Again, sorry, I should say in my way to my office.
Gotta keep off that cactus juice dp 😆
So, welcome to themilton - a canny prediction if I might say so.
Sorry for being late, have been away the bank holiday weekend.
Up: 4
Down: 12
Average: 1360.5
Wt Average: 1360.1
Highest: 1388
Lowest: 1340
Good luck boys and girls :clover:
Link to this weeks predictions
Thanks Robster970. Being that I'm such a noobster, I usually try to err on the side of caution. It looks like I'm going to be dead wrong already. Good thing I don't trade the ES. It's still pretty early in the game for me and I find it difficult to guage the volitility of $SPX. What did you mean by WT Average?
Thanks Robster970. Being that I'm such a noobster, I usually try to err on the side of caution. It looks like I'm going to be dead wrong already. Good thing I don't trade the ES. It's still pretty early in the game for me and I find it difficult to guage the volitility of $SPX. What did you mean by WT Average?
Preliminary results calculated, summary to follow tomorrow. Well done themilton for getting a podium in your first week 🙂
Thank You! I still can't believe how close I was.
What a week eh lads. Someone is quite seriously propping up S&P just underneath the 1350 level and no amount of trying seems to be stopping these people from hoovering up all available contracts. So in what has been a somewhat choppy week, the index finished down at 1353.39.
Now then, after our brief departure to inaccurate forecasting, I can announce a triumphant return to high precision prediction with our Charlie's Angels being:
1) wackypete2 - 1354 (0.61)
2) hwsteele - 1353 (1.61)
3) themilton - 1350 (-3.39)
Excellent work boys, especially themilton for getting his first podium on his first prediction. :clover::clover:😀😀😀
Commiserations to Pat who was literally pipped from first place to off the list in the last 30mins of the session - unlucky my friend 🙁
So this brings me onto the leaderboard. Atilla still leads but pete and hwsteele are showing a degree of consistency now that is seriously threatening to take Atilla out of the hot-spot. A 3 horse race or do the rest of us have a chance to catch up?
Anyway, I think next week will be interesting but I'll keep that one to myself 😉
Link to results
Commiserations to Pat who was literally pipped from first place to off the list in the last 30mins of the session - unlucky my friend 🙁
Link to results
Also note how close the three moving averages are(20,50,200) to the other retracement lines. I'm guessing if the market is moving down it may find some support around the 50day. It may be a little off since I'm using EMA and not SMA. Your thoughts? Hopefully I'm doing this right.
Good work Rob.
It's not just because of the above but I'm usually sort of on the lookout to improve all things I come across.
It would be fairer all round if everyone got points. So numero uno gets 1 point etc. etc or the reverse the man farthest away gets one point, second farthest 2 etc. etc.
Whichever you fancy. The second alternative takes into account how many are taking part. Showing it's better to win a 10 participant race than a 2 runners race.
Maybe you couldn't stand the extra strain ? We would understand.
I don't think you should make any changes mid quarter in the competition. It would have to be at the start of the third quarter if at all as it works fine imo.
However, one suggestion I'd like to make for the future which could be added in to competition is to do a distance based scoring system. So the idea would be that the winner of the quarter would have the lowest cumulative amount of points at the end of the quarter. So for example this week wackypete2 would have got 0.61 and hwsteele 1.61, whereas I would have got 20.61. And to account for people missing weeks they would get the same as whoever got the worst score of the week for that week they missed. So each weeks distances would be added up and you could then see who was the most accurate player over time.