S&P 500 free weekly competition for 2019 with PRIZES

Good luck all and a warm welcome to our newest forecaster @littlechops1 🙂

SP500 weekly forecasts 08 Nov 19.png
@Pat494 has a Zen-like ability to take more Golds and more points and @wackypete2 and @counter_violent must be taking the same Bhudda-type lessons to add to their run on the medals, well done chaps, you are a credit to the competition. At this point in the competition as we head towards the end of the year, we see the 2 front runners both on 51 points each, it is a forgone conclusion that one of these two will become the annual winner.

Achieving Zen obviously takes hard work, dedication and an ability to squat, you 3 guys have clearly mastered the art.


SP500 weekly results 08 Nov 19.png

SP500 close 08 Nov 19.png
Can it really go up again for another week ?
Let's assume a pause in the bull run.
3042.3 pls


  • Gold.PNG
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We have reached the mid-point of the final quarter of the year and of the decade, good luck everyone.

SP500 weekly forecasts 15 Nov 19.png