Where to start ?

Steve Middx

Where to start????????

Hello all, I have just joined, and I am a complete but willing to learn novice!
My only experience so far has been reading the Market wizards, and beginners guide to online trading, by Toni Turner, and the madness of crowds.
But now I am looking towards spreadbetting, as I want to try and move on, and this seems to appeal to me more, but where to start?
With so much information out there, who do you go to, and who's real and honest, like many I have been scammed before?
Does anyone have any knowledge of tradestars and the holy grail method?
Principles of profit- Cory Bernardi, or has anyone been on the Sandy Jadeja course, seminar, as he seems to get good right ups from other sites?
Any help out there from you experienced people, would be greatly appreciated, and would most probably save me a lot of wasted time and wasted money????????
save your money for a while and just start to read the threads posted by the Likes of FTSE beater . Bonsai and chartman etc . If you listen to them, you wont lose too much at the beginning.
Good luck
Thanks Halfbutt and Rossored for your friendly help and advice, I will be checking this information out!
I know that I need to study and learn more, before I even think about laying some real money down?
Anything else that comes to mind please let me know?
Steve Middx

Several people have been on the Sandy J course (see other threads) but no one has yet posted the results of using his methods. We await with baited breath and colonic anticipation.


bracke said:
Several people have been on the Sandy J course (see other threads) but no one has yet posted the results of using his methods.

No one has posted fullstop. Of the 10 people who wrote reviews 6 of them have not made a single post on the boards. That makes the reviews look like plants.
Two Bars

I refer you to the thread 'Sandy J - is he that brilliant'.

jaykay3 had attended the course and spoke highly of it but had not traded the system. His last post was 22 01 04 and he said that he would post again when he had started using the system.

Bearing in mind that it iis only two months since he last posted he may be waiting until he has made a number of trades in order to obtain a representative sample.

Hopefully he will come back to us.

Perhaps all of the other people who attended the course are so busy making money that they have no time or inclination to come back to us.


You need to develop your own trading style that suits your personality, that might take a while. Certainly don't subscribe to any 'Holy Grail of Trading', ask questions of all the cynical b'stards on T2W. Spend your first few pennies on some books, my recommendation would be Beyond Candlesticks by Steve Nison, this switched a light on for me a couple of years ago, others find it useless, but that's the point, you need to investigate a few trading styles to see what fits you.

Generally whatever methods you use, the weak link will be you. No course will offer a quick fix for that! If you like 'easy', then I suggest you sell courses on how to trade, but if you're up for a bit of a challenge, then welcome mate!
Thanks to everyone, and for their advice, I have spoken to Sandy J, but his course is for people who have already traded, or have some trading knowlege.
And me being a complete novice would not have suited me?
He may be putting a one day beginners course together in the near future!
I feel like I need to get some hands on experience without getting burnt badly, if thats posible, any suggestions?
And I feel like I will be heading more towards spreadbetting, and maybe swing or position trading, any pointers?
I'm sure I would not be cut out for sitting in front of a PC screen, for hours, day in day out, if this sounds ignorant, I'm still learning?
Once again thanks for all the friendly advice, time and experience, you people are offering!
I swing/range trade and avoid staring at the screens if at all possible. But hold your horses! You're keen, that's good, but you are also too keen, that's bad. Rush into this business and then drop out just as quickly. The markets will always be here, your trading capital won't. Develop some systems, back test, then forward test, then add the component of money, try then to control the 'trading for real' effect which will cause you to question everything and undermine your system. Once you are aware of the weakness in your psychology, and trading is all psychology, you can move forward and make money. Why get your figures burnt at all? Forget the term Spread Betting, think of it as simply a financial derivative(flawed as it is) and lose your gambling tendencies. If your heart is pounding the first time you make a trade, you know too little!
zigglewigler said:
... but you are also too keen, that's bad ...

I can vouch for that ... put your money somewhere you can't get at it until you've been here for a while. I was keen, now i'm back to square 1! Of course i have one big advantage over most people here ... it can only get better from here 🙂
Yes i'm keen, but not in a rush, believe me?
For now I am just plodding along trying to learn, and study, and I want to learn from the right people!
Thats why i asking about about the websites and courses, if you dont ask, you dont know?
What I have been reading so far, I'm getting my own impression, that day trading may be too hectic for my own personality, but maybe it will come with time?
I have been reading FTSB beaters right ups, on this site, and I would like to know more about swing, position trading, maybe that will suit me more, who knows?
Could be ignorance is bliss in my case, but I am still on that learning curve, and i do not intend to jump in yet, no way!
So thanks for your concerns, and your helpful advice, its good to know someone cares?
Best wishes