D4F platform


Well-known member

could anybody who is using 'D4Free spreadbet' web based platform where u login via deal4free.com tell me if they are experiencing problems.???

I and my friend have been trying to login but it will not download the database so we just end up with a blank screen, we have tried this on several different systems in our area with no Joy.

I have spent hours on the phone with their IT section & they say it should be working.

I am just trying to find out if it is a Local problem, because others seem to be using it ok.

Thanks in advance


There have been a number of problems with NTL locally recently which has meant that I am not able to connect to particular sites.

Have you tried using dialup and connecting that way as that will give a good indication if it is NTL or your pc ?

Also is your friend using the same ISP as you ?


If you get stuck give me a call because I know how to change the server that NTL connects to which may help.

I have been having horrendous probelms recently with d4f. Their trading system is down on a regular basis and I cannot get through on the phone - any suggestions for a more reliable alternative?
Rainmaker, sorry its so bad for you.

D4F MarketMaker does have the odd hitch or two .. usually I find I can get back on track. Today although the 'prices meter' kept working fine the order ticket froze. No way could I put in an intended order. So finally I rebooted, relaunched MM and all the parts of it were working again.

Admittedly it is easy to go into explosion mode when these things happen .. usually when you're intensively in the middle of things .. but cool and calm as a cucumber keeps me on an even keel.
Yep, been like it all afternoon.

I haven't traded this month because of work but was going to get back to it on Monday. With all the trouble people seem to be having over the past few weeks and now this. I must say it is making me a bit nervous about trading with them again.

I have been burnt by them a couple of times in the past and this kind of thing just does not help.
Probably doing weekend maintenance. The only time they can have the system to themselves.
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Just beat me to it Baker2bravo. I know they were supposed to be doing maintenance last weekend but I don't think they did as there was no delay during the log on process on the following Monday, maybe its being done this weekend??
D4Free price window

Hi Everyone

I spreadbet the daily dow (or at least try to) I use D4Free but I dont like there chart so I use Prophet Net chart (real time). Can anyone tell me why the chart and D4 Free,s price window are hardly ever the same. Any help would be appreciated.

Regards spredbetterstop

Ps Great disscussion boards.

I cannot view the article without shelling out mullah.... 😈 What is the gist of the article ?

The General.

seems to be ok now to log on


r u trading the 'cash' & looking at the DJ index , if u r they will be different because the SB companies quotes always seem off on cash bet. not sure exactly what they generate it on but this is what some people call 'biasing', not sure of the exact reason for it

The General:

The article is free to view - I certainly didn't shell out anything.

I can't, however, post the actual article here as it would violate international copyright convention, whereas a link to the original article is OK.

The article describes an interview with the head honcho at CMC - and by reading it, you can get a picture of the guy and his attitude which perhaps explains why this attitude seeps down through the lower levels of CMC. So when you don't get any form of civility or apology when they cock-up, you know why! 😀