Scam Alert: MissDayTrader back as Torrance @BigSexyCool twitter & others.


Junior member
Sadly he is still loitering, just ripped off 27 people on twitter for £70 each (what a marketing guru!! & has he refunded anyone??? Anyone with his bank acc details please direct message me) @IndiceDayTrader, and is now offering one of his I’m going to turn 200 into 5000 scams he seems to try at least once a year. The last one was @100ftsebetting club which ended before it started. Here is his sales blurb from last year, does it sound familiar?
The Challenge Of £100 To £5,000
Why Am I Trading This Challenge
This challenge is was created and taken to attempt to prove 3 points
• You don't need to start with or have huge sums of money to trade the markets successfully or profitably
• The power of compounding
• Consistency exists in the financial markets
Why Start With £100
I want to prove that anyone can start with small sums of money and turn it into solid gains through the use of technical analysis and account compounding. I don't see why one should risk large sums when compounding a small starting capital is equally as powerful.”

Apparently he is going to do it “live” from 7am – 9am @DaxFtseScalper now (a private twitter acc) and then offer people the chance to learn the system i.e I’m going to rip you off for £££ and do a runner with your cash. He is probably starting/finishing so early so he can run @easy2winit and rip of a few more people.

Be very wary please, if you have to do the free trial then leave straight after. Whatever you do don’t send any money directly to a bank account as you have no comeback whatsoever. Remember he is someone you have never met and is not to be trusted!! Funny how he couldn’t offer paypal for indicedaytrader, apparently for tax/regulation reasons, ok pinnochio sure you wern't banned for conning people.

Any online peddler good or bad should be paypal verified as a very minimum, that’s means not a personal paypal account but an account verified by paypal. Just ask yourself why someone who allegedly drives a panamera and makes hundreds of thousands is trying so hard for £70, typing hundreds of tweets a day. Does it sound too good to be true…………………………..

So, stay clear of @DaxFtseScalper and @BigSexyCool and @easy2winit if you value your cash. He will do a runner just like his previous aliases David Jefferson, dave robertson, nick vaughn, bryan webber, connie anderson, citifxcapital, mrspreadbetting, luke gail, darren poulter, natasha, ftse100betting, warren needell, @FTSE100Analyst, @MissDayTrader all have

There is still a £5k reward for him at spreadbetmag, and a recent post about our chum Torrance on their website blog as well.