KLYG - Kelyniam Global, Inc.


Junior member
Company Website: Kelyniam Global, Inc.

Authorized Stock 20,000,000 common shares
Outstanding Stock 19,272,600 common shares
Tradable Float 4,193,300 common shares
->The company has no Preferred Stock or Options that convert into Common Stock<-

Kelyniam Global, Inc to revolutionize the medical industry with FDA Approved Polymer products.

This week's pick is KLYG – Kelyniam Global, Inc. This company could be the next mover in the market place. This is why:

Video Link : YouTube - kelyniam Global, Inc Video

CEO Interview Link: (KLYG) Kelyniam Global, Inc Initial Interview - Investment Nation Forums

KLYG recently received a technology research grant from the State of Connecticut and has made significant advancements in the use of Bio-CADCAM technology such as providing near perfect replicated Cranial implants to replace damaged bone structures.

On Tuesday September 1st, they announced in a press release Kelyniam Global, Inc. Breaks the Mold and Addresses Share Holders on Investment Nation.

Mr. James Ketner, President and CEO, stated, "I am pleased to have done my company's initial interview with Jeff Montange, CEO of Investment Nation - Stock message Boards, quotes news and more. The website has ever-growing popularity and is one of the least biased I've seen in terms of content. Our plan is to keep share holders better informed through transparency and from what we have seen so far, Investment Nation is the best place for Kelyniam Global to achieve this. This is also why we have another interview scheduled for the 3rd week of September in which share holders may participate."

KLYG’s business model is quite ingenious by Utilizing Kelyniam’s existing relationships with Doctors , medical facilities and universities worldwide for Kelyniam’s FDA APPROVED POLYMER’s TO MAKE ARTIFICIAL HIPS, BONES and CRANIAL IMPLANTS.

We believe once discovered in the market place that brokers, hedge funds and bank institutions will pick this up. One hedge fund already has taken a position within Kelyniam.

Just imagine, Doctors being able to use Kelyniam’s FDA Approved Polymer products to cut the wait time for Implants by 90%, eliminate potential complications before and after surgery and speed up patient recovery time by eliminating the use of hammers, saws, pins , titanium rods and other items during invasive surgery.

KLYG is one of the first and only companies looking to introduce its FDA Approved Polymer products to the medical industry on a "Massive Worldwide" scale.
This is my thread for weekly picks within the US Pink Sheet Markets. I will take calls that are news letter and stock board based alerted, so that we as a group can play them.
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Kelyniam Global, Inc to revolutionize the medical industry

A **** poor company with 'Global' in its name and its making out it's going to "revolutionize" the medical industry.

So much hyperbole crap around at the moment. Looks like investing in this one is an easy way to lose cash if you ask me.
A **** poor company with 'Global' in its name and its making out it's going to "revolutionize" the medical industry.

So much hyperbole crap around at the moment. Looks like investing in this one is an easy way to lose cash if you ask me.

With the massive news I am hearing about, it seems that you might be wrong. Volume is picking up because people believe in the company. News is coming next week - tues or weds.
With the massive news I am hearing about, it seems that you might be wrong. Volume is picking up because people believe in the company. News is coming next week - tues or weds.

Now you're full of the hyperbole.

'Massive news is coming next week'

'Volume is starting to come in'

Mate, sorry but it's all crap and you're just shilling either for the company or for your own stock holding.

Amweican pink sheet stocks for 95% of the punters (who aren't directly involved in the company) are a sure way to lose cash overtime. Sure, you might get a few big winners but those gains won't pay for all the losses.

So I say again, invest in this company or others like it and expect losses. You've been warned - play or be played and on this thread you're going to GET PLAYED.
Will see. Seems I am green already and I just got in last week! with a bunch of others. I hope your wrong! while I do agree that most are trash, I only play the pinks that have a good story, AS/OS and that have the potential to move. Seems News is on the way weds or Thursday of this week. Tomorrow is going to be a big day yet again. Hopefully more people can be green.

More picks coming..

Also, does anyone here follow Cramer picks? any thoughts?
Biggest volume day ever yesterday and this was without news. Chart is primed for break out mode. Will see how today goes but yesterday was a huge confirmation on a lot of techs.

Good Luck to everyone in this. I got in at .38 so looking good.

Also - Scooped up some more Visa yesterday. I could not pass it up. It will break 100$ sooner or later lol just might take 2 years 🙁
I can't help it - I just think of the film 'boiler room' when I hear stuff like this.

Would never trade stocks on someone else's idea personally.
Yeah, this guy is a pump and dumper for sure.

Tiny stocks are a licence to lose money UNLESS you're on the inside.

You've all been warned.

PS. No doubt smurf will pop up next week with some 'massive news about to be announced' type crap. Maybe massive news to the insiders but massive losses for the poor people who've been duped into buying pure crap like this.
Ya ok Anley. If you would of bought when I first posted, you would be up 115% in less than 7 days.

Like you said, you win some and you lose some. this has been a winner so far. Chart to prove it and a lot of GREEN. Pump? hardly. Whoever bought in at .32 or so when the call was made is sitting very well right now.

So anley? whats next?
Ya ok Anley. If you would of bought when I first posted, you would be up 115% in less than 7 days.

See everyone, he's trying to use greed to get you to follow his crappy pump and dump stocks.

I've said it before, getting involved in these crappy American pink stocks is SURE way to lose money. Yep, you might get a big winner every now and then but it's the constant stream of losers that will take you down.

Look for example at the claims? Some crappy $2 (in capitalisation) medical firm is 'promising' a massive new cure for this or that, and wait till next week folks as there's going to be a 'massive' announcement.

It's all crap and the OP is nothing but a shill for the company or some suspect brokers. Be cynical when money is involved and you'll be fine, take the claims of others/strangers and its odd on you and your money is being setup.

You've all been warned.
KLYG - .25 - .80 top.

I got out @ .75

Good Trade imo.

EXPH is doing well. Flipped out of .0001's on smas today as well. Been finding a lot of those trip 0 plays for the .0001 bounce. Only a few hundred dollars but it adds up over time. (Lottos)

HTDS went crazy today as well. up 116%. Looking for a pull back. Flipped the HOD and waiting to re enter as this will pull back at some point.