travelling alone...

I've had the view that you really need to live / work in a country for a reasonable period to really experience that location..get to know locals / maybe get local girlfriend...if your just passing through then your risking just doing the usual tourist stuff and seeing the usual tourist sights....

It has been suggested that trading could be combined with travelling..maybe this would allow more time to be spent in different places, if you were also generating some income rather than being stuck with a budget with x number of places to see....
Well, I think I mentioned it in another post, I wouldn't trade whilst I was travelling. You can't be half pregnant.

Also, I wouldn't think that things would be all that rushed over 2 - 3 years. You can probably see all the major sites in a month or two if you crack on with it, and that is certainly not the intention here.

On the other hand, you do raise an interesting question; people that I have spoken to that have done something similar have said that their experiences affected some positive change in their psyche. Don't want to get all new-age-californian on you all, but life, they say, is for the "living", and in all honesty I could do a better job of it than I am now.
I take on board that you said you wouldn't trade, but $50 K over 3 years = € 12K PA in euro money approx....with flights / accomm, I'm not sure how that would stretch....depends on what level of comfort you need....

But as you said $ 50K is a fair amount to spend on a sun tan / memories......if you were trading and generating an income at the same time, it would ease the pressure and allow you go at your own pace etc, not worry about capital expenditure, stay in one place as long as you wanted etc....