S&P 500 cash weekly competition for 2017 with PRIZES!


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Thanks all [emoji3]

Its great fun trying to predict price when surrounded by so much noise! Good luck everyone.

2500 please
Treasury's are yealding 2.8%, the dollar is rising on interest rate hike talks, and the s&p is still going through the roof.

Glad to see the yanks are still not making any sense!
The Friday ramp made its appearance again.
Only cbrads managed to overshoot the mark by 1.34 points but still gained Gold.
Wackypete didnt quiet have enough gumption and fell short by 3.86 points to take Silver.
Mike picks up Bronze.


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Despite being wrong-sided this week, his stellar performance over the quarter makes signalcalc the quarter winner with 15 points. :clap:
cbrads second with 12.
And what a close run thing with 4 people in joint third place on 9 points mike, postman, lexcorp and fairval.


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