scalp - indicators - system ?

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my main charting program remains MetaStock, ime there's no single charting program that
does everything I want it to, MS has a fibo tool I like plus the Standard Error Channel but doesn't
come close to being able to code the sort of indicators available for MetaTrader

lately I've started to use MetaTrader more, initially to find or design a 'scalping' method
looking for a Green-light-Red-light system that required no thinking, just click Buy or Sell
(there's a thread about trading e-minis, mkt trades about 8 hrs, day trade margin is $500
rt comm is $5 ? tick value is $12.50; the guy does 72 trades one day and nets $360 but I
look at a l l t h o s e g a p s on charts and wonder, wth ?)
there's already thousands of MT indicators
many forums, sites, blogs etc post / database indicators, testing them to see what they do
along with reading about various systems etc is almost a fulltime job in itself, I've now got so
many 'keeper' indicators I need to stop looking and adding, wharehousing unused keepers and
concentrate on a system - -
since I don't live there I've changed from Euro to Pacific time, sparrow time instead of owl time
and limiting scalp trading to comfortable hours meaning I'm not working to ' best trading times '
rather what's available on the chart at the times I'm in front of the monitor

- - MT4 indicators have the .mq4 file extension meaning you can see the code in Notepad or
better see and change the code in the MT Editor; not sure what the .ex4 is but you can't read
or change the code. sometimes an indicator is coded as an Expert Advisor but if you can't load
an .mq4 it's likely to be an EA and not an indicator
- - after downloading an indicator to Desktop I copy it to the Experts/Indicator folder and after
trying it but not wanting to keep it, will immediately delete it via the Navigator and also from the
Desktop, or keep it and move the Desktop copy to a 'MT4 Indicators' storage folder
- - the MTF designation means the indicator can be placed on a chart, the tf changed and the
indicator will read correctly for that tf; some 'MTF' indicators need to have the tf being used to be
entered in a line in the ' Inputs ' page of the indicator prior to being ok to chart page
- - if you want to change the code of the original indicator, in Editor, make a copy using SaveAs
with a new name or ' v 2 ' then if mistakes are made the untouched original is still available
- - ' repaint ': indicators signals - arrows, bars, colors etc will change / fluctuate until the Price
bar period ends and that's ok; but some indicators repaint ie change after the completion of the
Price bar period - not ok; some of those indicators remain stable if placed on a specific tf chart
and the tf is not changed; some such indicators are not reliable at all
- - when I do a weekly backup of files I also copy the Experts/Indicator folder

ok, most know MTers produce some real eyecandy charts and who knows why, for whatever
reason I liked the ' G#MACD_MTF ' as soon as it was on the page, but it was some time before
I realized it was a MACD ! previously I've never used the MACD, never found it that useful and
while I've not yet finalized a system and traded the G#MACD, think it's a worthy component of
a trading system

now Woodie and his CCIers state one trades the indicator without viewing the Price chart, which
digresses me to Digital / Analog; I don't find digi indis useful, but, could 'they' alone be used to
trade with ? or a combo of indis only ? then there's the guy Trading Naked, we won't go there . . .

it surprses me the Phil Nel 4H and 5min MACD traders on ForexFactory aren't using the
G#MACD, I think it's a much better indicator than the MACDs they do use
oh and this thread isn't about using indicators or not but about employing indicators that add
some practical advantage to trading decisions
so on the attached chart are 4 indicators:
Separate Windows: G#MACD_MTF and ' G#MACD_Signals ' which is a mtf digital version of
the G#MACD
Chart: ' Trendlines_ mtf ' - yellow and magenta lines and ' Instant TrendLine1 ' - green red lines
all indicators using the default settings, colors changed
the zip contains all of the G#MACD indicators I know of incl a brief note from the G#MACD
author CJA - ForexTSD - about trading with the GMACD

the Instant TrendLine is for me a 'stay-in-the-trade-longer' indicator, or is the Trendlines better ?
obviously one's profit potential is greater the longer the trend, and in a sense that's what one's
trying to trade — extension — primarily Price, but Time also IF, there's a reliable indication to
remain in the trade, which is why people use MAs, tls, channels

one doesn't want an over-optimized indicator, one can't in any case unlike the e-mini trade
for a single tick, so we're -- or at least I'm looking for that stayin-getout indicator or combo of
that ' scalping ' wise secures the most profits

. . . . .


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Just a green light/red light system?? FORGET IT!! There is no such indicator based system that has stood the test of time. Maybe if you are able to code one from pure price action.
Just a green light/red light system?? FORGET IT!!
There is no such indicator based system that has stood the test of time.
Maybe if you are able to code one from pure price action.

oh I don't know HeiPaaDeg, that's the point of the thread isn't it, and the
GMACD Signals indicator comes close to being a 'green light/red light system'

I'm actually a Day-to-Days trader since I believe that to be a far more profitable
means of trading requiring far, far less screen time with the benefit of being able
to take 24 hours to make a trading decision rather than minutes or seconds required
when 'scalping'

and tho your point is well taken, I want to try anyway
funnily enough a 'How to avoid false signals using MACD ?' has appeared on EliteTrader:
Forums - How to avoid false signals using MACD?

here's what I've culled from the replies of the controversial and sometimes esoteric
Jack Hershey:
" We need to tune the MACD to the ES. The tuning has always been recommended by the
originator [Gerald Appel] and, if not, by his successful successors.
The origninator said to use MACD on several time frames and he said the faster time
frames would lead the slower time frames in terms of significant signals.
So the advent of electronics communications (after the hpone was no longer the modus)
shortened the price cycle and all indicators at that time had to be shortens likewise to
preclude bridging.
The common signals of the MACD deal with: OS/OB, Xovers and divergence.
For example: Divergence in MACD means something is coming up soon and Xover means
take action to sell or buy. You may have noticed that Convergence is in between
Divergence and xover and nothing is signalled according to the originator.
Consider four more signals from the MACD: MACD trendline breakouts; the neutral
MACD crossover, the MACD histogram and the entwining of the carrier and it's other
The MA's are EMA's just to head off the Q's you are going to think up.
An MACD trendline is drawn to the right of the MACD fast line and it takes about three
cycles of the D, C, xover sequence to go from the extreme MACD to the neutral of MACD
and then three cycles more to get the the extreme of the MACD of the opposite trend.
An MACD trendline BO is when the right line is broken by the carrier curve and the other
curve. The originator used the carrier curve as the "signal" curve."
' 8,17,9 and 12,25,9
the MACD, for the ES on all fratcals is 5, 13, 6. Notice that 6 is between 5 and 13 '

. . .

the attached ' MACD_Divergence ' draws lines on the macd and Price bars; not sure if
it's useful or accurate at all, maybe if the lines were shorter
when it's placed on the page if you've got GMACD attached the lines will appear on the
GMACD rather than the original indicator, and you may need to place Signals after or
the lines will run thru Signals. squish the MACD_Divergence window
. . .


used to be that TBonds were the most heavily traded futures contract and after the ref
to e-minis, had to lookup trading volumes:
EURO FX Futures - Wed April 2: June contract: v 216,521 oi 163,103
30-YEAR T-BOND Futures - Wed April 2: June contract: v 455,146 oi 904,876

E-MINI S&P 500 Futures - Wed April 2: June contract: v 2,328,623 oi 2,099,373

source: - Commodities & Futures & Options Quotes and Charts
click on Q, left margin: 'Price Overview/Futures Contracts'

I was amazed by the e-mini vol, over 4000 contracts traded per minute (calc: 9hr day)

. . .

I kinda like the idea of having the 'opposite' currency/pair on the chart to the one
being traded, a useful indicator ?
there's several mt4 indicators based on a single or multi-pairs but best of all I like the
' Symbol_Index_MA_ ' - colors changed - top Separate Windows
if you've seen the Leveragefx 'heat map' indicator, here it is for mt
' multisymbol_color_RSI_LQ_1[1].0M6 ' - changed rsi 7 - middle Separate Windows

. . .


Stop wasting your time kid. You will not find a good indicator based system. They are all crap. I'm really sorry I have to be the one stepping forward and telling you this. -you-are-wasting-your-time!-

Edit: sorry for the ranting. You might want to take a look into using indicators on multiple time frames. I have not seen a good multi time frame indicator yet, but that is probably a matter of all the amateurish coders that usually make all this mt4 indicators. But hey, who needs em anyway. Try something simple, take a moving average cross or something else (doesn't really matter what) and put it on a long time frame (eg four hour) Then you do the same on the one hour and finaly on eg five minutes. See what happend when they all go the same way. Almost any indicator will work and you will have a system better than almost all the crap you are reading about on certain get rich quick dreaming boards. You can be the first one to code that into a red/green light 🙂 Good luck!
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here's ' free3g's ' 15m gbpusd 'scalp' system - see attached 'gbp15' png, some
indicators are missing from the image but included in the zip

second image shows the lime-red 'SignalLine' overlaying the 'TriggerLines' indicator
I like the SignalLine but would prefer it if it were coded for arrows rather than a line -
so if you can code . . . the ' freeRSI ' indicator is ok but not sure it's better than the
gmacd - you decide
. . .


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