seed capital

Historically speaking the evidence to date would indicate that this is not the case as people have been seen signing up to systems and those giving advice with no history at all and in large numbers.


If people 'buy' shares from strangers over the phone and send their money to some offshore bank then I'm sure Outsider will be able to convince a few gullible people to 'invest' with him based on his demo account 'results'. It will all end in tears though, thats for sure, it always does.
If people 'buy' shares from strangers over the phone and send their money to some offshore bank then I'm sure Outsider will be able to convince a few gullible people to 'invest' with him based on his demo account 'results'. It will all end in tears though, thats for sure, it always does.

To be fair, in his first post he does say he wants to trade funds under a power of attorney agreement, rather than pooling investor capital.

I came to the conclusion many years ago that diversification was generally a smart thing to do, but can see the pratical difficulties for most small investors. Perhaps the OP's strategy could be utilised and tested to build a track record on FX or emini's.

Failing that, build up a track record on C2 and someone might bite, but I cant see anyone taking backtest results at all seriously.
Historically speaking the evidence to date would indicate that this is not the case as people have been seen signing up to systems and to those giving advice where there was no history at all and still attracting subscriptions in large numbers.
And even more perplexing is the case of LTG who actually publish their results - which amount to losses of over 2000 pips in about 18 months - are now boasting a membership base of 3000.
as everyone knows unless your at goldman sachs you cant guarantee no drawdown and 100%+ return (thanks to inside info and their hft systems.)

at the end of the day our system is nothing special compared to the big boys in terms of drawdown. but we have noted that even if you lower the return you dont actually lower the drawdown so you might as well make more return for the same risk.

i bet theres hunrdeds if not thousands of traders with better systems and with lower drawdown too but where are they. are they open to the public or just the family and friends of GS, JPM and the Soros gang.

all im doing is trying to get feedback to find out whether its our drawdown thats one of reason investors are being slow because they cant be scared of the potential upside. i know its all too good to be true. or is it that theyre just suspicious as the performance is too good this year while the majority are getting wiped out.

i know the returns are outperforming even the big CTA's but what can we do, hes got a good multi layered system after 27 years watching the markets whilst being a broker for and learning from very high net worth clients.

yes its evolved because hes learning the platforms easylanguage as hes going along but has already regretted tweaking some strategies for the agriculturals as his previous version would have performed better than the new tweaked version. so hes happy with almost all the current set of 18 strategies. he is now working on improving the crude oil strategy however.

so the main reason for the hurry is the frustration and shame in missing out on the current volatile markets which are what the system likes as opposed to quiet choppy ones like in jan through to march earlier this year.

like i mentioned before the plan is to offer managed accounts (the money stays in the clients brokerage account no money ever goes in to the managers custody)

we are currently in Spain and if any serious investors or cap intro people are interested in knowing more then we'll be happy to communicate by phone.
To be fair, in his first post he does say he wants to trade funds under a power of attorney agreement, rather than pooling investor capital.

I came to the conclusion many years ago that diversification was generally a smart thing to do, but can see the pratical difficulties for most small investors. Perhaps the OP's strategy could be utilised and tested to build a track record on FX or emini's.

Failing that, build up a track record on C2 and someone might bite, but I cant see anyone taking backtest results at all seriously.

auditable Interactive Broker statements since mid Feb 2011 up until today are available for validation. there will be a difference in performance compared to our tradestation simulated accounts because we've had to execute buy and sell signals manually 24hrs a day and so as understandable there has been operational slippage and quite a few missed silver trades each worth around 10k.

but still even taking that into all the missed trades, executional delays, the IB account will show the system is up around $50k. Our simulated account we are up 155k because it is automated and has no missed trades and very low slippage thanks to instant execution.
If people 'buy' shares from strangers over the phone and send their money to some offshore bank then I'm sure Outsider will be able to convince a few gullible people to 'invest' with him based on his demo account 'results'. It will all end in tears though, thats for sure, it always does.

auditable Interactive Broker statements since mid Feb 2011 up until today are available for validation. there will be a difference in performance compared to our tradestation simulated accounts because we've had to execute buy and sell signals manually 24hrs a day and so as understandable there has been operational slippage and quite a few missed silver trades each worth around 10k.

but still even taking that into all the missed trades, executional delays, the IB account will show the system is up around $50k. Our simulated account we are up 155k because it is automated and has no missed trades and very low slippage thanks to instant execution.
we are currently in Spain and if any serious investors or cap intro people are interested in knowing more then we'll be happy to communicate by phone.
The last time that somebody called me from Spain they were telling me that someone with my surname had died and that I was entitled to 7 million Euro.

I would suggest that the well capped members on T2W in all likelihood are very competent traders themselves and are hardly going to be sending money to some offshore account.
The last time that somebody called me from Spain they were telling me that someone with my surname had died and that I was entitled to 7 million Euro.

I would suggest that the well capped members on T2W in all likelihood are very competent traders themselves and are hardly going to be sending money to some offshore account.

the account will not be offshore. the account will be a managed account. the investor opens a brokerage account at Tradestation for example and they give the manager power to trade the account. anyway im not here asking people for money. im asking for advice on how to source seed capital from cap intro people but im not going to stop people from opening a managed account onshore in the US and giving us authorisation to trade it.
So you want our money - how much of the gains is for you and how much for me.

Also if you lose money on my account what happens?
So you want our money - how much of the gains is for you and how much for me.

Also if you lose money on my account what happens?

once we set up in Gib which should be within a month we will be authorised to offer managed accounts preferably via Tradestation as that is the platform our ATS is running on.
Our performance fee will be 30% and no management fee.

so far as the backtested results show even when including worst case slippage the system hasnt had a losing year so we dont see why it should start losing now.
ofcourse there will be drawdown which is why you should take into account that our max dd so far has been around 43k approx but still up by end of each year over the last 10 years.
its up to the investor what their margin to equity ratio is not the manager.

now that margins are up you should really put a minimum of around 150k (120k initial margin rates + 30k for potential dd)
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Anybody that puts £150k into this is an utter fool.

Please explain why investing in a system with a Sharpe ratio of 2.54+ from Nov 2002 to March 2011 would be foolish? we have a track record of actual trading from mid feb with Interactive Brokers via a North American Fund management firms platform which they asked us to use to prove our trading performance is real. just today we've closed a position and made $7,250 entered last night on Silver alone. that is a real actual trade which is auditable and anyone is welcome to check the statement.

What is your Sharpe ratio?

are you a discretionary trader?

do you trade on behalf of other clients?

what is your YTD performance?

what is your background?

your opinion is worthless if your not in the same league. talk is cheap. numbers and factual evidence are important.
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It's foolish to send money to someone who has been fishing for 'investors' on a site like this for a start. Clearly no institution will back you, there's a reason for that. Likewise all your talk about this guy trading this system since the 80s which turned out to be untrue shows you are prepared to lie to get money off people. Likewise with your vendors badge that said you were an arcade/prop house which you promptly deleted once we mentioned it.

Too many inconsistencies with your story I'm afraid. This has all happened before on this site and others. It always ends up with people losing their money. Just ask the members who invested money with a guy called Wasp (who is now declared bankrupt).
Also Backtested results ARE MEANINGLESS.

The only thing that matters is your actual trading – the rest of it is fantasy. And you’ve already admitted that your profits from your real trading is only 1/3 of your theoretical profits.

So you are misleading people right from the start.
Also Backtested results ARE MEANINGLESS.

I wouldnt go quite so far as to say they where meaningless. It depends how you use them. Any fool can optimise the parameters of a couple of indicators on historical data and generate decent looking equity curve. Using backtests in this way to find things that worked historically is plain insanity / deliberate fraud.

Using backetests to get an idea of how an idea which works in forward testing might have played out historically is another matter altogether. Its at the point you start changing things based on backtest results that they become completely useless (which is precisely why those nice brokers provide mug punters with all sorts of nice optimisation tools 😆)
It's foolish to send money to someone who has been fishing for 'investors' on a site like this for a start. Clearly no institution will back you, there's a reason for that. Likewise all your talk about this guy trading this system since the 80s which turned out to be untrue shows you are prepared to lie to get money off people. Likewise with your vendors badge that said you were an arcade/prop house which you promptly deleted once we mentioned it.

Too many inconsistencies with your story I'm afraid. This has all happened before on this site and others. It always ends up with people losing their money. Just ask the members who invested money with a guy called Wasp (who is now declared bankrupt).

why didnt you answer any of my questions? is it because i cornered you and now you're having to use lies "talk about this guy trading this system since the 80s which turned out to be untrue" to try and worm your way out of it. when have i asked people to "send money" to me? sounds like your one of these trolls who just like going on smearing campaigns out of jealousy and trying to make yourself look like some hero, but you failed. answer my questions and back them up with evidence, then come here and talk. the only people who are fools are ones who read anything you write without taking a pinch of salt with it. what you think because youve got 2000+ posts your're a somebody haha. in this game its about numbers of $ and yours must be pretty low if your hanging around on here.

besides got a call yesterday already got one person up for going 80/20 on the initial capital and the Gib set up is gonna open us up for the big money real soon. so i'll come back on here in a year and link you to an independant site showing our AUM then we'll see who the fools are.
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Also Backtested results ARE MEANINGLESS.

The only thing that matters is your actual trading – the rest of it is fantasy. And you’ve already admitted that your profits from your real trading is only 1/3 of your theoretical profits.

So you are misleading people right from the start.

if i was misleading then why did i actually say it when i didnt have to. i could have just kept that from you. why would i shoot myself in the foot? is it because im actually being honest and you dont understand about execution or slippage or missed trades due to manual order entry as opposed to automated trading which means no missing trades 24hrs a day and less than 20% slippage?
anyway weve started trading two markets creating an actual track record on silver and canadian dollar. i'll come back in a month with real results and we'll compare our performance on those two with whoever elses you choose and lets see whose outperformed who shall we.
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I wouldnt go quite so far as to say they where meaningless. It depends how you use them. Any fool can optimise the parameters of a couple of indicators on historical data and generate decent looking equity curve. Using backtests in this way to find things that worked historically is plain insanity / deliberate fraud.

Using backetests to get an idea of how an idea which works in forward testing might have played out historically is another matter altogether. Its at the point you start changing things based on backtest results that they become completely useless (which is precisely why those nice brokers provide mug punters with all sorts of nice optimisation tools 😆)

everyone knows about curve fitting. so explain how you can curve fit over 10 years?
and lets say its got a nice equity curve now after that curve fitting, if the system returns 161k in forward testing since feb 2011 what does that make the system? rubbish or robust? our silver strategy has caught all big moves around 60k in april and 70 something k MTD. thats forward testing. so what do you have to say to that? and what about all the big boys losing 8% MTD who have hundreds of millions under AUM and phd physicists who are trading 40+ markets and are down 4% YTD haha. i really wish we were using their system!
Personally I wouldn't give my money to someone who writes 3 posts in succession like a 2 yr old having a temper tantrum.
why didnt you answer any of my questions? is it because i cornered you and now you're having to use lies "talk about this guy trading this system since the 80s which turned out to be untrue" to try and worm your way out of it. when have i asked people to "send money" to me? sounds like your one of these trolls who just like going on smearing campaigns out of jealousy and trying to make yourself look like some hero, but you failed. answer my questions and back them up with evidence, then come here and talk. the only people who are fools are ones who read anything you write without taking a pinch of salt with it. what you think because youve got 2000+ posts your're a somebody haha. in this game its about numbers of $ and yours must be pretty low if your hanging around on here.

besides got a call yesterday already got one person up for going 80/20 on the initial capital and the Gib set up is gonna open us up for the big money real soon. so i'll come back on here in a year and link you to an independant site showing our AUM then we'll see who the fools are.

Hold on a minute and I'll knock you up a 2 or 3 year, curve fitted, back test in easylanguage with no slippage and prop house commissions. That should satisfy you, as you seem to think its proof of profitability.