schooloftrade & James Wave

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School of Trade - So far one of the best trading mentors out there. The education here has been invaluable. The room is not your typical trading room they get you to hone in on your trading goals and stay disciplined, its like having a personal trainer. It’s ok to make mistakes, but they want you to learn from them right away so you don’t go down the same road twice. Also what helped me to learn quickly is that when I’m in the trade room I ask lots of questions rather than passively participating. The trainer and other members are always willing to educate. I have a lot to learn and am grateful to have found a group of individuals so willing to help a newcomer like myself.

It took me little over two months but I made my membership cost back. Anything is possible, just need to make the effort and be willing to learn.
The Upside:
The moderator at School of Trade is quite the individual. He is a very professional, consistent trader and at the same time the nicest, most outgoing guy on the block. He's got a great community of people in his room and the atmosphere is very upbeat and always improving. When it comes to buying anything for me, I need to trust them first and with Joseph, there is no issue. Like Joseph, I also use pure price action for my entries and I think it's the only way to go.

The Downside:
I don't particularly care for the trial guests that come in and out, seems to distract Joseph from the main topics for the day. They suck up a lot of his time that he could be using to actually teach people who are serious about learning and have a limited amount of time. Especially since I'm a paying member, I think it's unfair that they are using up my time. However, I've learned a lot over the past six months and seeing strides in my trading, over all, terrific trade room.
JJ won't like those trial members who are not sucked into the hipe. The free trial is JJ's perfect weapon, used to draw the newbies in so he can spin his promise of riches and easy money to them, on the surface it can look convincing to the novice. One way to hurt this scam artist is to exploit this Free trial and overload his scam, he will have to pay for per seat attendance to his room and a flood of tire kickers will hurt his pony show, load up with free emails and let's spam his scam room, JJ loves to spam this thread so I say let us all return the favour!! Over to you JJ for a suitable happy response, you are indeed quite and individual.

The Upside:
The moderator at School of Trade is quite the individual. He is a very professional, consistent trader and at the same time the nicest, most outgoing guy on the block. He's got a great community of people in his room and the atmosphere is very upbeat and always improving. When it comes to buying anything for me, I need to trust them first and with Joseph, there is no issue. Like Joseph, I also use pure price action for my entries and I think it's the only way to go.

The Downside:
I don't particularly care for the trial guests that come in and out, seems to distract Joseph from the main topics for the day. They suck up a lot of his time that he could be using to actually teach people who are serious about learning and have a limited amount of time. Especially since I'm a paying member, I think it's unfair that they are using up my time. However, I've learned a lot over the past six months and seeing strides in my trading, over all, terrific trade room.
Little concerned over the mixed feedback I’m reading on this site. Seems to be a dichotomy of opinions from one extreme to the other. It appears that the trading methods of this site either work or they don’t work. So far I’ve been happy with the service from School of Trade. I’m not over the top in love with it yet, but it has helped improve my understanding of trading more than other websites I used in the past.
I’ve been studying, learning, and trading with Mr Jospeh and in his School of Trade program every week for about 7 months now and not only was it the best career change for me, but it continues to improve with introducing great strategies and indicators on weekly basis. On top of that, there is no more corporate life style, no more struggles and objections, be your own boss/ call the shots, you control your future and income. That to me is as good as it gets right there! It’s called self-confidence, getting over the fear of what will happen next and having no one else to look to but yourself when making decisions. I’ve taken the time to learn, adapt to his methods and now I can work from anywhere and make a great deal of money.
When I first saw School of trades trade results, I was a little doubtful of course. So many of these programs out there its unreal. I was thinking that they were at a fictitious, or exaggerated like so many of them are online. Then, I joined the chat room and attended a few sessions and I have been able to see JJ’s method work in real time. Even better, I’ve practiced the techniques on entries and exits and now have duplicated the profits. I have begun to see consistent profits in my trading, that was my goal from the start and I’ve reached it successfully.
"I don't think there is another program out there that is as comprehensive as School of Trade. There’s so much information and support to use to your advantage when you sign up. The bonus is that JJ is a natural born teacher, he loves what he does and it shows in his words and actions in the trade room and outside of it.
My goal is to get out of my job and ultimately help others in life, with his system and his support I know this is going to happen. It will be the best thing you ever do if you become an advanced member.
Completely worth the effort and time it takes to learn the ropes from a stock trading guru.
"I don't think there is another program out there that is as comprehensive as School of Trade. There’s so much information and support to use to your advantage when you sign up. The bonus is that JJ is a natural born teacher, he loves what he does and it shows in his words and actions in the trade room and outside of it.
My goal is to get out of my job and ultimately help others in life, with his system and his support I know this is going to happen. It will be the best thing you ever do if you become an advanced member.
Completely worth the effort and time it takes to learn the ropes from a stock trading guru.

What a BS! You pretend having been in JJ's trading room and you don't know JJ does not trade stocks at all......hahahahaha....hahahahaha... stock trading make my day! LMAO...😆😆😆😆😆
The Upside:
Like Joseph, I also use pure price action for my entries and I think it's the only way to go.
So you obviously have got no clue what pure price action trading is. JJ definitely does not master trading with a naked chart because his chart is so fully clustered with about everything one can find on the net so one does not see the price anymore. That it is pure nonsense to teach to trade this way only a novice may not know. Now he is desperately trying to use the MT Predictor software hoping it may predict him some trades.😴
I bought a SOT membership one year ago and never looked back. Their impressive structured program even provides exclusive charts and indicators that work like a charm. I use the live trade room more as live market news updates, as I place my own trades configured to my own trade plan. My first impression of Joseph was that he was an intimidating individual and that was one feature that I liked most. I remember the first day he was even talking about what a trader’s diet should be and I couldn’t help but just be in awe! Joseph is a natural born teacher and a talented trader beyond belief. He has a genuine desire to help others learn.
I have done well with School of Trade from the beginning and continue to come back for more. If you want to learn trading you'll be thoroughly impressed with this service.
OK this is getting stupid. Do you think we don't know what's going on? Clearly this idiot has to spam forums to cover up all the complaints against him.
I cant stand boring, clueless, mindless trade rooms and JJ’s is certainly none of the above. Right away with his morning prep, there is energy, upbeat attitude and confidence in his voice. You can actually see what is going on in the trade room, he is a real trader and is very good at what he does. His skill level and ability to teach and trade all at the same time is just incredible. He has given me all that I need to trade in his course and I’ve gone over every last bit of the material with ease.
Someone mentioned that about only 10% succeed in the markets and if I had to guess, id say the majority of them are advanced members with school of trade. Their system will take a little time to get down pat, but that is because the program is realistic and altered in a specific relationship to the markets. It is very easy to understand and consistent to real time events. Switched over to SOT when I saw J make close to $2k on the same markets that I took a heavy loss on while trading elesewhere.
I can’t say enough positive things about JJ and all the hard work that he puts into his educational program. His teachings everyday with his members and guests are always useful and enlightening. I feel as if I am getting bonus features on top of the trading education. Despite all the chaos of live markets we traders face on a routine basis, JJ finds the time to answer any and all questions that are presented and makes sure that they are all fully answered before the session closes. The lessons and illustrations are very thoroughly done. With his trading system, I have gained considerable amount of confidence in my ability to learn the markets and how they operate. I see a trade pattern setting up with Josephs indicators, rules and methodology, I immediately know that as long as I follow the rules exactly and execute, the trade is going to be a winner!
I have spent a lot of wasted time and money on other programs and this is the first program that has consistently made me money (if you stay motivated and dedicated to your trade plan). My goal is to become a full-time Trader, control my destiny and I am quickly on my way to accomplishing that with JJ’s system and methods. JJ’s morning prep is by far the best period. I use it constantly to mark my charts and they have been nothing but accurate every time. I am impressed that he continues to improve the training and indicators, which has further justified my decision to join SOT.
Joe has the ability to inspire students by being passionate about what he does. Joe and his team are just great, down to earth people to work with and share trading experiences with. He constantly shows his eagerness to make his clients succeed through all of his great trading methods.
I'm new to this day trading game, though I'm not entirely unable or completely clueless, I've managed to double my trading account size in less than four months.* On top of that, I was able to make extra cash and pay off some credit card debt. Best of all, my success is a reliable way of doing business in my spare time.* I feel safe and motivated knowing that I can take my trading with me anywhere.
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