David Robertson / TraderRobertson


Hi all

First of all this is my first post here as I was directed here by someone on twitter after I made a complaint about someone who I recently purchased something from.

I don't want to go into my background nor my trading activity as that is not relevant, however I recently purchased a monthly membership fee from someone named David Robertson / TraderRobertson for the sum of £34.99 per month.

Before I done that, I followed him on twitter for a number on months. I have to say I was originally impressed by him and a lot of his trade calls and analysis, he seemed genuine and honest enough. However after subscribing to his service a few days ago things have gone down hill. Communication via his private twitter feed /forum and website have almost came to a halt. Also I have sent 5 emails to him without response.

Today he was on his "public twitter feed" the unlocked one boasting about how much he has made from subscription fees. By the looks of things he has made in the region of £47,000+ in sub fees. Tonight I challenged him on twitter using a new twitter account LiquidLevels so he couldn't ban me from his private twitter feed with my main account.

I want to bring this to peoples attention before they decide to sign-up for his service as I'm starting to get bad vibes about this guy,

Be warned - stay away until things become more clear.
Hi all

First of all this is my first post here as I was directed here by someone on twitter after I made a complaint about someone who I recently purchased something from.

I don't want to go into my background nor my trading activity as that is not relevant, however I recently purchased a monthly membership fee from someone named David Robertson / TraderRobertson for the sum of £34.99 per month.

Before I done that, I followed him on twitter for a number on months. I have to say I was originally impressed by him and a lot of his trade calls and analysis, he seemed genuine and honest enough. However after subscribing to his service a few days ago things have gone down hill. Communication via his private twitter feed /forum and website have almost came to a halt. Also I have sent 5 emails to him without response.

Today he was on his "public twitter feed" the unlocked one boasting about how much he has made from subscription fees. By the looks of things he has made in the region of £47,000+ in sub fees. Tonight I challenged him on twitter using a new twitter account LiqudTrader so he couldn't ban me from his private twitter feed with my main account.

I want to bring this to people attention before they decide to sign-up for his service as I'm starting to get bad vibes about this guy,

Be warned - stay away until things become more clear.

There's plenty of history with that One, including his latest money making scheme. Do a search on T2W, should keep you occupied for weeks !

He didnt collect that much - 47k - , not real ...
So you followed him on twitter for a few months... yet obviously didn't think to Google "TraderRobertson" before parting with your hard earned cash? There are no less than 4 negative results on page #1, one of which clearly mentions the word "scam"!?

There is also a large following of informed Twitter disbelievers which come up in a simple twitter search i.e.


If it sounds too good to be true, it more than often is!
so how much did you lose buddy ?

doesn't sound like much in truth ....?....so treat it as a warning and don't worry - we've all been there

So you followed him on twitter for a few months... yet obviously didn't think to Google "TraderRobertson" before parting with your hard earned cash? There are no less than 4 negative results on page #1, one of which clearly mentions the word "scam"!?

There is also a large following of informed Twitter disbelievers which come up in a simple twitter search i.e.


If it sounds too good to be true, it more than often is!

f2calv, no I didn't google him as I only paid for one month subscription to see what the fuss was about as there was a lot of hype on twitter from other people. I trade pretty successfully myself but always open to new ideas and opinions. Really just wanted to see what he had to offer for myself without the noise.

so how much did you lose buddy ?

doesn't sound like much in truth ....?....so treat it as a warning and don't worry - we've all been there


Nothing major, just £34.99, I'm not bothered about the money as its an insignificant amount. I just wanted to warn other people before they feed his pocket anymore.
f2calv, no I didn't google him as I only paid for one month subscription to see what the fuss was about as there was a lot of hype on twitter from other people. I trade pretty successfully myself but always open to new ideas and opinions. Really just wanted to see what he had to offer for myself without the noise.

Nothing major, just £34.99, I'm not bothered about the money as its an insignificant amount. I just wanted to warn other people before they feed his pocket anymore.

Hi LL, as pointed out by F2calv this guy is well known on here, I actually enjoyed the time he was on here in his various multinics (though I'm not a fan of it usually), it was blatantly obvious he had another agenda, so I was engaging with him (mostly in a non confrontational way) as I too wanted to see what he had to offer, someone to bounce off of outside the usual standard patter.

I have never & will never give a penny to any so called guru, but sometimes someone comes along on here with substance. Anyway I had whole conversations with him wiped by the t2w Mods, apparently "to protect the stupid from themselves" as readers may have rushed immediately to ol Davies child catcher net.

I still have the opinion that all posts should stand & to grant people the intelligence to work it out for themselves, especially here on t2w, wonky vendors are savaged very quickly, so any chance of one slipping the net are very slim.

I still say the stupid will "adapt or.....?"
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I have never & will never give a penny to any so called guru

I can vouch for that, Tokyojoe has *never* given any guru a penny... unless they are 20-something guru, from China, female and obsessed with percentage returns 😉

Omg that Russian guy at the last meetup, "I made 20k at this broker from Georgia... But they won't let me take the money out, ummm" priceless 🙂
I can vouch for that, Tokyojoe has *never* given any guru a penny... unless they are 20-something guru, from China, female and obsessed with percentage returns 😉

Omg that Russian guy at the last meetup, "I made 20k at this broker from Georgia... But they won't let me take the money out, ummm" priceless 🙂

😆 "how much you make ?"

You couldn't make it up 😆

Broker from Georgia !! what could go wrong ?

Great night & another great heads up from you mate.

Good luck if you are in tomorrow.
2 boxes where stops sit, 10440 is where Germanys largest pension fund bids sit. That is where price will spike to then rally!!

he always says bull----- like this.
last time he actually said he could see the dax order book-his account disappeared when it went pear shaped.
He's just thrown is little doll out the pram and cleared his TraderRobertson forum. I think the guy is high on drugs or drunk again. He will disappear when this 10440 level don't deliver.