schooloftrade & James Wave

Please provide any Feedback

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I dont know why would t2w is allowing this kind of marketting. I saw them taking down this guys thread who was providing very good calls on stocks. T2w must have taken backhander.
cataquil, from what I have been told it is possible for non US residents to file a claim also, the problem is the plaintiff would need to attend the court and I imagine this makes the process a little impracticable for most due to the travelling involved. I would also hope any travel costs could be added to the case.

This is great news Lloyd!!!

Finally some justice

Thanks for your persistent efforts in this matter.

Now how about people outside of the USA in Europe?
Hey guys, just trying to see whats up with SOT and looking for a anyones opinion/thoughts/concerns, I'd really appreciate some feedback. thanx
Hey guys, just trying to see whats up with SOT and looking for a anyones opinion/thoughts/concerns, I'd really appreciate some feedback. thanx

Are you serious? Not to be rude but you have over 250 posts giving people's feedback on their opinions, thoughts, concerns, direct experiences and input. How much more feedback do you need? The poll at the beginning of this thread states that most believe JJ and SofT, for whatever reason(s), did not live up to it's billing. I am one if them. If you are in the room on the trial, listen and observe carefully. Be a critical observer. Don't just listen for the winners and let your emotions get involved. Listen for how he covers up the losers. Does he get in where he says he's waiting to get in? Does he say, "Get in" and then change his mind (after the fact) when it doesn't go his way? Much has been discussed as to whether he trades live or in SIM. Does it bother you, like it does most of us, that he is unwilling to put his own money on the line for his own methodology? Does it bother you that he falsifies his results? These and numerous other observations should give enough information for you to make a rational decision.
And yet, part of it is what your goals are and were you are in your trading career. Are you a beginner trader and looking for someone to shadow? May not be a good idea to join. If you are a little more experienced and don't need to be told what and when and where to trade and need educational tweeking and don't mind dropping the cost for membership to see what you can add from his method to your own experience then membership may be for you like it has been for, apparently, some few who found benefit from membership.
Aragon.. thanks for being so concerned about me...i don’t want to sound like I’m endorsing SOT or JJ....but your info does NOT add up... and I think there is a lot of value in what gives every day.

I’ve been learning from them on their blog for years, all for free, which is why I’m finally taking the trial. He clearly knows his stuff, and his trading style is pretty darn good. I understand you must have lost money, and you want to police the internet, but c’mon man you dont make much sense with your rebuttals...

First, check out the survey at the top?

The survey says that only 40% of the people didn’t make money. The other 60% (the majority) are either making money with it, or not losing money.

Sounds like JJ and SOT are pretty damn GOOD in my opinion. Isn’t the saying...’99.9% of the traders who try will fail?’ If that’s the case...looks like JJ and team are KILLING IT with their students. That is VERY interesting to think that on a forum post like this, with you and Lloyd CLEARLY pumping everyone up to JJ-bash all see this STILL showing more people making money than pretty impressive to me.

Think about that...99% of traders lose money elsewhere...but JJ makes that number only 60%? And you think this is bad? And remember, the people who LOVE schooloftrade are NOT posting here, so we are never hearing from any REAL clients that are making profits. This is an incredible stat!

Second, ive been on the trial and I’ve seen JJ call his trades. I thought they were great in my opinion. Look at the OTHER trade rooms out there, they don’t even call trades, and they are boring. I thought the trade room was great.

This week i tried to shadow trade with JJ (which I will admit JJ tells us to be very careful doing) and today we took 3 winners and 1 loss, and JJ showed us them ALL. I even saw him lose 100 ticks on the euro. And on top of that, he typed the entry location on the chart like 10 minutes before.

When you say he conceals losses...that doesn’t make any sense. I have watched him take losses, and he is actually VERY good at helping me learn why it was a loss, and how to learn from it.

And I’m not sure how much easier you need it to get into trades...he writes the entry, stop, and target on the chart before he takes the trade. He says to use a limit order to make sure you get the entry location correct.

Maybe that’s new...maybe years ago when you took the trial they didn’t do that...well they do now. I guess JJ and team are evolving...makes sense to me, and it really helps my trading.

Lastly, the debate over SIM or LIVE, i don’t really care to be honest because the trades make money for me, and when I asked him he sent me a statement. I don’t blame him for not sending them out, they are hard to read, and really there is no need to worry about that. I mean, look at what the trades DO, a 50 tick winner is still a 50-tick winner on demo or live. So if it’s in SIM the price doesn’t go the same place? So only a live trade is ok? Nonsense. Maybe you lose a tick or two with slippage between the two, but cmon anything over 10 ticks and theres no difference in your results from live to demo. Seems like you’re digging for something BAD to say with this...kinda pathetic. I saw his statements, and i think he was very generous with his time to send them to me. there a chance you may be mistaken? Were you in a different trade room trial? Lol.
Im just not seeing ANY of this on my trial, and it concerns me that you are working so hard to smear someone’s name that appears not to deserve it, especially a teacher, who is trying to teach you.

I have a few days left on my trial and I am going to join when im done. Today (Friday) was another good day, i watched JJ take some huge trades, few winners and 1 loss, and I was able to take 2 of the 4 along with him...pretty good on a trial.

After reading all of these reviews, its very clear there are people who lost money, and they are taking that fear and anger out on their teacher, rather than asking for help. I was a teacher for 25 years, and I can see how hard JJ works, but you guys missed it...and ill bet JJ would welcome you back if you asked him.

The best teachers are EASY to spot in this world, and im convinced JJ has a true talent for teaching...and thats all the counts for my trading career. My best to you Aragon (and Lloyd), call JJ, ask him to get back into the room, ill bet he lets you.
You must be freaking kidding. The poll does not, as you so passionately suggest, talk about winners and making money and losers and losing money. The poll is for those who found him to be credible and those who do not. You falsely assume I lost money with JJ and SofT. I neither lost nor made. You are suffering from some kind of delusion if you do not think that there is a difference between Live and SIM. JJ touted for years he traded Live. He did not. He traded in SIM. If there's no difference then why lie about it. Look- if you want to join then by all means shell out the bucks and join. Lloyd presents the information and many on this thread have done our best to warn and present information and our experiences. You all want to tout the< "you didn't make money so now you're ragging and blaming JJ." What a load of crap. Our message has never been about whether we did or did not make money. Our message is that this was a bunch of smoke and mirrors with falsified results and falsified trading. It wasn't until we bought the garbage that we discovered it was not what it was represented to be. And for the record, I still have an active membership. I'll be more than willing to sell it to you for less than what JJ charges. Full access to the room, the educational material, the indicators and the auto trader.
Aragon.. thanks for being so concerned about me...

blah..blah..blah deleted

For someone looking for feedback, you seem to have already made up your mind on the school of trade. And so have I. IMHO, you are either a shill or a troll, and I am leaning toward the former.
CashIsKing03, unless you are JJ, you should read this threat. It goes way back in time. And if you still think he is a good teacher. Why don't you buy yourself a lifetime membership to find out.

Some guys just don't get is.

You must be one of those buying a very nice Iphone on the street just to come back home and found out you get an empty box!!!!
I see recent updates to the SOT terms and conditions. Well, all these disclaimers have been added by SOT since I started campaigning against their fraudulent practices over a year ago and no doubt as a result of some unwanted attention from the CFTC. I now see SOT is making statements like..

"The chat room is for online educational purposes only. It is not to be misunderstood as a trading room. Such as a room giving signals for trading real money. We request that our students follow our trades using a simulator as we do"

"Do not make actual trades based on information or alerts based on any information from nor our live Signal services. The signal service, for which you are enrolling sole purpose, is training."

"By reading this, you hereby agree that you will not make actual trades based on any information, educational alerts or triggers that are posted in any education, via email or discussed via audio/video/text in the chat room"

When I joined SOT most of these disclaimers DID NOT exist and JJ actively represented his Live Trade room as exactly that, a trading room where he personally traded a live account and gave out live trading signals to the members.

JJ promoted this service with publicised profit results that he maintained were real. He always maintained he traded a live account when asked. This is what I paid to join.

When I was a member in the Live Trade room, JJ would always say stuff like,

"if you take 2 losses in a row switch back to SIM trading, this is money management we need to preserve our capital at all times"

"once you have made your daily profit goal switch back to SIM trading, no point giving back all that hard earned cash to the markets"

Is it legal to open a live trade room and make all kinds of promises and misleading statements and then have some small print as terms and conditions hidden at the bottom of your site that completely contradicts what you are doing and saying in that room?

Can you con people for a decade and then just suddenly change your story from being a "Live Trade Room with Live Signals" to "the sole purpose is training" ?

Are SOT not now openly admitting in their T&C exactly what I have been saying since the start of this thread?

What about all the people that already handed over money their money to this scam artist prior to these new disclaimers being issued, surely my case is now proven beyond doubt?

Just a quick note from what I've heard about the legalities of disclaimers, they really are not worth much in court, if one can prove their point.
I am making profits with JJ every week, and have been trading on a live account for 3 weeks. I would endorse this trading method to anyone looking to learn, it helped me a TON. One word of caution, if you are only looking for shadow trading, not to learn it, this is going to be a challenge. I spent the first 12 months of my learning the wrong way, trying to find shadow-trading chat rooms, and all it did was waste my time and money. After I blew out my 2nd account I decided that JJ’s one-time fee (which was pretty high for me) was worth it rather than losing 2k per month trying to learn on my own. JJ made this pretty easy for me, and I would recommend this membership to a friend.


I would love to know if you are still in profit in another month or so using the same methods, I was lucky at the start too but also blew two accounts. If you really are just a client of his and not some fake name I would love to talk to you on skype to see what I am doing wrong. Regardless of the method he uses does it not seem incredibly suspicious to you that he never shows the trade management window until he gets his plus five so he can always call it a scratch if it doesnt get a runner and you NEVER EVER see his DOM.

I would have absouloutley zero issues with JJ IF he PROVED beyond a shadow of a soubt he wasnt lying about trading live, everything else he does is fine, hes friendly he works hard, his strategy is debatable but so are all the others out there.

All he needs to do is show his live DOM and trade management CONSTANTLY so we can see the entrys on the trades, not just after a plus five, you watch it you will see exactly what i mean.

You will probably say but it doesnt matter if hes live or not because your there for the teaching and the method. Well as a matter of fact it really does matter because it questions his integrity if he is saying one thing and doing another (lying) and i cannot trust someone like this.

I have $10,000 waiting to go into his autotrade max after spending $1000 on the application, and its not going anywhere near it until his very questionable integrity is brought to light with me, its not an issue he is unaware of I have emailed him and commented several times about it.

Again, I would love to speak with you if you are who you say you are my skype name is conspiracast.

Good luck with your trades, please be carefull thanks for your attention in this matter.

Enough people + Enough Proof = CLASS ACTION!
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You won't get any response on that one, unless the "she" JJ will show up with his wife or some girlfriend.

To be honest I learned some things in my trial weeks and to me he seemed a very decend man BUT many people in here say otherwise providing tons of prove.

One question to WendyM and ANYONE OUT THERE:
If you play a game for money, BIG MONEY, would you tell or teach your compettitors how to beat you? Does not make any sense to me.
If he really wanted to help you trading, he (JJ) wouldn't have charged you a dime!!!!
School of Trade has been the most effective trading course out there. Right after my 2 week trial, I signed up for membership and on a live account; I average 25 ticks a day. Everyone has a different learning style and I’m fortunate that I am a quick learner, but this did not happen overnight. I showed up each day, asked questions, stayed patient and it all came together. If you are looking for just a trade calling room, this is not the place for you…JJ brings so much more to the table.
So for every one negative comment there's two positive ones come straight away? Wow what a Coincidence!!!!LOL . Guys wake up and do your due diligence...

If your taking the trial all you have to do is notice that he will never show you when he is taking an entry because he is in sim and let's the losers lose then shows the winners or at least the ones that get him the five ticks first. ASK him to SHOW YOU every entry. He cant, because it will blow his cover. Or as he calls it his trade secrets. Its not so much a secret anymore though is it? It's called SIM.

The trade management window suddenly appears as If by magic from the side AFTER the entry's are taken! You will NEVER see it BEFORE!!! I wonder why!!!??

The reason new traders don't notice this is because they don't know ninja well enough yet but they soon learn. Especially when they begin their own live account what the difference is.

What he will do is send you a brokerage statement which I wouldn't be surprised
if its fluffed up.
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I've done a free trial on SOT and was looking for some reviews. It appears to me that a few of the same people have taken over this forum and another one (have seen only 2 so far) making it their daytrading job to harrass somebody they do not like, adding their negative comments to everybody who expresses a positiv review and of course it must be the vendor in disguise. It possibly comes out of frustration the reason of such I can only guess. I think everybody is entitled to an opinion, but it stops there. Harrassment shows poor character. If you don't like it, leave it, period. I could not care less if someone trades a SIM account, as order placement and the outcome is what counts. I've done every trade on SIM and his statistic at the end of the morning session reflects them exactly to the tick. Winners and losers. . So what's the point! Will I join. No, I don't need the education, so I won't cough up the money. Another example. I've paid for AlphaWaveTrader for one month. She does not place any trades (neither SIM nor Activ) She applies her personal style of Fibs and says "I'm enterng a trade". Quite a few times the call was done when the price was already close to the first target.."Oh, you have to react fast..". I don't want to get into the dubious monthly statistics. Following the arguments of the JJ haters, this is supposed to be a much bigger scam than JJ. And there are many trading rooms out there which would fall into the same category. Would I spent the whole day posting and trying to convince people that my opinion is the only correct one, while onthe other hand there are hundreds of people in every room who are perfectly happy? No, I just leave. It's that simple. Get a life guys!
Eh let me get this straight,your argument is because there are bigger scams out or becaue there are other people out there doing the same thing, It makes the one I got scammed by ok??? .... Therefor I shouldn't do anything about it?????

Lol Im sorry buy I don't follow your logic here..

The world is FULL of scams these days by your logic this means anyone that has been scammed to a lesser degree then the "biggest one" should just roll over and take it.

The one you got invilved in Sounds like the exact same scam to me. And if I paid for that then yes I would express my concern on a forum that encourages truthfull reviews, to warn others about the details of it. So where exactly is the "harassment" in that?

By the by it is not only us two there is plenty they don't all post on forums. But be sure we are talking to them.

I don't hate JJ I think he's funny and friendly for the most part. But his integrity has been busted, there's just no nee to lie, if I had have figured this out earlier there's a lot more money that could have been saved.

Lastly I never said anything about people posting positive views I just said what a "coincidence" that two positive ones come almost immediately after a negative one! You said it yourself. It could only be the vendor.

Usin a railway metaphor. This train is already moving and once it reaches full speed there'll be no stopping it.

Sleep well my friend.
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Eh let me get this straight,your argument is because there are bigger scams out or becaue there are other people out there doing the same thing, It makes the one I got scammed by ok??? .... Therefor I shouldn't do anything about it?????

Lol Im sorry buy I don't follow your logic here..

The world is FULL of scams these days by your logic this means anyone that has been scammed to a lesser degree then the "biggest one" should just roll over and take it.

The one you got invilved in Sounds like the exact same scam to me. And if I paid for that then yes I would express my concern on a forum that encourages truthfull reviews, to warn others about the details of it. So where exactly is the "harassment" in that?

By the by it is not only us two there is plenty they don't all post on forums. But be sure we are talking to them.

I don't hate JJ I think he's funny and friendly for the most part. But his integrity has been busted, there's just no nee to lie, if I had have figured this out earlier there's a lot more money that could have been saved.

Lastly I never said anything about people posting positive views I just said what a "coincidence" that two positive ones come almost immediately after a negative one! You said it yourself. It could only be the vendor.

Usin a railway metaphor. This train is already moving and once it reaches full speed there'll be no stopping it.

Sleep well my friend.

I've never mentioned anybody's name. So why the adrenalin rush. If you had read my post without bias you may have realized that this is your logic that you express, not mine. I have never stated anything you say. My statement was.. if you don't like it, leave and do neither harass the vendor nor the ones who express a positive view. But as your quick reply shows, you can't refrain from that. As I mentioned, there are hundreds of people in trading rooms who are happy. But some people obviously think that their opinion is the only one valid. So please, don't reply. I don't need that. I hope that's alright with you.
If you don't need replies then don't post on forums! Opinions are one thing but a lot of what is presented here goes beyond an opinion. I have tried to present facts about what happened to me to warn others, these are not my opinions they are the facts of what happened to me.

Let me give you an example, I was kicked out of a "lifetime membership" for asking my "tutor" to show me how to enter trades. I did not ask for theory, I asked for him to show me how it is done in a private training session. He could and would not. This is an example of a fact.

An opinion is where we offer up a reason for why we think he hides that trading DOM off screen; nobody really knows the answer to the obvious reason for this, so we speculate.

Well in fact that last statement is not strictly true, because numerous members have observed JJ's DOM when he has made mistakes and inadvertently left the DOM on screen and in full view. JJ thought it was hidden off screen but it was not, you can find examples of this if you read around all the forum threads, BLOGs, scam sites etc.

I've never mentioned anybody's name. So why the adrenalin rush. If you had read my post without bias you may have realized that this is your logic that you express, not mine. I have never stated anything you say. My statement was.. if you don't like it, leave and do neither harass the vendor nor the ones who express a positive view. But as your quick reply shows, you can't refrain from that. As I mentioned, there are hundreds of people in trading rooms who are happy. But some people obviously think that their opinion is the only one valid. So please, don't reply. I don't need that. I hope that's alright with you.
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