Sandy Jadeja Fib Course

Hey Daermo

A belated (and by the sound of it, needed) welcome!

Don't let the intial hostility put you off. It's just that people are very wary of potential spammers and the like. It can spoil an otherwise excellent forum.

Stick around and the hostility will soon die down.

FWIW, I also bought the stanzione manual -folder and video (which you mentioned on the other thread) I agree pretty much with what you say about it. ie aimed very much at newbies (vulnerable), content is actually OK imo for newbies and some is useful, BUT and the big BUT is that like you, I think it is vastly overpriced.
The content is no better/ worse than many trading books available, but the problem is, it costs about 10 times as much as most books.

Fortunately, I wasn't a complete newbie when I bought it so had enough about me not to be taken in about vince's wild claims of overnight riches, just left with the embarrasment of paying well over the odds for info worth much less than I paid. 😱 😱

At the end of the day, vince is guilty of no more than over zealous marketing and over priced information. As to the question of whether he is a successful trader, well I guess that is down to him to know and us to find out. Chances are he doesn't care either way cos clearly, people are still buying his manuals/ courses etc.

Anyway daermo, stick with T2W, it's a great resource.

PS. I hope you aren't Sandy wotzizname or I've just made an @rse of myself sticking up for you! 😆
Apologies meant Fibbonacci Rubbish!!!

daermo said:
Dear Zenda,
Sorry to harass you but you mention in your post about the uselessness of Bollinger Band theories. I don't understand why you mention Bollinger Bands? I am not trying to be facetious but Bollinger Bands have no connection with any of the threads or am I missing something?

Sorry - Mate got Mixed up 🙄 - I meant Fibbonacci! 😎 Let me start again - Fibonacci is crap and I also so are other systems like Gann & Elliot Wave etc - As my mate Larry Williams said they are all "Frauds" Bollinger has got some positive attributes - Hope that Helps - As I said showm me any chart and I will get fibs to fit it - I promise its rubbish !! :cheesy:
Faris said:

If your ever need cheering up from a having a miserable day, this is the place to be.
There is way to many people on these boards who become hyper-critical over claims made by other people.
Come on guys, grab a beer and relax on this lovely day!

Faris.. 😆 😆

Its Raining here 🙁
Hello wisestguy.

Sandy is recruited as a consultant on behalf of Finspread.
I know he also trades through them as well.


The probable reason why your post brought forth what you might consider cynical posts was that nearly all, if not all the contributors to this thread are from newly registered members who suddenly appear make a few posts including high praise for Sandy J and are never heard from again.

To the best of my knowledge not one of these posters has ever come back and informed us how they are applying the Sandy J method and their success or otherwise, although one or two said that they would but did not.

So perhaps you will understand the reception another Sandy J poster receives when it is the same as many that have gone before it but nothing comes after it.


Faris said:
Hello wisestguy.

Sandy is recruited as a consultant on behalf of Finspread.
I know he also trades through them as well.


does he get a wage from them or does he just take what he can from his courses
From the conversation i had with Sandy he mentioned that he was not on the payroll of Finspread, but im sure there is some kind of relationship between them both as Finspread is recommending Sandy to all there customers.

[Thanks for the welcome. No I'm really not Sandy and I appreciate the greetings. Will speak again and I agree with your comments about VS.
Amazing..this site is upposed to be about helping others instead we get the Zenda's ALWAYS on the negative.

I suggest we keep it positive.

For the record, I attended at Finspreads Seminar and then a full 1 day seminar and guess what? I am making money. Ok im not rolling in the bucks but hey I started with £2k and I now have £3.3k

Am I a genius? No I applied what I was taught with a few mistakes along the way and instead of moaning and groaning on this site I went directly to Sandy to ask questions. I realised the mistakes made were mine and not the method. Yes I agree with one of the other posts that this is not a beginners course and he does tell you not to trade until you understand what is taught. Finspreads has been a blessing for me but not for others. Life aint perfect and neither is trading.

You will find that others who went to the course were also taught to strictly stay away from NOISE and focus on the markets and yourself. I guess that is what the successful traders are doing.

We should all take a note from his words and if you do meet him then you will find a down to earth guy who just wants people to trade safer and better. In my view Sandy and Naz are top traders and we need more of them rather than DW and VS.

So lets make this into something worthwhile and worth reading.

Dear JC
Delighted to see a positive response and thank you for taking the trouble to comment. I agree with your comments and am pleased to see that someone else has had a positive result from the seminar. Bracke mentioned that they seem to get new visitors praising Sandy and then disappearing from the site. I imagine quite a few get put off by the negative responses. Faris mentioned that Sandy is a consultant of Finspreads. I spoke to a couple of the people at Finspreads who told me they asked Sandy to do seminars in order to help customers to be more successful at trading. There is apparently a huge number who open accounts with all the firms and then lose their money and give up or simply never trade and close the account. The firms make their money from the spread and as they hedge their positions it is not in their interest for customers to fail. I have also had similar comments, about the numbers who fail, from Cantor and CMC. I hope to be back on line in a few weeks extolling the success of the system! If it fails I will admit it and may become one of the moaners!!
Daermo just stick to the positive people on here and you'll be ok. There is some good people on here despite the nasty ones who ruin it.

SB companies are regulated and my expereince with them has been good. It does not matter if you SB or trade futures. If you can't trade well then you will loose on both sides. But I think if you are looking to hold position for more than a few days it is worth considering SB.

Also I know from another SB company that they wanted Sandy but Finspreads got there first and he is happy there. Don't know about the payroll as he does trade through them.

Either way what does it matter. If he has done a good job in teaching something worthwhile and your happy so be it. It seems that nearly everone I have spoken to or met has been happy with him which is more than the other trainers out there.

It's also great to learn from other people here too but I must admit I tend to see more moaners here then elsewhere and that's why I posted the previous response.

Hopefully from this point on we might be moving forward.
I attended Sandys 1 day course on 31st July and my opinion of him now that I have met him is that he is a genuine guy who does actually care about how his students are getting on.
I havent actually put into practice what was taught yet but have every intention of giving it my best shot.

John Cyprus: how long has it taken you to get from 2k to 3.3k if you dont mind me asking?
Also, about how many trades do you identify per month with the sandy method?

I was a little surprised to hear that Zenda uses a system the same as Dan Zanger. When I really expected her to say " I jump onto my broomstick, fly twice around the room then consult my crystal ball" or other such rubbish.
There is no system as far as I am aware that guarantees success. However, if you find any system or indicator that consistently turns in profits, then stick with it.

In life one will always find people quick to draw conclusions and critical of all but their own opinion.

Before any of you ask, I am not a spammer, I am not a system retailer or trainer of any sort. I am a humble apprentice just starting out on my journey through the maelstrom of technical & fundamental analysis. I thought perhaps there was somebody here who could help. Perhaps I have come to the wrong shop. This appears to be a place for trading insults.

Hi everyone.

I understand some of the comments that are being made as there are are a few disparaging people on these boards but also there are some very helpful people who go out of there way to help newbies or point people in the right direction.
Iv talked to a few of these traders. People like Buk and Newtron Bomb and others are very constructive people who put the time in to aid others.
Also you might want to check out the "no indicators revisited" thread which has some excellent examples of how i think most people should trade which was started by Chartman( another helpful trader).

Happy Trading
Andrew I ususally find I am taking around 6-9 trades on US stocks per month. Of these about 4 are successful but the losses are really small.

You find that the way Sandy has taught works quite well and when a stock goes in your direction it really goes well so that you get a nice profit. My trades last for around 2 weeks so in effect I am position trading for max profit potential. This works well on commodiites and currencies too.

It has taken me 5 months now to get to this level and still feel that I am learning alot about myself. Trust me it has not been easy. I had been on a DW course before Sandys and it took me a while before I could get it the DW style out of myself.

What I learnt at Sandys Course has helped me by cutting my losses, waiting for the right trades and learning to control myself emotionally. The entries he taught are really useful. As I said before this has worked really well for me. It might be diiferent for you.
John, I would be interested to learn a little more about the things Sandy has taught you, in particular how he selects his trades and how he exits his losers( what is his stop loss advise) .
daermo said:
The firms make their money from the spread and as they hedge their positions it is not in their interest for customers to fail. I have also had similar comments, about the numbers who fail, from Cantor and CMC. I hope to be back on line in a few weeks extolling the success of the system! If it fails I will admit it and may become one of the moaners!!

Please don't take this the wrong way .

But I have seen FS's internal acconts and sat in the dealing room many times before. And the fact is that they do NOT ( unless they have changed recently , which I doubt very much ) hedge a lot of their trades with customers , they believe that they are better traders than your average punter and will stake their money on it . they only hedge periodically and with large single bets, when they feel the risk is increasing

The gross profit for 99/00 was something like 10m quid , this was their 1st year.

You don't that sort of profit from just making the spread.

They may not want their customers to fail but they sure do make a lot of their $ betting against them.

Having said that , this should not discourage anyone from dealing with them . As has been said , if you can make $ then whether it's a broker or SB makes litte difference , except on the margins side.