Ooops, too busy eating easter eggs this week - for the record I would have gone long Pat!
I'm not feeling quite so confident with my long call now.........
Maybe a bounce for tomorrow
So the week ended 1370.26 - and there was me thinking after yesterday's rally that I was in with a shout of an up week 🙄
Anyway, this week's beautiful minds are:
1) Isatrader - 1371 (0.74)
2) Average & Donstar - 1372 (1.74)
3) hwsteele - 1368 (-2.26)
So well done to isatrader, donstar and hwsteele for some really close calls 👍👍
On a general note, I am noticing that the accuracy of the group has seriously hotted up over the last 6 months. Maybe it's just luck. Or maybe it is voodoo. 😈
As for the leaderboard, Atilla (you little minx) and hwsteele (you little minx too) occupy the joint top spot so well done guys. Thanks👍
Link to full results
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This should show up relatively highly ranked on a google search now.
I reported it as spam this morning but nothing seems to have happened so decided to take matters into my own hands......
Anyway Atilla, even though I'm not off the starting line for Q2, I'm still going to hunt you down like this wild tiger:
Hey Robster, just out of curiousity, what the hell happened next to that brave elephant jockey, had a happy ending or a gory finale.
Hunt him down like a tiger? OH wait wild tiger.
Wait, are you the tiger or the dude trying to take the tiger down with two sticks?
I reported it as spam this morning but nothing seems to have happened so decided to take matters into my own hands......
Anyway Atilla, even though I'm not off the starting line for Q2, I'm still going to hunt you down like this wild tiger:
What are tigers scared of?
Answer: Amazingly all animals have the same 3 parts of their brain as a human does. the one that gets scared: the primitive brain is the one that decides when faced with a fight or flight situation.
for example: should a tiger be facing you alone in prowl position then you could shout really loud at them and they would run off.
That should do the trick. :cheesy:
Bet he has some nightmares after that encounter.
The NHS psychobabble lot would go nuts over a case like this for post traumatic stress syndromes.