schooloftrade & James Wave

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Re: & James Wave

While I remember...Thanks to the moderators for removing the promotional material of this fraud..

Re: & James Wave

Unfortunately the above statement needs to be repeated for the benefit of all...

There is discount brokerage outfit called Mirus advertises the NT software package on their site, but at no time does it say if you have to pay for it for real time trading ....

And, believe it or not, Mirus Trading actually ADVERTISES for Schoolof Trade as being a supporter of their crap...go to their site...on the bottom it refers to "educational resources"....

In my opinion, this is collusion and completely unfair professional practises that should be reported to the NFA and CFTC...

Reason.. Mirus Brokerage have had 3 , that is right 3, threads removed at Elite Trader forum , related to the SchoolofTrade, as they are a sponsor(not in that particular section) there and they are NOW COMPLETELY AWARE that Schoolof Trade is misrepresenting the product on the market and it is for MIRUS BROKERAGE's FINANCIAL GAIN.....

The gaul.....!!!!👎


Astoria -

Mirus Futures very rarely posts in forum sites because there are just too many of them and frankly, we are focused on supporting clients and not on reading through thousands of messages to find one that might need a reply. However, when a client sent me this link, we felt it was important to reply to your comments:

1. We have not asked EliteTrader or Trade2Win to remove any post/threads about School of Trade, so you'll need to inquire with ET on who made that request. I'm not sure why you assumed it was Mirus.
2. We spend a lot of time and money to bring educational webinars to the public (not just clients) free of charge. I'm willing to bet that MANY Trade2Win members come to our webinars regularly and I hope they will post on our behalf. We stress to the educators that this is an "Education-only" format and no sales-pitch is allowed. We are attempting to provide traders with something of value that can be applied to their trading. Some of the educators that are willing to donate their time to this cause are then posted in our Education Partner list. We have not updated this list in quite some time because our new website is set to be launched very soon. The other advantage to these free webinars is traders get to see what value/style each educator brings to the table. Considering how attendance to these webinars has increased dramatically over the past couple years, I can only assume that traders appreciate that we bring this to the public for free.
3. I don't intend to get in the middle of a discussion between Lloyd and SoT, this is a matter for them to resolve. I don't have the ability to show anyone's statement, regardless if they are a newbie or educator, as this is private information and again, I will leave this for the parties involved.

Lastly, we are not mis-representing NinjaTrader, as we offer a free version to traders that don't need automated trading or ATM capabilities. In our Live Setup Guide, we make a point to differentiate the free and pay versions of NinjaTrader and what features come with each.

As stated above, we rarely post in these forums so please email [email protected] (reference Mirus Administrator) and we are more than happy to answer additional questions.
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Re: & James Wave

For those interested in learning a little more about this thread I have a posting on you tube also, please search for JamesWaveUT
Lloyd Hopkins
Re: & James Wave

To Mirus Futures,

Thank you for responding in a professional manner...kudos...

At no time was it suggested that Mirus Futures asked T2W to remove any thread, however if you read this thread closely you have to realize that Mirus is now unwittingly advertising/recommending a vendor that does not warrant your recommendations as an educational "resource".

The facts speak for themselves.

In fairness to Mirus Futures it is POSSIBLE that the FIRM did NOT complain to Elite Traders, but in fact it was done by Joseph 'Jessie' James doing dubious business as SchoolofTrade. He has every reason to complain to anyone that may take notice by threatening legal action; never an attorney, just his own sympathetic complaint citing an unfounded 'defamation'.

Joseph James is a fraud...period...simply by misrepresenting the product being offered...period..and he has been found out...HIS WORDS and actions, no body elses.

Mirus Futures does not need to be in the 'middle of anything', and it is NOT about Lloyd and is about a fraud being perpetrated by SoT to the public...

The facts are clear and irrefutable. Should anybody dispute or ask an awkward question on SoT You Tube site it will be either ignored or deleted. The obvious question...What has this company got to hide?

I trust you will take heed from this thread to reassess your potential education resources.

Thank you again for your response,

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Re: & James Wave


WOW. You watch WAY too much TV my friend.

This whole world is a big plot against YOU Astoria 🙂

If you spent 1/2 the time working on your trading than you do spreading this nonsense around this forum i'll be you wouldnt be so BITTER about your world as it is today.

Did i not answer your questions correctly in your free trial?

It amazes me why someone could be so filled with hatred over something that affects them so little.

If you dont like us so much, you are under NO obligation to learn along with us!

SchoolOfTrade provides an amazing education to hundreds of traders every month.

Are we perfect? Absolutely not.

Neither are YOU my friend.

Do i make mistakes?

Absolutely, and our members know that we work our butts off every day to provide t
hem with the education they need to reach their goals.

But to call us all these horrible names simply because YOU dont like the way we seems a little infantile at this point.


SchoolOfTrade is not in any lawsuits,
are not committing frauds, and our legal counsel will gladly confirm.
and we certainly dont complain to the forums asking them to remove threads.

This is simply yet another attempt to knock SOT down off the top spot. We have the best room on-line & anyone who has been with us knows it! 🙂

Thanks for listening to MY side of the story everyone.
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Re: & James Wave


WOW. You watch WAY too much TV my friend.

This whole world is a big plot against YOU Astoria 🙂

If you spent 1/2 the time working on your trading than you do spreading this nonsense around this forum i'll be you wouldnt be so BITTER about your world as it is today.

Did i not answer your questions correctly in your free trial?

It amazes me why someone could be so filled with hatred over something that affects them so little.

If you dont like us so much, you are under NO obligation to learn along with us!

SchoolOfTrade provides an amazing education to hundreds of traders every month.

Are we perfect? Absolutely not.

Neither are YOU my friend.

Do i make mistakes?

Absolutely, and our members know that we work our butts off every day to provide t
hem with the education they need to reach their goals.

But to call us all these horrible names simply because YOU dont like the way we seems a little infantile at this point.


SchoolOfTrade is not in any lawsuits,
are not committing frauds, and our legal counsel will gladly confirm.
and we certainly dont complain to the forums asking them to remove threads.

This is simply yet another attempt to knock SOT down off the top spot. We have the best room on-line & anyone who has been with us knows it! 🙂

Thanks for listening to MY side of the story everyone.

I NEVER subscribed to a free trial and well you know it...the only inter action between myself and SchoolofTrade was that I could not get a question answered on your You Tube site, because you had my comments/questions blocked...and now the irony is that LloydH allowed your worthless responses on his You Tube...

Who is the one hiding..?

It is not about calling you "horrible names' as you put is simply pointing out in plain English that Joseph James should be held responsible for perpetrating a fraud on the public for financial other words ,you are dishonest.

"Do I make mistakes' sure got CAUGHT offering a phantom trade for personal gain...deceit.

"we certainly don't complain to the forums asking them to remove threads''...That is a bald face lie...

The Adminitrator of Elite Trader has publically stated that you did just that ...complaining that you are being defamed...and another administrator has stated you THREATENED them if they did not delete the thread . So much for threats ...they refused to remove the thread.

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Re: & James Wave

For those interested in learning a little more about this thread I have a posting on you tube also, please search for JamesWaveUT
Lloyd Hopkins

This video is no longer available due to a copyright claim by United Business Servicing LLC DBA SchoolOfTrade.
And yet even now JJ, you still try to put your self promotion into the threads you write, even though the administrators here keep removing it after your posting. Don´t you think that you should stop self promoting here, answering the questions against you is one thing, but the constant linking and self promoting is against the rules and in these circumstances very off colour. You have been asked to stop the self promotion numerous times now.

As for your answers. Well, its pretty clear that you do not trade live at all during your daily webinars. Why you dont admit it I don´t know ! Why you don´t prove it I DO know, because you can not. If you did trade live of course, you would be able to prove it, this says it all for everyone.

On the face of it you run a professional entity, deep down however you are licking these members like a dairy cow in a field of lovely fresh grass.

And although it would be quite easy to show and prove yourself, you DO NOT. Why ? Beaucase as I stated before, YOU CAN NOT.

Its very clear.
Re: & James Wave

True, but you can still watch my story
Thank you Lloyd.

So it's over to JJ now ... the claim is that you do not take these trades on a live account, JJ.

Is this true or false?

If it is true, then you appear to be lying to this forum.

If it is false, then we eagerly await an authenticated broker statement, with the trades verified.

This is not phone-a-friend time, JJ - the choice is very simple is "yes" or it is "no"??


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Exactly Ingot54, JJ has been asked to prove this on numerous occasions and wriggles out of it each and every time.

Stop with talking fluff and crap JJ and just answer and prove. Maybe then you will be taken a little more seriously.
Now that the heat is on Joseph James ,it will only be a matter of time before he complains to the moderators that he is being defamed.

One can only develop a negative image by operating and acting in that manner.

James has been caught in a number of lies and misstatements and has been called to task for those.At no time has he responded to those statements.

Reality is that he has been caught doing something wrong and the evidence is irrefutable.

Now that the heat is on Joseph James ,it will only be a matter of time before he complains to the moderators that he is being defamed.

One can only develop a negative image by operating and acting in that manner.

James has been caught in a number of lies and misstatements and has been called to task for those.At no time has he responded to those statements.

Reality is that he has been caught doing something wrong and the evidence is irrefutable.


Yes, its starting to look like he has no other exits to turn to. Ho hum.
Yes, its starting to look like he has no other exits to turn to. Ho hum.

Oh dear. Bye bye Joseph.

Looks like the strain got a bit too much. Few too many taxing questions were there JJ ?

Let this be a lesson to EVERY ONE of you. Do not be fooled by this hypey BS, you will only end up further down the line, 3.5k shorter in the pocket and deeply saddened.

I believe that is probably the end of the thread. But we shall see soon enough.

See ya.
Oh dear. Bye bye Joseph.

Looks like the strain got a bit too much. Few too many taxing questions were there JJ ?

Let this be a lesson to EVERY ONE of you. Do not be fooled by this hypey BS, you will only end up further down the line, 3.5k shorter in the pocket and deeply saddened.

I believe that is probably the end of the thread. But we shall see soon enough.

See ya.

Oh no it is not...have been very busy of recent and will follow up with more facts...this not over by a long shot

So now we have some more evidence of deception from JJ and the, this information comes courtesy of those good fellows at Aussie Stock Forums!

Here is an extract from the thread up there in which JJ has been caught red handed trying to pose as a satisfied client, what more evidence do you need this guy is a liar and a fraud!

Reference from Aussie Stock Forums,
Originally Posted by BWeiss1985
Greetings Everyone, I saw this post and wanted to provide some feedback as well.

I joined about a year and a half ago, and although one individual on this thread had a bad experience, my experience has been nothing but amazing.

I found JJ to be the best educator i'd ever seen, and he really worked his butt off to help me learn what I needed to get started.

It took me 3 weeks on a simulator to get the basic patterns down, I focused on the Wave Pattern on the currencies, and I started with 1 contract fairly easily.

I was given the specific 1-contract strategy and it worked really well to get me going, making a little money each day, but preparing me for a larger trade size in the future.

The whole process has been a great experience. I earn about $400 per day right now on 4 lots, and even though it required hard work, and maybe im a quick learner, but this has provided me the time I needed to coach my kids, and im very great full to the whole group at

I think the free trial is worth the $3,000 he charges for membership, he should charge a lot more for the time he gives his clients, and my returns have paid this many times over.

Id love to provide more feedback if you need, and if youre reading this post, I would recommend you give the free trial a chance, its well worth your time.

god bless

After some simple detective work I can confirm that this post is spam from the owner of who has decided to pose as a satisfied customer in an attempt to counter negative feedback.

Unfortunately, we see this kind of dishonesty all too frequently here at ASF and have decided that when we can confirm an instance of blatant deception such as this one, we will make it public for the benefit of those reading this thread.
Aussie Property Forums

Oh no it is not...have been very busy of recent and will follow up with more facts...this not over by a long shot

It seems you all have a lot of evidence about this scam, isnt it time you did something about it? I have seen instances where people have actually been prosecuted for claiming results that didnt exist and then taking money off people for courses etc. Who knows you might even get compensated.
Pboyles, yes thanks for your advice. I am actually preparing a legal case against JJ and will keep this thread up with my progress, kind regards
Lloyd Hopkins
It seems you all have a lot of evidence about this scam, isnt it time you did something about it? I have seen instances where people have actually been prosecuted for claiming results that didnt exist and then taking money off people for courses etc. Who knows you might even get compensated.
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