Well done to SignalCalc who takes gold and the top of the quarter 3 league table. He is also close behind heels of WackyPete for the over all year running tot. 1 point behind. Rising star indeed. Well done SignalCalc :clap::clap::clap:
Fairval takes silver and Cbrads the bronze. Well done to you too and so close to each other... 👍👍
Bulls have the bears between their bolas and well and truly trampling all over them. Bulls all steam, no puffs. Got to run out of mmmmpphhhh sooner or later. Surely every bull needs a puff sooner or later. Yeah I know crazy fool what must I be thinking... SPX run out of mmppphhhh. Never... 🙂
Write up all yours SingalCalc, make it good... 👍