schooloftrade & James Wave

Please provide any Feedback

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re: & James Wave

I have a couple of pieces...for some reason I decided to print something that I had written, but it is the one that had not been deleted...the one LloydH is referring to was gaining some momentum with factually based info from a couple of sources including a person that spoke to the vendor and established that whole system was to scalp approx.4 /5 ticks ...stops larger than profit goal ...

I will get into the system more later ...and it is unadulterated garbage!! seems that to trade this system it is recommended you have 3 screens and there are approximately 15 time frames/ or indicators...all for a confirmation for a scalp!!!

The vendor demonstrates how successful he was, but that is only natural that he is successful, because he is SIM TRADING....

In summary for now, as I have stated elsewhere, but for the purposes of making it known on this thread, there is an insidious arrangement between platform vendors, fantasy trader vendors/'educators and discount brokerages to snag the unsuspecting individual that is trying to find a leg in the door to trading..

Platform vendors take fees

Fantasy system vendors and 'educators' offer systems that require the specific platform; as if no other exists...

Discount brokerages, who even recommend these charlatans to their clients, get commissions from client accounts by churning through supposed constant "scalp'' trades...

Their motto, 'You scratch my back..We scratch yours'

The only loser...the trader...

Enough is enough...

It's true his first profit target is 4 ticks with a 10 tick stop I believe. It's been 1 month since I checked out JJ's trial. It would be funny if a bunch of ppl signed up and demanded to see his DOM while he is in trades.
re: & James Wave

Someone needs to start taking people like this to court.

Unfortunately, I think the CFTC disclosure about hypothetical trades protects all of them.
Even if you see their account the could be trading 2 or more, 1 for winners and the others for losers. Look at this little gem about Larry Williams winner of Robbins trading cup
re: & James Wave

Unfortunately, I think the CFTC disclosure about hypothetical trades protects all of them.
Even if you see their account the could be trading 2 or more, 1 for winners and the others for losers. Look at this little gem about Larry Williams winner of Robbins trading cup

Thank you for your input dandxg...the Larry Williams episode was a good laugh...

re: & James Wave

Many of the references I have made in the Eminitrading thread apply to this company as well...

But this guy takes the cake when it comes to deception with their phantom trades...

Very busy at the moment and I have not had the opportunity to update my earlier salvo here...will do hopefully this weekend...

If anybody feels they have been duped by ANY vendors ...please make a comment..

It will be supported and you will be doing a great service to a lot of unsuspecting individuals that would like to think..YOU can help save people 1000s by offering your unfortunate experiences to this thread or Eminitrade...

You were NOT a "fool' ,but simply trying to find a way to learn to trade and you found it was not the right way..

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re: & James Wave

This is Joseph James…

Lloyd Hopkins was a client with the for less than 30 days.

As I’m sure many of my successful members will agree, it will take more than 90 days to be profitable with our methods in some cases.

Mr. Hopkins did not ask for help.
Mr. Hopkins did not ask for support.
He never attended more than 1 training
Instead...he decides to post this.

He threatens to sue me…and he tries to tear down the years of hard work my family has committed to this business.

I would have gladly worked with him if he would have ASKED me….just ask any member who has asked for help in the past…its always easy to get help.

We dedicate thousands of hours every week to working with our clients.

We’ve also posted some of their reviews here to show you a 2-sided conversation 

Why would anyone call our service a SCAM?
Certainly they have not spent much TIME with us?
Can thousands of clients be that wrong?

I would encourage ANYONE to come join us in our live trade room, and you will certainly see for yourself.

You can see us every day @ 745am EST

And our daily LIVE results are posted each day in our BLOG:

Thank you for listening to my side of the story today 

I look forward to seeing you all in the room!
Joseph James
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re: & James Wave

this is joseph james...

how was this a blunder?

I begin every trading day with my static super DOM on Simulation Mode.

You open you charts for the first time with your trigger live? ready to trade LIVE?


Perhaps thats why you are on these forums complaining about lack of success? (joke)

im sorry...i didnt mean to be rude. (to the author of this post)

Let me tell you WHY I start my day in SIMULTION, and NOT in LIVE mode:

When loading my charts, i perform my morning routine, which goes like this:

Technical Prep:

- Set my alarm for my days news events
- Set up my charts
- Load my templates
- Make sure my account is locked and loaded

then i move onto MENTAL prep:

- think like a trader
- protect capital first
- deep breaths 🙂 lol

then we go over ALL the things we are watching in the trade room each day, there is a LOT of time for quesitons, and I answer ALL of them before we get started!

We go through our technical and mental prep EVERY morning @ 745am EST in our live trade room, and hundreds of people each day do it WITH me to get ready for their day!


I tell all of my clients, and we show them how to do this in our course set up their trading DOM to automatically open in SIMULATIOn mode apon start-up b/c they dont want to mistakenly hit the BUY button and take a live trade.

This is something very basic, something a logn term trader does to achive long term results. the AUTHOR of this post.

I appreciate your intentions to keep our valuable clients safe from the sharks that take over the education waters!

I would also ENCOURAGE YOU to come join us in the live trade room.

I can guarantee my DOM will be on SIM if you only stick around for 15 minutes, hehe, but i would hope you would stay for a few hours and learn with us tomorrow!

You can see us every day @ 745am EST

We’ve also posted some of their reviews here to show you a 2-sided conversation 

Thanks for listening to MY side of the story!

Joseph James
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re: & James Wave

We dedicate thousands of hours every week to working with our clients.

Really, thousands of hours ???
re: & James Wave

Im shocked to read this post! really?

You asked me for my Time & Sales properties and i what???

I send that information out to more than 30 people each day sir, and i can almost guarantee you I sent it to you as well.

You think im a scam all because of an email for T&S?

Cmon...there is SO MUCH VALUE in what we do each day, and i find it hard to believe anyone who says they DONT learn something new every day as a GUEST! a GUEST 🙂

Come join us tomorrow, here's how! Ill make up to you for the time and sales issue...hehe.

and oh yea...i HAVE to talk guys always have LOTS of questions!!! :cheesy:

We’ve also posted some of their reviews here to show you a 2-sided conversation 

I was disappointed to see the thread about SOT started by Loyd on Elite Trade was completely censored. Unfortunately it doesn't surprise me as I have long suspected they pay people to post there to appease advertisers.

I think you, Lloyd, raised some valid question concerns which should be addressed by JJ. I think his POT indicator is ok. When I asked him for his settings for T/S he said I had to sign up for 3k. It's a stereotype sure, but usually fast talkers like JJ are well suspect at the least.
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re: & James Wave

What does Sharky et al think of it all? Do the Mods. think this guy is legit?

Does this site care care providing the revenue rolls in?
Do I care anymore?

Well, I guess I would. I was new once and learnt a lot from some here and elsewhere. I was going to share my wealth creating "system" once but i was just too Scared what the sudden acquisition of wealth would do to people.😛

Ps. Where's the Poll option for "This system is not profitable?"
re: & James Wave

My video explains everything to whoever is interested and is an honest and accurate representation of the facts. While you have decided to grace this thread with your wisdom perhaps you could tell us all why you continue to censor every internet site you present yourself upon? I challenge anyone reading this thread to try and leave a negative comment on any "" blog, forum, you tube page etc. etc. Notice how it never appears, only good comments which are undoubtedly placed there by interested parties are allowed!

Take a look at an email sent to me when the first saw my video!

Mr. Lloyd Hopkins,

You are hereby notified to cease and desist from all contact with current & potential clients of and its parent company, United Business Servicing LLC.

This includes, but is not limited to all social media pages, websites, any and all materials that contain the logo or is affiliated with this company in any way, shape, or form.

We are monitoring your activity online and with our members.

Please be advised that if this order is not taken seriously, it will result in legal action against you individually.

You were notified last week of your violation of our terms and conditions, and you have continued to violate these terms with your current actions.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us directly.

Thank You for your continued support,

School Of Trade, Site Admin

Im shocked to read this post! really?

You asked me for my Time & Sales properties and i what???

I send that information out to more than 30 people each day sir, and i can almost guarantee you I sent it to you as well.

You think im a scam all because of an email for T&S?

Cmon...there is SO MUCH VALUE in what we do each day, and i find it hard to believe anyone who says they DONT learn something new every day as a GUEST! a GUEST 🙂

Come join us tomorrow, here's how! Ill make up to you for the time and sales issue...hehe.

and oh yea...i HAVE to talk guys always have LOTS of questions!!! :cheesy:

We’ve also posted some of their reviews here to show you a 2-sided conversation 
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re: & James Wave

This JJ company is now finding out what it is about to be simple question he needs to he prepared to offer a current or old legit brokers' statement showing his trades...i rest my case...

This guy is an out and out fraud...period...

I happened to have made comments on his You Tube site and they were removed...and to make the point I will do it again and lets see if they stay up...

My bet he is the peron 3rd person to have said yes in the funny...

Signs of a desparate fantasy trader...
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re: & James Wave

Don't hold your breath for a reply....I AM a betting man...what are the odds that the IPs for those 2 are American and secondly they were sent under direction from Schoolof Trade vendor Joseph (Jessie) James to tilt the poll..?

When I have time I will bring you up to date with my experiences with this fraud...that is right ..fraud, falsely representing the effectiveness of a product and I will include a few other little gems....factual , of course..

Needless to say, it is time that some regulatory body step in to cull these fantasy/phantom traders and failed trader/educators...there are too many people that are being hurt through, in some cases, desperate acts to survive....

Enough is enough.

Seems some of them have been getting fined by the CFTC
re: & James Wave

What does Sharky et al think of it all? Do the Mods. think this guy is legit?


And does everyone think Stalin was a humanitarian😈

Jesus H Christ...please read the thread carefully and make up your mind...

re: & James Wave

We dedicate thousands of hours every week to working with our clients.

Really, thousands of hours ???

At least he is consistent ...phantom trades and operates phantom hours:clap:

You have to listen to this guy...runs off the mouth like a used cars sales auctioneer...
re: & James Wave

And does everyone think Stalin was a humanitarian😈

Jesus H Christ...please read the thread carefully and make up your mind...


I was using "Irony" which obviously passed over your head🙄
re: & James Wave

This JJ charlatan is now finding out what it is about to be simple question he needs to he prepared to offer a current or old legit brokers' statement showing his trades...i rest my case...

This guy is an out and out fraud...period...

I happened to have made comments on his You Tube site and they were removed...and to make the point I will do it again and lets see if they stay up...

My bet he is the peron 3rd person to have said yes in the funny...

Signs of a desparate fantasy trader...

I am sorry ..I cannot post on the You Tube as I have been blocked from this vendor's site...if someone who is registered on You Tube could PM me and are willing to put a question up on the Tube comments I would ask..that would you be a help..

Thank You,


p.S Jessie James now that you are following this thread...don't bother using your minions...won't work:whistling
re: & James Wave

Hi lx384👍, thank you for your comments and validating my findings. Would you mind if I share your comments with others? Some other forums like Elite Trader also have threads on which I would like to add this information to with your permission of course. Kind Regards Lloyd Hopkins.

I don´t believe he trades live. He gets no slippage hardly ever, his fills could only be in SIM. Questioned him on it, and he confirmed he traded live, but I have to say that I do not believe him.

Think there is some value maybe for a brand new trader, to learn the process of rules and entries via rules, but that´s it. Worth doing the trial maybe if you are a complete beginner, but 3.6k$... nahhhhhh.

ps. ET is total crap. fwiw.
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