

Junior member
I've searched the site but can't find an answer to the following:

Lots of posts here say that some SB companies don't allow scalping, but what exactly is scalping... I mean what timeframe constitutes scalping? If I open a trade on the Forex market and close it within 20 or so minutes does that constitute scalping?

I'm asking because in my real job I work from home and am sat in front of my PC for a good few hours each day, and would like to use some of my time (while software is installing on clients PC's, for example, etc) trading the Forex market, but if I open a trade, which shows a profit within a short time, will I be allowed to close it and take the profit?

im new to SB i have no idea what scalping is but i do know there is nothing stoping me closing a deal with in 10mins of opening, i use IGindex and often close a deal asoon as im in the blue which is quite quickly.

im in the same boat as you, i dont have all day to SB, i spend a couple hours in the eavning after work and i close and open deals alot.

besides using limits would let you close the deal asoon as you reach your set limit.
"Scalping is a trading strategy that attempts to make many profits on small price changes. Traders who implement this strategy will place anywhere from 10 to a couple hundred trades in a single day in the belief that small moves in stock price are easier to catch than large ones."

I spreadbet and have used IGIndex, CMC and GFT and I've always been able to close trades as quickly as I want to.