mp....A few days ago you admitted that you did not know what a spreadbetting company was. Why do you now feel qualified to offer advice on their business models? I do not recognise any truth in what you have said about them over all your many posts today, you seem to be referring to broker/mm practices which are nothing whatsoever to do with the thread-starter's question about spreadbetting.
excellent question peto
like most things in this world, EDUCATION becomes important when one does not know.
finding myself in a UK oriented site, and liking it, i figured i better learn some slang, some ideas and how you trade, and while we use differing words for things, HOW THE WORLD BETS ON THINGS is pretty universal !
I have used two russian spreadbetters, one for 2 years and presently one for just a month, if that much, and while originally i simply referred to them as "brokers" out of ignorance, pretty soon i realized i was using spread betters also.
Now ive got a heck of a lot of time in the markets (over 30 years trading for myself) and while i certainly dont know EVERYTHING, i do know an awful lot, which is why i teach REALITIES of trading on this site, and not methods ! Realities encompasses knowing times of the day the market reverses, how many days to hold a stock or currency, what time of day is the best for trading, how the market functions, without the BS of "supply and demand" (and my friend, its more BS than you can accumulate in a day)
but getting back --- i was not even aware, because to me it was a "broker" that i was using, that there was something you call a "spread better" (guess you gotta cross the atlantic to cozy up to that term) and once i found out (those weeks ago you refer to, NOT DAYS) it was then simple to use the other words you use, knowing how they worked.
you can certainly disagree with me --- nothing short of a well placed mortar round would probably change your mind (and that simply ELIMINATES your mind without changing it) but
THERE IS ONLY ONE WAY TO MAKE MONEY IN THE FINANCIAL MARKETS, and the institutions in Peru, Argentina, China, Angola, Arab Emerites, UK, USA, and every place else do it that way because thats the way its done !
they do NOT trade the way we do as retail traders have a singleness of purpose, while institutions are working a much bigger picture ---- with a lot more experience, you should be able to understand how and why the markets move up and down the way they do, or do you think its simply because they like waves ?
Ive said what im going to say --- i have the obvious experience and credits to back it up, I have had agreement from more than a few of the more experienced traders on this site and personally, its really a topic of small interest to me, but being bored while waiting for the market to open, i thought i might help a chap --- obviously more arguement than help is wanted, so i drop it now !
continue on with your own thoughts --- whatever they may be !
enjoy and trade well