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FAQ Which Should I trade - Stocks, Futures or Forex etc.?

Thanks. It crossed my mind that since cryptocurrencies are somewhat new trading strategies regarding them may not be as sound as with other assets(since they have not been around long enough to be researched so much). Just something I thought of.
You should first acquire knowledge about these markets and then decide which one is alluring you. Personally, I prefer forex trading.
I think the forex market is the best to trade as this market is open 24 hours a day, 5 days a week. I can manage my office and trade both efficiently.
Well I haven't seen a rule for trading instruments so far.
Everyone is trading what they find most suitable for themselves.
For example my favs are: Majors[FX], gold and nasdaq plus when i make big bucks S&P500 🙂. Tried with btcusd it swallowed my dollars without chewing.
I have a question, if anyone can answer, I will be glad.
while trading futures, is there any service that provide the details about how many trades were carried out at bid and how many at ask during the day or during 4 hour candle?