Shanghai Wang Venture Inc.


Don't be so bloody patronizing and quick off the mark, the reason I bothered to write the post yesterday was to warn others with restricted shares of this latest approach. If you read my post properly you will see I wrote 'it's to high risk...therefore I backed out'. I would never risk big money up front for a dubious return, nor should anybody else with these restricted shares.
Your absolutely right it's daft not to learn by your mistakes that's why I haven't and will not be taking this latest approach any further.

As for myself and others being 'complete fools' I hope one day you don't mis-judge a situation yourself only to become a 'complete fool' yourself.

Don't be so bloody patronizing and quick off the mark, the reason I bothered to write the post yesterday was to warn others with restricted shares of this latest approach. If you read my post properly you will see I wrote 'it's to high risk...therefore I backed out'. I would never risk big money up front for a dubious return, nor should anybody else with these restricted shares.
Your absolutely right it's daft not to learn by your mistakes that's why I haven't and will not be taking this latest approach any further.

As for myself and others being 'complete fools' I hope one day you don't mis-judge a situation yourself only to become a 'complete fool' yourself.

Like I said being cruel to be kind and sorry but you are stupid, as you remarked to the scammer who posted 'thanks, that's the first bit of positive news I've heard about Wang'.

Plus, I bet if they'd tried to sting you for £3,000 you'd have taken the bait. It was only because it was a large amount that you said no. But the question has to be asked why would you talk to a load of thieves anyway, let along give them the time of the day. Surely you must have realised by now that a) your money was stolen from you and b) anyone and everyone that speaks to you about the shares is a thief and conman masquerading as a 'broker'.

And no, something like this is NOT going to happen to me because I don't trust strangers who cold call me explaining that it's easy to get rich. Plus I make sure I fully research who I'm doing business with and what I'm actually buying. If you had done both of those things you wouldn't have had your money stolen from you.

So like I said just being cruel to be kind. I and other people who have been regular posters on this board over the years on the boiler room frauds have saved people a lot of money but sometimes I feel like banging my head against the wall because people still don't listen and learn..........

So hopefully my patronising nature will save other people from investing with these scum as well. If so it's all been worth it 🙂
Shanghai Wang Venture Capital

In all the corrspondence posted on this site, I have not yet seen any evidence of any of you actually losing money. There are loads of people offering advice, but without any facts about SWVC. No, I am not a spokesman for them - I am an 82 year old pensioner who, like many of you, was originally scammed by a boiler room operation based in Geneva, and like many of you had written off my shares as worthless. Not any more, thanks to the astuteness and expertise of SWVC. My advice to all you doom mongers out there is - make your own decisions, and don't inflict your ideas on others without
proof for what you are saying
Well no proof but bears all the characteristics of a typical boiler room scam.

Unauthorised overseas firms operating in the UK

I have since had personal dealings with both the CEOs of Shanghai Wang who are very straightforward, honest and astute business men. I can assure you that the copy of their certificate of incorporation is quite genuine, and also that any financial transactions in China are closely regulated by the Government of China, with rigorous penalties if any rules are broken.

Sorry but that is a a little daft. I have more than 10 years of working experience in China and financial regualtions in China are pretty much made up as they go along and very very few CEOs are straightforward and honest. If anyone actually has an address in Shanghai for this firm if its not far I can pop round and confirm that this is a scam.
In all the corrspondence posted on this site, I have not yet seen any evidence of any of you actually losing money. There are loads of people offering advice, but without any facts about SWVC. No, I am not a spokesman for them - I am an 82 year old pensioner who, like many of you, was originally scammed by a boiler room operation based in Geneva, and like many of you had written off my shares as worthless. Not any more, thanks to the astuteness and expertise of SWVC. My advice to all you doom mongers out there is - make your own decisions, and don't inflict your ideas on others without
proof for what you are saying

Thanks for making me laugh 🙂
I was contacted by Shanghai Capital Purchase, who later became Shanghai Wang Venture when Mr.Wang joined them, and explained they were mounting a hostile takeover of the company in which I was holding my restricted shares, and that their client was interested in purchasing them. I explained that my shares were restricted, but they though this could be surmounted and later explained that there was a warrant attached to my shares stating that if I were to purchase an equal number of shares at a few cents each, the restriction could be lifted and my shares would become free trading. Bear in mind that any money paid for additional shares went to an Escrow Agent who held the funds on your behalf, and which could be refunded if you decided to pull out at any time.

Can everyone see the 'advance fee fraud' in action.

A mysterious person wanted to make a bid for the company but the shares of course were restricted. The client now thinks he can make back his losses if he sells and possibly make a huge profit to boot.

The scammers are using greed again to sell the idea.

BUT, the customer can't sell because the shares are restricted. HOWEVER, the broker offers a easy way out - pay more money for some warrants and the shares will be restricted, all ready to sell and realise that bumper profit.

But don't worry folks any money paid will be paid into an escrow account. But what you won't be told is the Escrow account is fake, ie they've just called a standard bank account an escrow one to make the client feel good. Of course the escrow account is owned by the scammers.

So the client pays the money and then waits, and waits, and waits some more until hopefully he realises he's been scammed again. I say 'hopefully' because some don't and therefore the scammers will come back to him again in the future, you an be sure of that.


Use commone sense and understand that EVERYONE AND ANYONE that calls you about worthless shares you've bought from offshore brokers (who cold called you) is attempting to set you up again. Yes, they'll no doubt be charming, yes they'll be on your side, and yes they want you to make some big money but at the end of the day you're talking to A LOW LIFE THIEF.
In all the corrspondence posted on this site, I have not yet seen any evidence of any of you actually losing money. There are loads of people offering advice, but without any facts about SWVC. No, I am not a spokesman for them - I am an 82 year old pensioner who, like many of you, was originally scammed by a boiler room operation based in Geneva, and like many of you had written off my shares as worthless. Not any more, thanks to the astuteness and expertise of SWVC. My advice to all you doom mongers out there is - make your own decisions, and don't inflict your ideas on others without proof for what you are saying

What a surprise, "Norman Logan" another wishy washy made up British name associated with trying to defraud people on behalf of SCG or SWVC. Trying to pretend that you are not the cowardly criminals that you are. At least real criminals have some balls.

This message isn't worthy of a response (I will contact the site owners directly to get the information I need about this agent of SCG) but for reference to anyone else who is reading this statement "not seen any evidence of any of you actually losing money".

You want some evidence?

My elderly father was pursued relentlessly by these cowards at Shanghai Capital and then Shanghai Wang (same people) using a 'recovery room scam' and requiring him to pay bonds to lift restrictions and enable sale of shares from a previous 'boiler room scam'.

He eventually paid Shanghai Capital Group several amounts over a couple of months totalling his entire life savings (and they were still calling him engineering stories for more). It was only after this that my brother and I uncovered it and put a stop to it.

My father deteriorated after that from a normal healthy 60 year old to someone for whom each day now is a blessing. He was in hospital for 3 months and unconcious on a life support machine twice, once for two weeks, with little chance of survival.

Even when in hospital the wishy washy English names (not unlike "Normal Logan") were still calling up asking questions trying to spin more stories and mock sympathy. These are apparently grown men but hiding away playing lets pretend to vulnerable people.

These people are no better than pedophiles, they're not good enough to make money in the real world and too weak to be real criminals so they play this elaborate game of trying to be real business people or real criminals, but instead are pretending both.

Sadly the relevant departments of the serious fraud office at the City of London police see this so frequently that it is only used for statistics and they don't specifically pursue individual cases - so real legal justice for Mr. Logan and co is not forthcoming.

However, unfortunately Mr. Logan and co ran into the wrong family in my case, I have people pursuing these clowns and confident that we'll meet them very soon. We've been close already as they know, so I hope they enjoy looking over their shoulder.

For reference, both SCG and SWVG operate phone lines which route to Hong Kong but redirect to Spain. They're based in Spain and try to cover their tracks by using a mobile broadband service. The addresses in Shanghai are just mailboxes and serviced offices.

Whether or not police have progressed the information shared with them, the location and operating patterns of these people is well known, and in the meantime everyone finding this thread should take the advice seriously and steer clear of their "offers".
What a surprise, "Norman Logan" another wishy washy made up British name associated with trying to defraud people on behalf of SCG or SWVC. Trying to pretend that you are not the cowardly criminals that you are. At least real criminals have some balls.

This message isn't worthy of a response (I will contact the site owners directly to get the information I need about this agent of SCG) but for reference to anyone else who is reading this statement "not seen any evidence of any of you actually losing money".

You want some evidence?

My elderly father was pursued relentlessly by these cowards at Shanghai Capital and then Shanghai Wang (same people) using a 'recovery room scam' and requiring him to pay bonds to lift restrictions and enable sale of shares from a previous 'boiler room scam'.

He eventually paid Shanghai Capital Group several amounts over a couple of months totalling his entire life savings (and they were still calling him engineering stories for more). It was only after this that my brother and I uncovered it and put a stop to it.

My father deteriorated after that from a normal healthy 60 year old to someone for whom each day now is a blessing. He was in hospital for 3 months and unconcious on a life support machine twice, once for two weeks, with little chance of survival.

Even when in hospital the wishy washy English names (not unlike "Normal Logan") were still calling up asking questions trying to spin more stories and mock sympathy. These are apparently grown men but hiding away playing lets pretend to vulnerable people.

These people are no better than pedophiles, they're not good enough to make money in the real world and too weak to be real criminals so they play this elaborate game of trying to be real business people or real criminals, but instead are pretending both.

Sadly the relevant departments of the serious fraud office at the City of London police see this so frequently that it is only used for statistics and they don't specifically pursue individual cases - so real legal justice for Mr. Logan and co is not forthcoming.

However, unfortunately Mr. Logan and co ran into the wrong family in my case, I have people pursuing these clowns and confident that we'll meet them very soon. We've been close already as they know, so I hope they enjoy looking over their shoulder.

For reference, both SCG and SWVG operate phone lines which route to Hong Kong but redirect to Spain. They're based in Spain and try to cover their tracks by using a mobile broadband service. The addresses in Shanghai are just mailboxes and serviced offices.

Whether or not police have progressed the information shared with them, the location and operating patterns of these people is well known, and in the meantime everyone finding this thread should take the advice seriously and steer clear of their "offers".

I am sincerely sorry to hear about your Father, and I wish him well. No, I am not a made up name and I have just - very very painfully - realised that I have also lost my life savings. The feeling is one of utter devestation. If I can assist in any way with information that might help please do not hesitate to let me know. I assure you that I am a very genuine 82 year old living in a village near to Salisbury, Wiltshire and up till now I had absolutely no idea I was being scammed.. I have letters from the Bank of China, J.P.Morgan in Mexico City all confirming my cash holdings, but I think the scam has been the sting in the tail with the Escrow Agent (CMG Holdings Inc of Antigua) Some of these names may ring a bell with you. Again, my aplogies for sounding so upbeat previously - I guess I am too trusting. My motto has always been 'do unto others as you would, in simliar circumstances, trust they do unto you'
I am sincerely sorry to hear about your Father, and I wish him well. No, I am not a made up name and I have just - very very painfully - realised that I have also lost my life savings. The feeling is one of utter devestation. If I can assist in any way with information that might help please do not hesitate to let me know. I assure you that I am a very genuine 82 year old living in a village near to Salisbury, Wiltshire and up till now I had absolutely no idea I was being scammed.. I have letters from the Bank of China, J.P.Morgan in Mexico City all confirming my cash holdings, but I think the scam has been the sting in the tail with the Escrow Agent (CMG Holdings Inc of Antigua) Some of these names may ring a bell with you. Again, my aplogies for sounding so upbeat previously - I guess I am too trusting. My motto has always been 'do unto others as you would, in simliar circumstances, trust they do unto you'

Norman, please "private message" me and I'll give you my email address and we can speak some more. Sorry for confusing you with that lot, but they had a habit of having very straightforward English names not unlike yours - I can now see you were genuinely being positive about it (out of hope?) rather than it being their brand of graceful lies.

I absolutely do recognise the Escrow Agents as CMG Holdings in Antigua (and another in Panama) and likewise the forged documents from the mentioned financial houses. This was all exactly as they had presented it to my father (by the way, not a million miles from Salisbury either, it's sad how small a world it is when the connection is this!)

The appropriate fraud agency has the details of all those accounts and payments made, if you sent me your email address I'll let you know where you should submit details to them, do not know if it makes a difference but I hope the more people stung by this particular source the more the police will do about it to trace these accounts.

Please disregard the rest of my previous posting, that was aimed at the perpetrators in the hope you were one of them as I wanted to keep them sweating, much of what I had written is true, through my background and contacts have done a lot to track them down and they know I know more about them than they otherwise make available.

Will talk some more if you can email me via PM. Likewise anyone else affected please PM me your details, perhaps we can collaborate in gaining action. I'm only a young guy myself and not normally one for group action but in this case will do anything for my dad and happy to help collate information or organise action.

I should warn you of one other thing - a third sting is underway with people setting up trying to pretend to be providing representation for action against these fraudsters and requiring funds to do so. Do not engage with any formal offer of help from a business claiming to be investigating, it's just another 'recovery room' scam.

Me on the other hand, I have a decent job and don't need to engage in this pathetic activity, I'm just happy to share what I've learnt and see if we can collate information to directly target them (as I have been, with some substantial progress) or give the police more reason to pursue.
Norman, you are full of shiiit. You are not 82 years old and your name is not Norman Logan. If you are who you are than come back with some proper ID to prove who you are.
And the scammers are not like phedofiles. THEY ARE PHEDOFILES. That is why the perverts live where they do and do what they do. You have to see these clowns. They actually believe they are cool.
Norman, you are full of shiiit. You are not 82 years old and your name is not Norman Logan. If you are who you are than come back with some proper ID to prove who you are.

Calm down, he has provided specific details of being the victim of a SC / SWV scam, I've spoken to him and the details are almost identical to mine, he has been a significant victim of these clowns, there is no reason to suspect he's making anything up, far from it.

He is certainly not alone in having gone through a period of insisting and wanting to believe it was true, it's common with the sums involved, so take the original statements with that in mind, rather than accusing him as above - I have apologised for my original response.

Knowing the CMG Holdings escrow accounts in Antigua etc and some of the other names we have discussed, is ID enough for me. As the saying goes, more fuel for the fire to burn these people on. What is your experience of Shanghai Capital / Shanghai Wang?
Calm down, he has provided specific details of being the victim of a SC / SWV scam, I've spoken to him and the details are almost identical to mine, he has been a significant victim of these clowns, there is no reason to suspect he's making anything up, far from it.

He is certainly not alone in having gone through a period of insisting and wanting to believe it was true, it's common with the sums involved, so take the original statements with that in mind, rather than accusing him as above - I have apologised for my original response.

Knowing the CMG Holdings escrow accounts in Antigua etc and some of the other names we have discussed, is ID enough for me. As the saying goes, more fuel for the fire to burn these people on. What is your experience of Shanghai Capital / Shanghai Wang?

😆likewise. The same applies to you.

Everyone else, take anley advise.
^ you're a moron.

If you're trying to imply that I'm also somehow part of the scam you really need your head checking. How about PM'ing me your contact details to prove you have the conviction to stand by accusations.

Anley's advice is correct but don't belittle me, by encouraging people to believe he is the only person who can be trusted, my bet is I know more on this lot than anyone outside the City of London Police.

The difference is that some people talk, other people do. I've done a lot of work to try and track down these criminals. I don't really care whether that helps anyone else but I'm qualified to speak about it.

If you have anything useful to add do so, otherwise you're just here trolling,
^ you're a moron.

If you're trying to imply that I'm also somehow part of the scam you really need your head checking. How about PM'ing me your contact details to prove you have the conviction to stand by accusations.

Anley's advice is correct but don't belittle me, by encouraging people to believe he is the only person who can be trusted, my bet is I know more on this lot than anyone outside the City of London Police.

The difference is that some people talk, other people do. I've done a lot of work to try and track down these criminals. I don't really care whether that helps anyone else but I'm qualified to speak about it.

If you have anything useful to add do so, otherwise you're just here trolling,

This is too funny. If you know so much about this, then tell us. If you are so "quafified to speak bout it", then SPEAK ABOUT IT. do it. Let everyone in on it. Tell us more than just the BS that everyone knows. Again if you a man, tell us more, or book your plane ticket and go home.
Have to agree with RobF on this one, sqawky123 you come accross as a complete idiot. In fact in your entire posting history you haven't really contributed much to this site. Do you actually have a point that you are trying to make?
I can be trusted because I'm never going to ask anyone for money. As soon as people ask you for cash then that's the time massive alarm bells should ring - then quality research will be able to tell you if they're legit or not.

And if you don't know how to do quality research then what the hell are you doing getting involved in the stockmarket and matters you know nothing about.

It's as simple as that folks.
I can be trusted because I'm never going to ask anyone for money. As soon as people ask you for cash then that's the time massive alarm bells should ring - then quality research will be able to tell you if they're legit or not.

And if you don't know how to do quality research then what the hell are you doing getting involved in the stockmarket and matters you know nothing about.

It's as simple as that folks.

I could not agree more with you. It's easy to see the warning signs in this one. Just in case someone might not, here's a link to see striking similarities.

Offshore Scam Alert

It's hard to believe that some people would loose their money and then try to recover their money back the same way, not once but twice, being burned three times. But they would be dealing with people who are very convincing and trained to habitually lie.

Please everyone, don't send money to people you don't know.

I wanted to see some of the cockroaches come out of the woodwork before I recap.
Shanghai Wangle - and they are not in China

Listen fellows, I would suggest you stop wasting your time and effort on non sensical matters. Both Rob and I know that these people are out and out crooks and are not worth spending time on. One day the strong arm of the law will catch up with them, and I sure hope to be there when that happens.