Sharescope Gold - bad news!


I would like to hear from any user of Sharescope Gold who is experiencing problems with the News Database. Apparently no one has complained to the company about regular corruption of the News Database which can cause Sharescope to crash. They know that there are users who are experiencing this problem but do not think it warrants fixing as a priority. Have you had problems specifically with the News Database and, if so, what were they ? Many Thanks.
I'm surprised, I've never had a problem but I rarely read their news page. If you tell me what you do, button by button, I'll see if it happens to me.

Same here....No problems at all....I don't use Gold but data structure remains same I think.....

I did have this once and I was asked to delete uninstall Sharescope, delete all the Sharescope directories and files and do a fresh install.......

After that no far...
I'm surprised, I've never had a problem but I rarely read their news page. If you tell me what you do, button by button, I'll see if it happens to me.


Thanks for your reply Split. Maybe the reason why we have had different experiences is that I tend to use the News Database a lot and the standard corruption I get is that it wipes out 2 years of stories every two weeks or so. Thanks anyway.

Same here....No problems at all....I don't use Gold but data structure remains same I think.....

I did have this once and I was asked to delete uninstall Sharescope, delete all the Sharescope directories and files and do a fresh install.......

After that no far...

Hi Zambuck,

I have not had anyone say they get the problems I get but I am fascinated with your comments. I have virtually pleaded with Ionic to let me do what you have said you did i.e. a fresh install and they have resisted that like the plague telling me it won't make any difference. I wanted them to give me a list of the bare essentials to re-install in the hope that I could either prevent the problem repeating itself or isolating where it was happening. They're just not interested. Thanks for taking the trouble to reply.