S&P 500 weekly competition for 2012

Thanks for all the birthday wishes guys 🙂

Day off tomorrow too. Back to work on Wednesday.
A big Costanza round of applause for dpinpon lads. 😀

W/E 8th June - results

Well, well, well folks. Didn't the bears get a pasting this week. After putting in some volume towards the end of last week and on Monday this week (usually a sign of institutional buying at 'wholesale' prices) the S&P soared with some serious climbing leading to a close at 1325.66. Personally I will be interested in seeing net long/short on COT as that will tip my prediction for next week.

That aside, we have an interesting scenario for the podium this week as we extend it to be a quartet rather than trio. So well done to our John, Paul, George and Ringo:

1) ibetyou & samspade79 - 1310 (-15.66)
2) Atilla - 1300 (-25.66)
3) Gaffs1964 - 1295 (-30.66)

So congrats to our joint winners ibetyou and sam for a really good contrarian call and Atilla and Gaffs for also making it onto the podium :clap::clap::clap:😎😎😎

Now then, the leaderboard. Hot, hot, hot. Rollover started on quarterly contracts this week signalling the rapid approach to the quarterly finishing line. So guess what? Our favourite attack dog, Atilla has once again resumed the lead!! Just when you think he's fading he comes back with a mighty punch to remind us mortals that TA really can work. If I didn't know better, I would be drugs testing him right now to see if there is anything performance enhancing in his bloodstream.

Link to results


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Initially I thought the weighted average would do a lot better and at least outperform the average. But it doesn't seem to.
Why is this ? It implies that the players with the better scores start to fade., maybe. Although Atilla has done well most of this quarter.

Illogical Mr Spock ?
It works well when trending and badly when rangebound as it gets whipped about being a lagging indicator.

The current leaders on the leaderboard are on average, the biggest bears in the group and because the prevailing conditions this quarter have been bearish, their bias pays off.

That's my story anyway.
Re: W/E 8th June - results

Well, well, well folks. Didn't the bears get a pasting this week. After putting in some volume towards the end of last week and on Monday this week (usually a sign of institutional buying at 'wholesale' prices) the S&P soared with some serious climbing leading to a close at 1325.66. Personally I will be interested in seeing net long/short on COT as that will tip my prediction for next week.

That aside, we have an interesting scenario for the podium this week as we extend it to be a quartet rather than trio. So well done to our John, Paul, George and Ringo:

1) ibetyou & samspade79 - 1310 (-15.66)
2) Atilla - 1300 (-25.66)
3) Gaffs1964 - 1295 (-30.66)

So congrats to our joint winners ibetyou and sam for a really good contrarian call and Atilla and Gaffs for also making it onto the podium :clap::clap::clap:😎😎😎

Now then, the leaderboard. Hot, hot, hot. Rollover started on quarterly contracts this week signalling the rapid approach to the quarterly finishing line. So guess what? Our favourite attack dog, Atilla has once again resumed the lead!! Just when you think he's fading he comes back with a mighty punch to remind us mortals that TA really can work. If I didn't know better, I would be drugs testing him right now to see if there is anything performance enhancing in his bloodstream.

Link to results

Always enjoy your write ups dear Robster. I think you should become a movie critic or have your own column in Readers Digest or something. You are wasting your remarkable good talents on trading 😉 - 👍

To be honest I was dissapointed last week the H&S didn't play out to 1330 and then 1350 as was CLEARLY visible in the charts. Europe is clouding judgements imho.

Markets reluctant to go down as there is so much real value in stocks. People lose sight of the fact that life will go on irrespective of the numbers game. Even if we do have a down spell, because there is so much money sloshing about in the system it has to be spent somewhere and S&P 500 is a better bet right now than most other stuff other than property and land - especially in the US of A 😉

fwiw I also think Europe going down the chute will really help USA and ASIA in some respects by eliminating competition as European companies will find it hard to compete and have less monies to spend on R&D and new products etc etc.

Not to mention reluctance to tax the rich and social security for the poor will maintain peoples disposable incomes to allow the global economy to continue to tick over just fine.

Really have no idea what the big deal and fuss is about. 😱 Europe in a tea cup. Over rated, over indulged, over complicated, over spent, over politicised, fat bunch of know it alls and fraudulent gits.

Let's all learn to deal with it as we have learnt to live with it just fine.

1350 for me please Rob. 👍
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Initially I thought the weighted average would do a lot better and at least outperform the average. But it doesn't seem to.
Why is this ? It implies that the players with the better scores start to fade., maybe. Although Atilla has done well most of this quarter.

Illogical Mr Spock ?

I prefer TA to FA and try not to form a view of direction. It's all hit and miss really but providing the TA system is followed with some consistency it pays off in the long run.

If I see a pattern and I think that's not possible in the current climate based on the news - I go with the TA rather than what I think. This has been one of the most difficult challenges for me to over-come.

Not illogical Mr Spock but pure text book TA based on ad-hoc interpretation of those well written wise words.

If everybody interprets the TA same as all the other sheep in the markets then I'm happy to be sheep in the herd.
Rob, you have the direction and podium points mixed up. Doesn't affect the calculations as far as I can see though.

Congrats to the winners. It would seem I am a perennial bull what with this kind of a track record this season. 😱

I'll take the Holy Grail for gamers again and seek 1337!
The weighted average of my 4 indicators is 1311, so that's mine this week.

My range is 1339 - 1273